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Holy Marked/Blue-Eyes Build (need suggestions)


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One of my first decks, don't be too harsh, suggest fixes, etc.
Also, I haven't done any research so I might be way off with some additions.
Constructive criticism is veeery welcome.

Monsters: 21

3x Holy Marker of Divine Dragons
3x Nephtys, the holy marked dragon
2x Shu
3x Tefnut
3x Geb
3x Isis
1x Honest

Spells: 14

2x Trade-in
3x Holy Maker of Gathering
2x Burst Stream of Destruction
2x Holy marker of supreme force
1x Heavy Storm
1x MST
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster reborn

Traps: 6
2x Xyz Reborn
1x Compulsory Evac. Device
1x Dragon's rebirth
1x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgement

Extra Deck: 12

3x Atum
3x Ennead
2x Number 15
2x Photon Streak Bouncer
2x Queen Dragun the Dragon Majin


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