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Sup, my name is Ooh-Z which is pronounced Uzi which is similar to Oozee. I also play Yu-Gi-Oh and am terrible at it.


I also buy tons of fighting games even though I am bad at them. I just like studying the way it plays, I guess.


I like crudely drawn pictures of things in MS Paint.


I am made of salt. MADE OF IT.


I think that Konami made an oopsie with this coming ban list.


I like to read some manga and watch anime in my free time.


That's about it about me I guess. Nice to be here. Oh, my DN name is xziYziUZI if any of you recognize it.

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Guest Coolpuppy23

welcome my good friend. stay away from the TCG section. trust me, you will get bombarded with insults if dont know everything about the game at a competitive level.

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I also play Yu-Gi-Oh and am terrible at it.


So, avoid posting on TCG section. The people there are too hostile to people who aren't used to a deep level of Yugioh knowledge. Obviously there are exception, but expect lots of insults.



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