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Half-Breeds (PG13/Not Started/Accepting)

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The Empire of Okleef collapsed after the death of Leonidas II. The empire dissolved into civil war between East and West Okleef, two new republics dueling for the throne. Although at first they remained on peaceful terms, eventually the militant West tried to take over the democratic East. In the race for arms, the Western government commissioned a group of scientists to create a nuclear superweapon. But something went wrong at the testing ground. Animal-Human hybrids wrong. The radiation spread throughout both republics, and the "Half-Breeds" who were created were cast out as freaks and forcibly relocated by West Okleef as a huge cover-up. But one Half-Breed may change all that...



Age :

Background :

Animal Half :

Human Appearance :

Half-Breeds Appearance :

My Form

Name : Ryu

Age : 15

Background : Ryu was one of the first to be infected by the radiation. Shunned by his friends, neighbors, and even his family, he now lives a nomad seeking a home, answers, and justice.

Animal Half : Lizard

Human Appearance : Blonde anime hair, white sleeveless vest, brown khakis and a unique gold necklace.

Half-Breeds Appearance : Stereotypical lizard-man; green scales, red spines on his back, hair and tail, and an axe for a weapon.

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I think ill skip the half-breed thing. Its just too much used. Ill stick with human, and use the rules of the rpg section. And the picture is EXACTLEY as i pictured it..


Name: Niolu

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Background: Niolu is a rebel man who was cast out of the city for making a watch that could form electricity, heat, light, and nuclear energy and then control it. When he was cast out, the animal he made from all energies of his watch stayed, when it was supposed to go away after 4 hours. He named it Bale and set off, ready to take revenge. He is currently a ex-gangster, police, soldier, and doctor. The city is called Omega Metropolis.

Human Appearance: [ https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRLUjqzvqen7NkxLrMy_fgwgmmtV6n4VfvMO6HWtIZC8e6Nl9YZ ] Only he is a watch thats golden on the sides, red in the middle, and has glowing green numbers on it.

Items: Bale, Energy Watch, long sword(illegal), and .21 relover(also, illegal.)

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