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Ideas for gishki support


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this isnt an attempt to create a new archetype. But rather, to give more support to an already excisting one. Now, i'm ahuge fan of gishkis and how they play and decided to come up with some support for them.

First up is a field spell

Submerged Temple of the gishki
Field spell
Effect: When a WATER Ritual Monster is Ritual Summoned, you can pay 500 life points; return 1 monster that was tributed for the Ritual Summon from your Graveyard to your hand. Face-up "Gishki" Ritual monsters cannot be targeted by card effects.
I dont know if its OP and if so, could someone suggest how I could balance it a little.

Evigishki Twin magician
Monster/Xyz/Rank 4/WATER/Spellcaster
ATK/1800 DEF/1000
Effect: 2 Level 4 "Gishki" monsters
Once per turn: you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card and target 1 Level 4 or lower WATER monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.

I'll post more as I come up with more ideas. In the meantime, could you guys give some suggestions for support.

See ya

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Well, before I criticize the effect, let's do an obligatory OCG fix.

"When a WATER Ritual Monster is Ritual Summoned, you can pay 500 life points; return 1 monster that was tributed for the Ritual Summon from your Graveyard to your hand." Yadda yadda yadda the rest is fine.

The first effect seems like a better version of [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ascending_Soul"]Ascending Soul[/url]. As in, without the once-per-turn limitation. Ascending soul is okay, so this is good, but the immunity to targeting seems like overkill. Soul Ogre and Zeal Gigas have huge atk and aren't exactly hard to summon, so the only way one would dispose of them is via effect. Non-targeting effects are rare, most decks I think would only have Dark Hole and Mirror Force to do that.

That said, they can always destroy the field spell. Given that it is a field spell it's easier than others to destroy. I really don't know if this is OP, anti-targeting cards are hard to judge.

Also? I share your love for gishkis.

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[quote name='Giga Hand' timestamp='1330147968' post='5839328'] Well, before I criticize the effect, let's do an obligatory OCG fix. "When a WATER Ritual Monster is Ritual Summoned, you can pay 500 life points; return 1 monster that was tributed for the Ritual Summon from your Graveyard to your hand." Yadda yadda yadda the rest is fine. The first effect seems like a better version of [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ascending_Soul"]Ascending Soul[/url]. As in, without the once-per-turn limitation. Ascending soul is okay, so this is good, but the immunity to targeting seems like overkill. Soul Ogre and Zeal Gigas have huge atk and aren't exactly hard to summon, so the only way one would dispose of them is via effect. Non-targeting effects are rare, most decks I think would only have Dark Hole and Mirror Force to do that. That said, they can always destroy the field spell. Given that it is a field spell it's easier than others to destroy. I really don't know if this is OP, anti-targeting cards are hard to judge. Also? I share your love for gishkis. [/quote]

OCG fixed and new card added

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ATK and DEF aren't listed. OCG fix:

"Once per turn: you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card and target 1 Level 4 or lower WATER monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target."

Twin Magician is easy to summon with Gishki Beast. Can abuse the effect of Gishki Marker, but targets for Marker's effect usually don't stay in the grave for long, so I have no problem with that. Its best use would probably be to summon Abyss, IMO Abyss is the best Gishki. If I'm running a build that can use Gishki Marker, I can Normal Summon Gishki Beast, use its effect to summon Gishki Marker and grab a card from my grave, then Xyz summon this, use its effect to summon Gishki Abyss, and search a card with Abyss' effect. That's 3 cards worth of advantage from 1 card in hand. However, the setup for it is tricky at best, so I say it's fine.

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TC, learn Gishkis. They don't need either one of these.

Submerged Temple of the gishki
Field spell
Effect: When a WATER Ritual Monster is Ritual Summoned, you can pay 500 life points; return 1 monster that was tributed for the Ritual Summon from your Graveyard to your hand.
[b]Yeah, except Aquamirror already does that.[/b]
Face-up "Gishki" Ritual monsters cannot be targeted by card effects.
[b]TBH I'd worry more about TT. Mainly because Gishkis always OTK either way.[/b]

Evigishki Twin magician
Monster/Xyz/Rank 4/WATER/Spellcaster
ATK/1800 DEF/1000
Effect: 2 Level 4 "Gishki" monsters
Once per turn: you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card and target 1 Level 4 or lower WATER monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.
[b]Effect-wise it's good, because it can bring back an Abyss, but summoning condition-wise it's not. Gishkis rarely go for Rank 4s.[/b]

My idea of good Gishki support is something they'd run. (S/T destruction that allows better set-ups for Zeal Gigas OTK, a good searcher, etc.) Not these.

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OCG fixed and ATK and DEF added. The Xyz is meant to be easy to summon. I've always wanted a Gishki that had a good effect and was easy to summon with gishki beast. Twin magician does exactly that.

[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1330242270' post='5841545']
TC, learn Gishkis. They don't need either one of these.

Submerged Temple of the gishki
Field spell
Effect: When a WATER Ritual Monster is Ritual Summoned, you can pay 500 life points; return 1 monster that was tributed for the Ritual Summon from your Graveyard to your hand.
[b]Yeah, except Aquamirror already does that.[/b]
Face-up "Gishki" Ritual monsters cannot be targeted by card effects.
[b]TBH I'd worry more about TT. Mainly because Gishkis always OTK either way.[/b]

Evigishki Twin magician
Monster/Xyz/Rank 4/WATER/Spellcaster
ATK/1800 DEF/1000
Effect: 2 Level 4 "Gishki" monsters
Once per turn: you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card and target 1 Level 4 or lower WATER monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.
[b]Effect-wise it's good, because it can bring back an Abyss, but summoning condition-wise it's not. Gishkis rarely go for Rank 4s.[/b]

My idea of good Gishki support is something they'd run. (S/T destruction that allows better set-ups for Zeal Gigas OTK, a good searcher, etc.) Not these.
[/quote] For your information, Gishki beast is practicly an instant Rank 4 Xyz. Thats the purpose of twin magician. Also, I'll consider the suggestions you gave me.

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[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1330242270' post='5841545']
TC, learn Gishkis. They don't need either one of these.

Submerged Temple of the gishki
Field spell
Effect: When a WATER Ritual Monster is Ritual Summoned, you can pay 500 life points; return 1 monster that was tributed for the Ritual Summon from your Graveyard to your hand.
[b]Yeah, except Aquamirror already does that.[/b]
I run Gishkis. I don't go for OTKs on account of a seething hatred of the very concept, but more than half the time I tribute Shadow or Vision for my rituals. Which Aquamirror doesn't return and are useful in a Gishki deck (don't even bother trying to convince me they're not).

Some people like to play cards in an original way. You know how I said I run Gishkis? I have 2 Gishki decks and outside staples they have no cards in common (sure one of them is vastly inferior but I have gotten props for being original and it's extremely fun to play) . If someone makes a card to encourage a Gishki Xyz deck, I say go ahead.

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[quote name='Giga Hand' timestamp='1330258934' post='5841631']
I run Gishkis. I don't go for OTKs on account of a seething hatred of the very concept, but more than half the time I tribute Shadow or Vision for my rituals. Which Aquamirror doesn't return and are useful in a Gishki deck (don't even bother trying to convince me they're not).[/quote]
Okay, so maybe your ba...I mean "original" Gishki deck tributes Shadow or Vision for the rituals more than half of the time. However, over 95% of the time, the Zeal Gigas OTK deck (which is pretty much the best variant of Gishkis) tributes a Ritual Monster for the Aquamirror. Besides, Aquamirror's effect basically says "You're meant to tribute a Ritual Monster for this, bro".

Either way, TC needs to give the Field Spell an effect that doesn't overlap with Aquamirror.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay came up with new card. It conflicts a lot with the concept of gishkis but is pure *wnage

Final Rite of Gishki
This card can only be activated once per Duel.
This card can be used to ritual summon any "Gishki" monster. The monsters used to ritual summon must be banished from your graveyard.
The monster Ritual summoned by this card is unaffected by card effects until the End phase.

I know its not the usual style of gishkis to banish cards. So is it OP or not. If so then tell me how can I balance it.

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