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Murder City: Extinction [Started/Accepting/Co-Hosted by Hotaru987] IC


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[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/275801-murder-city-extinction-ooc-not-startedacceptingco-hosted-by-hotaru987/"]OOC[/url]Murder City: Extinction
[spoiler=Murder City]
Freeborn City, a small town surrounded by mountains and a large lake. Ace detective, Tadayoshi Kurokawa ran the Freeborn Police station at age 17, the youngest head detective Freeborn has ever had. He proved himself through his negotiation skills, charisma, ability to solve seemingly impossible crimes, and his sheer determination. He had obtained a new assistant by the name of Yuki Mizao. Yuki is slightly insane, having been placed in a mental home for most of her childhood due to a very traumatic incident. She's very childish, and can be quite cynical when provoked or if she snaps. With her powers having to deal with having self mind control she always have some type of candy with her, as sugar is the only thing that can keep her calm. She came to Tadayoshi as his new assistant and partner. He was very nice to her and she was suspicious, snoopy, and kind back. Of course Tadayoshi would play pranks on the other detectives, especially Yuki, one day he even filled her desk with hundreds of suckers with her favorite flavors. These two where the greatest detective duo of Freeborn.

After solving the crimes of a church burning, headed by the mob boss Luscious, using their special powers, Yuki and Tadayoshi became heroes fast. Tadayoshi could use Telepathy, read minds, and can send subliminal messages into one's mind to trick one into doing something. Weapon of choice? A semi-automatic handgun. Yuki, however, could use telekinesis, moving things with her mind, however the heavier the object the more of a strain on her body, she could also create forcefields. After using her powers she can sometimes get headaches, and suffer from blood loss.

After a small concussion Tadayoshi received after a gunshot wound, weird things began to happen, soon Tadayoshi recovered. But Yuki was kidnapped by, what turned out to be, her long lost brother Raito. Tadayoshi had to trade the captive Luscious for Yuki, the transaction happened and Luscious got away. After a long stream of events, Tadayoshi was thrown into a small pit of depression, which Luscious took advantage of, and killed Tadayoshi, disposing of the body by chucking him off a cliff.

One month later, Luscious was caught, Tadayoshi had a closed casket funeral, and things progressively began to turn back to normal, however Yuki began to feel the pain, but this time she had her older brother Raito by her side. A mysterious criminal appeared, his first assault was on a police officer who was found hanging with a small note written on his chest in permanent marker, about the corruption and criminal pit Freeborn became. Calling it "Murder City".

Null was like smoke, not being caught easily, he evaded Yuki and Raito countless times, each murder becoming increasingly violent. However, December 4th was drawing near and Null warned the entire city that at least 600 people, more than twice the normal amount that attend, must arrive at the cathedral at the top of the hill where the ball is traditionally placed or else the entire city would pay. Yuki did not want to take a chance not believing him, so her and Raito managed to get enough people to come. Null made a flamboyant entrance spouting his normal psychobabble, He had rigged the place with weight sensitive bombs that would go off if one soul left the building before midnight, a week ago in preparation for this event, he managed to do so with his power to completely control the mind of anyone who stares into his eye, the other parts of his face where covered up. Yuki was prepared to kill him once and for all for all the crimes he's done. She snuck in a gun and pointed it at Null only for him to reveal the face of Tadayoshi. Null was an alternate being inside Tadayoshi that gave him his powers, once Tadayoshi began to go into depression, he slowly began to loose his body to Null, when he was killed by Luscious, Null took over the dead body like a parasite of sorts. He removed his robe to reveal a hole where Tadayoshi was stabbed, after more convincing, Yuki finally believed him and she couldn't shoot. However Tadayoshi managed to get in a few last words with his soul barely hanging onto his body, telling her to shoot, as it was not him she was shooting, it was a terrible person she was going to kill. However she had looked into Null's eye, and she began to fall victim to his power, but after much struggle between Null, Tadayoshi, and Yuki, she pulled the trigger, killing Null and Tadayoshi forever... [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Murder City: Reincarnation]
Tadayoshi Kurokawa and Yuki Minato where the best known detectives of Freeborn city. they were loved by all, stopping the famous church burning and capturing Luscious and his mob. Yuki's brother would eventually join the police force with Yuki to protect her while Tadayoshi would have fun with his underling, a private detective who's bark was as strict and mean as her bite. They all solved many crimes and even ended up face to face against a criminal master mind by the name of Kononichi.

However upon a small invasion on Kononichi's island, A mysterious figure appeared that taunted Kononichi who went by the name of Null. Yuki tried to stop him before escaping and failed where Tadayoshi was later informed. Null's attacks on society did not go unnoticed, Yuki and Tadayoshi were up to their necks in work and investigation while Kononichi plotted and even almost captured Null on several occasions, however the mysterious Null consistently evaded their grasp like smoke.

Null disappeared for a while which allowed Yuki and Tadayoshi to live their lives a bit, however after solving many more crimes, June rolled by and Kononichi's plans finally began to unfold, trapping Tadayoshi, Yuki, her brother Raito and Kai (Raito's friend), until Tadayoshi managed to escape and face off in a battle of wits and tactics against Kononichi. Both of them where at each other's throats, each of them countering the other's moves until in a brief moment, Tadayoshi killed Kononichi at the cost of his right arm, which broke.

Things calmed down and December 4th, the Founder's Ball was a month away. Both Tadayoshi and Yuki began having strange flashes of memories they did not remember ever happening. A releasing of Luscious, a concussion, a fight, and Tadayoshi's own death. Lastly, Null, revealing himself to be Tadayoshi in front of Yuki. They couldn't make sense of their memories and Yuki confronted Null about it one night. He told her to come to the Founder's Ball and make sure that Tadayoshi wouldn't come.

The 4th of December came and Yuki and locked Tadayoshi in a closet beforehand, following Null's instructions and headed for the ball without anyone else. However, once she reached it by coach, Tadayoshi managed to escape and find no coaches or taxi's anywhere. He could not run all that way in time, but he didn't know in time for what. He just knew something bad would happen. As the ball progressed, Yuki had more flashes, people dancing, bombs, and blood. Then Null made his entrance, revealing a strange device on his chest. He laughed as Yuki stood there and revealed his identity to be Tadayoshi. He explained that he comes from a different parallel universe where she killed him while he possessed Tadayoshi's body, but he used the last of Tadayoshi's energy and all the souls of Freeborn's criminals to travel to this universe and take over the body of the old chief, who went missing a while ago, and surgically morphed his face and hair to match Tadayoshi's. Yuki was scared and didn't believe him so she pointed a gun at him, however the thing strapped to his chest was a detonator, if he dies, the building blows sky high. Meanwhile it began to snow, hard, and Tadayoshi "borrowed" a horse to travel up to the ball. He gained memories, of everything.... and he knew what would happen.

After Tadayoshi finally made it up to the ball, Null had already destroyed Yuki's mind with the information, psychological trauma on top of the one she already had, She didn't know what to do, and Null had looked into her eye and even began to posses her. However, thanks to Tadayoshi's influence, she could overcome it, but her gun pointed at Tadayoshi, as she was about to pull the trigger, Raito stopped her and managed to get in passed Null's line of view with some of the china that hit Yuki's hand and knocked the gun out of her hand. After saving Yuki while Raito and Kai distracted and battled Null, Tadayoshi instructed Yuki to get out of there with all the guests, She resisted at first, but then Raito forced her out while Tadayoshi, Raito, and Kai battled Null. once Yuki was far enough away, and explosion went off. the only known survivor was Tadayoshi, who barely made it out alive. After over a year of hospital treatments he was finally back to normal and Yuki and Tadayoshi left Freeborn to start their own PI detective agency together...[/spoiler][/spoiler]

20 years later...

[spoiler=Detective Intro]
dear detective,
hello! I Am chief of police odo Mudo. it's a pleasure, i have Noticed much about yoUr work and i wouLd like to formaLly invite you to the Freeborn detectIve agency. your record is quite Notorious for someone of your being, you see.... freeborn's crime rate has increaseD recently and none of our current detectives can do anything about it! Most of thEm are stumped. I Need your assistance FoR wE cannot takE it anymore. the sheer aBundance Of cRimiNals is absUrdly uNnatural. you will be paiD wEll, so Remember our offer and reporT back as soon as you can. Hurry dEteCtive i don't know How yoU'll aRrive, but get here nether the less.

CHief of police
odo mudo[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Criminal Intro]
crIminAl scuM...Now i call yoU out. i know your secrets and your Lies. you wiLl pay For It dearly. Never again shall you walk the same once your secret is revealeD. My associatEs have found you quite INteresting. come to FREEBORN city, it shoUldN't be too Difficult to find, Even foR THosE like you in your... Circumstance. However, please note that if yoU fail to come to us, we will be Ready to Capture you. However if you decide to come, someone will meet you in the city limits with other criminals like you.

u. n. owen [/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=How things work in freeborn]
You are a criminal/detective that has been called to freeborn, all of you are out of town people and the knowledge above in the recap, some of you never heard of, others know of it by rumor, others know much of the story. However you are all to meet there and you will be given further instruction. Yet this will be no ordinary RP, you all must learn to work together in order to solve the biggest mystery yet, what happened to Freeborn... Who did it? and what... happened to you? But may I give you one warning before stepping into Freeborn....

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop... Then retrace...[/spoiler]

*= optional
Power:*(can be anything ANYTHING as long as it's not going to be a meta or god moding problem, Also no one can have the same powers, Telekinesis and Telepathy are taken. See RULES for more information).
Age: 17 or older
Appearance:(picture or AT LEAST 1 paragraph description)
Personality: (AT LEAST 3 lines)
Bio: (AT LEAST 5 lines)
Crime you've solved: (Name of the crime, all details, who was involved etc. Basically why you were chosen to come to freeborn in the first place.)
Power:*(can be anything ANYTHING as long as it's not going to be a meta or god moding problem, Also no one can have the same powers, Telepathy and Raising the dead is taken. See RULES for more information).
Age: 17 or older
Appearance:(picture or AT LEAST 1 paragraph description)
Personality: (AT LEAST 3 lines)
Bio: (AT LEAST 5 lines)
Crime you've commited: (Think of the best crime your character commited and write it down, who was involved EVERYTHING, prove why you were "invited" to Freeborn)

[*]All YCM rules apply
[*]NO godmodding and NO metagaming is permited. This RP relies on secrets and discovery so metagaming and god modding would just ruin it.
[*]Each person can only have a MAXIMUM of 2 characters. However, in order to keep spots open, not all 2nd apps will be accepted.
[*]I am your host
[*]Hotaru987 is your co-host
[*]I am the equivalent to your god in making decision.
[*]When I am not here, Hotaru987 shall be your god.
[*]When Hotaru987 is not present we wait for one of us to return.
[*]NO TWO CRIMINALS CAN HAVE THE SAME POWERS!!!! There is a list below of criminals powers taken.
[*]NO TWO DETECTIVES CAN HAVE THE SAME POWERS!!!! there is a list below of detectives powers taken.
[*]The Advanced clause is in full effect here.
[*]If your character would loose a battle or if your character would be out-witted please do not pull a deux-ex-machina out of your hat, remember your characters is not always going to win ESPECIALLY in this RP.
[*]Lastly, have fun :D

[spoiler=Powers Taken]
Telepathy - ???
Raising the Dead - ???
Yin/Yang(Light and Darkness) - Saransei Huriotia (Alias Known)
Super Speed - Lenzer Groff (Gazelle)
Pyrokenisis - [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Stephanial Fredric Beauregard Copernicus Svennson Esquire XXXII (The Gentleman)[/font][/size]
Leptokinesis - Minako Tsubasa (Rojo)
Microwave Radiation - Black Rose[/spoiler]

Telepathy - ???
Telekinesis - ???
Cryomancy - ???
Counjering (Sub power: Phantom): Akio Chihara (Magus D., Illusionist Prince)
Speaking to Spirits - Leon Estrali (Neol)
Psychometry(Medium/Empathy) - Izna "Izzy" Rosario
Emotion Transferral - Terra Marine
Hypo-Hypnosis (Sub-power, Diplomacy) - Kurai Hatokime (Rai)[/spoiler]

this list will be updated as the RP continues as not to cause spoilers
[spoiler=Chief of Police Odo Mudo]
A chief of Freeborn city that has invited many detectives to the city in order to help with the criminals[/spoiler]
[spoiler=U. N. Owen]
A mysterious man who has blackmailed MANY criminals into coming to Freeborn in order to do a job for his/her "operation"

[spoiler=Accepted Apps]
[spoiler=Black Rose]
Username: Admiral_Stalfos19
Name: She is only ever called Black Rose, her full alias, or just Rose for short. Her [i]real[/i] name is unknown.
Alias: Black Rose
Power: Microwave Radiation (for details on how this works, you can [url="http://fringe.wikia.com/wiki/The_Cure"]click here[/url]. However, please not that it will be dramatically scaled down, to the point where it's actually survivable by all parties.)
Age: 25

^centre one, minus the horns. Image credit goes to aura-selene
Personality: Rose has no memory of the events she was responsible for prior to successfully committing A Combustible Matter. She doesn't even remember committing the crime itself. And it's all because the part of her brain that was responsible for her long term memories was sawn off when her power was activated. Also sawn off was the part of the brain that once housed her emotions, which explains why she comes off as heartless and cold and emotionless. In fact, not even when one expects her to be sad, frightened or angry does she [i]actually[/i] show any form of emotion. Despite being left with a badly decomposed three-quarters of a brain, Rose still has the intellect of a normal human being, and will still remind people of that if necessary.
Bio: Black Rose grew up alone, as her father had died while her mother was still 3 months pregnant with her, and her mother died giving birth. It was a cold and torturous hell, but eventually she was found about 10 years later by a demolition crew that was about to tear the building that she'd been living in apart. However, Rose was still left to fend for herself in the streets, and this [i]certainly[/i] didn't alleviate her problems with her life being so damned miserable. It wasn't until she committed A Combustible Matter that she was paid attention to in any way, shape or form, but even then, she was hunted... and she was hated. Eventually, Rose ran away from the society, or rather [i]walked[/i] away, and ended up in Freeborn, where she would, with any luck, escape all this. After all, she had no memory of committing the crime in the first, so [i]surely[/i] she'd forget about her pursuers. Only time can tell if Rose will be home free... or if she'll suffer for it. Whatever the case, police remain adamant that she's still a threat to the human population.
Crime Committed: [b]A Combustible Matter[/b]

This is a fresh case, that Terra Marine has also assigned herself to solve, since she was there when it happened. There are no accurate details on it yet, as Terra had to rely on her own memory, and all evidence was officially declared contaminated and unusable. But she knew that there were 58 casualties, including herself, that had to be hospitalized from high radiation levels and blood pouring out of their eyes, 14 of those of which had died at the end of the day, and she knew that Black Rose's power was the cause of all this. Whether Rose was targeting [i]anyone[/i] at the time or her power went out of control in the wrong place at the wrong time was unknown. However, getting the answer from Rose [i]herself[/i] proved to be just as possible as acquiring blood from a stone. Terra wasn't there to interview Rose, but the two officers that [i]did[/i] interview her informed that she told them she "never committed such a vile act", and the lie detector didn't go off. They also noted that Rose had a steel plate on the left side of her face, with a hole where her eye used to be so one could see what [i]exactly[/i] was blown off the first time she used her power.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Minako Tsubasa (Rojo)]
Username: Hotaru987

Name: Minako Tsubasa

Alias: Rojo

[spoiler=Power:] [b]Leptokinesis[/b], also called [i]Nanokinesis[/i] or [i]Atomic/Molecular/Matter Manipulation[/i] is the ability to mentally manipulate molecules and to manipulate objects/subjects on a molecular level. One with this ability could change the molecules of objects to turn them into different shapes, change the properties of objects and structures, to make them more pliable, elastic, round, short, large, small or the like. The user could even possibly separate his own molecules to become intangible and phase through subjects, or separate the molecules of other subjects to vaporize, dissolve or rearrange any object/subject that one desires. The user can also imitate super speed by speeding up their molecules to move even faster. However not for very long as they could generate too much heat and combust. On the flip side, they could speed up the molecules of another object to cause that object to catch fire. [/spoiler]

Age: 19


[spoiler=Personality:] Lina is a very disturbed person. In fact she's so disturbed that it would be more accurate to ask about her[b] personalities[/b]. Whenever she is left alone she will often talk to herself, completely ignoring everyone that is around her. She hates being confined in small rooms, or being tied down. [color=#4b0082]Lina is also a bit of a masochist, in that when it comes to pain she enjoys it, and would probably go as far as to get off on it. The people living in her head go by different names. The first being Lina, which is the personality that is normally in control. She is extremely paranoid, and always talks to herself. Lina is a complete outcast of society, but out of all of the others she is the least dangerous, as she breaks down and gives up easily under pressure and can't be trusted to handle big tasks.[/color]

[color=#000080]Then you have Sena, the most manipulative of all of the personalities. She has no problems using other people as shields, or killing them as long as it means her protection. So Sena is pretty much all about survival for number one. She has no comrades, no friends and just herself. Sena is extremely cold, callous and meticulous when it comes to her kills, but even so she likes to get finished as quickly as possible as to not risk getting herself in a compromising position.[/color]

[color=#ff0000]The most violent of them all is Rojo. Rojo is very sadistic and messy whenever she is killing someone. Rojo always leaves her victims looking unrecognizable, and while she is doing the killing she will wear a crazed grin the entire time. She likes to be recognized and seen, always spelling her name in the blood of her victims which is why she is the one that people refer too when they speak of Lina. Rojo doesn't care about following a plan, and will do anything she has too if it means her own sick enjoyment.[/color]

[color=#ff0066]Kira is probably the most dangerous of them all. Even though she isn't quite as violent as Rojo, she is very deceptive. Her personality is cheerful, bubbly and almost childlike. Because of that people won't ever suspect her, and will let their guard down around her. She even acts like a child always looking to be praised, and getting rewards for a job well done. This truth is, however, is that Kira is just as bloodthirsty and crazed as the others. The only difference is that she is a functioning psychopath. So unless she wants others to know she can fool the other people into thinking she is just a normal person. While she's killing someone she will talk to them as if they were having a normal conversation, caressing them and speaking softly with a kind smile. She doesn't mind taking orders as long as she gets to have some fun.[/color]

The final personality is Minako, which is the original personality. She normally stays out of the way allowing the others to take over, but when she is out it is clear to see where her other selves get their wickedness from. Minako is very cruel, and takes pleasure in torching others before dying. She is so deranged that she makes her other personalities appear tame. She also doesn't mind taking orders and, for the most part, can also mingle in a normal society. Minako is normally silent, and unlike Lina, she can quiet the others. Despite her obviously dominant personality she allows the others to to be seen. Only a few people have seen Minako and all of those people are dead.

There are certain traits all of them have in common, and that is the fact that they are very possessive. If they actually find something that they like, they will kill anything and everything that may threaten their possession. They all have a fascination with the color red, and will kill anyone over 10 years old. It's more of a preference that they have than anything. They are also extremely smart, to the point of being a genius, and well as being able to play the piano. But it's not really a major accomplishment, as most people who are off in the head often have some amazing gift.[/spoiler]

Bio: Minako was always a disturbed child, even from her younger days. She never made an attempt socialize with other kids. In fact if she ever did talk to other kids she was teasing and picking on them. As she got older she became even more anti-social, and her torture escalated to small animals. By the time she was 9, she was already killing random animals, and their bodies would be found in random people's yards. In addition to that her parents were very neglectful. The only time they would pay attention to her was when they were hitting her. Whenever they weren't hitting, or neglecting her they were fighting. So for the most part Minako was always alone. It never bother her, and she went along with her normal studies all the while feeding her sadistic desire on the side. During her high school days she grew more confident and began to blackmail the students there. She never actually harmed any of them physically, but only because she didn't want to bring any unnecessary attention to herself. However, the moment that she graduated she committed her first murder, and it was on her parents.

[spoiler=Grace Way Massacre]

It was the day right after her high school graduation. Her parents were home, fighting as per usual. And like always their violence turned to her, however this time Minako had, had enough. She found it to be very easy to kill her parents, and was entranced by the lush, red liquid flowing from their bodies. After that she became hooked, and you could say killing people became a drug for her. Wanting to feel more of this euphoric feeling, she went to her neighbor's house and killed them as well. It was on that night that her mind split into 5 different entities. By the time she was finished she had murdered 6 different families and disappeared never to be seen again. However before she left Rojo had made her first appearance, having spelled out her name in a beautiful signature on the walls of the houses she visited that night.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Lezner Groff (Gazelle)]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Username:[/b] Ongaku Matsuri[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Name:[/b] Lezner (Lez) Groff[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Alias:[/b] Gazelle[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Power:[/b] Super speed, also has the ability to run up walls with enough speed. While at full speed, stopping requires wide, open space. Otherwise, he might run into something or trip.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Age:[/b] 22[/size][/font][/color]
[b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Appearance:[/size][/font][/color][/b]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs31/300W/i/2008/230/3/e/Jeb_by_fuchsiart.jpg[/img][/size][/font][/color]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3][b]Personality:[/b] Quick and witty, Lezner was always the kind of guy to get stuff done fast. With this trait, some of his work goes unchecked, which did not help him in his most recent job performance. Whenever he is up against something easy, he doesn't get very serious. But when a challenge meets him, he takes delight in it and, while still not getting quite serious, he develops a strategy and executes in attempts to not get caught. He tends to get half-assed and snarky to himself and he does not play well with others, which prompts him to get revenge on whoever gets in his way.[/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Bio:[/b] Lezner was always a trouble maker. During his youth (before he discovered his power) he would pick pocket passing strangers, steal from grocery/convenience stores, and even break into banks. As a destructive child, he has always made it difficult for his parents to raise him. At one point, his trouble making had gone so far as to cost the life of his own paternal grandparents, resulting in his own court session against the state and some time in jail. However, after he discovered his power, he noticed a hole in the ceiling and used the momentum of his own speed to grab hold of the edge, and he escaped. Ever since, he has been hunted down by the government, but with his power, it proved to be difficult for them. Lezner enjoyed his status of outlaw as he fled the state and found his way into Freeborn City to mark his game territory.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Crime you've commited:[/b] Lezner is most notorious for escaping prison after killing his own grandparents, but his most recent big crime was robbing a nearby convenience store and setting it on fire. He received a curious phone call soon after, being informed of Freeborn City and how he can be of use there, but he found little interest in a simple city. Nonetheless, his curiosity made him catch the next flight there and see what it had to offer him.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000][spoiler=Saranesi Hurotia, Alias Known]Username: Summer Rain
Name: Saranesi Hurotia
Alias: Alias Known
Power: Alias has a power that can relate to the forces of yin yang, opposite forces working in harmony. In this case, she is the harmony.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]With her right hand, she controls the power of shadows, able to contort them into semi-solid objects, and well and turning herself into a shadow and melting away from danger. However, sometimes parts of her flicker in and out when she’s a shadow.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]On the left hand, she has powers of light, able to blind opponents with sudden and violent flashes of light. She often uses it as a getaway plan. However, too many bursts of light can injure her right hand.
Age: 17
Appearance: Alias is small. Really small. In a crowd of many people, it is impossible to see her in height, or even by any other means. Her skin is an odd mix of tan and pale, with blotches of the varying shades everywhere. This is actually a symbol of powers, and the blotches randomly shift everywhere. Her hair is and slightly odd mix of blonde and black, with her long fringe being mostly blonde and the short rest of her hair being black. Her eyes are blue and brown, the left being brown and the right being blue.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Her outfit is more often than not a normal shirt and jeans with a hoodie. The color of her outfit depends entirely on her intended mission, ranging from red for murder that is bloody to black for an assassination mission involving sniper rifles. For more secretive missions that need the utmost concealment she opts for a black all over body suit with a black matching mask. The footwear is usually sneakers. She never really cares.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Personality: Alias is, contrary to what others might think, really kind and cheerful. She smiles a lot, helps others when she’s not on a mission, gives large tips in cafes, everything that contradicts what a normal criminal might stand for. It is not, however, an act. She is being genuinely kind, and sometimes it pains her to kill others in the name of what she does.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]She is somewhat oblivious at times, seeming to drift off into a cheerful, shining world in her mind. In reality, she’s drifting into plans for the missions she has been assigned, or concocting new techniques to help her in future ventures into criminal society.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Bio: Saranesi Hurotia was born and raised in England to a simple and loving family. She was an only child, and adored the attention she received from her parents. In fact, for most of her life, everything was perfect and happy. The sort of life explained in fairytales. But all fun and games had to end at some point, and it did when Saranesi was thirteen.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Her father, the glue that held her family together with his smiles and corny jokes, was murdered brutally because a joke of his was taken in completely the wrong way. Her mother later committed suicide, but in a different way than most would.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]She got Saranesi to pull the trigger.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]The plan was for the mother to be sent to the same place as the father, then for Saranesi to work off the sin she’d committed by murdering her mother.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]She ran from her home, and encountered the criminal underground. She began to do small tasks for them – pick pocket here, robs someone there – under the mistaken influence that it would clear her name of her sin. The jobs got bigger and bigger, but Saranesi never looked back. She merely thought of meeting her parents again one day, with a clear name.
[spoiler=Crime you've committed: ][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Her mission, codenamed as Loaded, was one of her more recent tasks set by the criminal underground. Her task was to rob one of the richest men in Europe of his priceless collection of diamonds. The task was made more difficult by the fact it was in a large locked chest with ten locks and was guarded by twenty heavily armed men with permission to shoot/threaten any person who came within metres of the chest. They even had a quadrant on standby should a group of criminals try to hijack the chest and its contents.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Alias, with her short stature, had her plan perfectly concocted.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]She wandered over to the guards and distracted them with a nice, cheerful conversation fit for a child half her age. The guards, at that moment having a rest, were caught completely off guard by the disarming sweetness. In actuality, Alias was having an actual happy conversation, while also slipping in questions about the chest, its contents and who was guarding it. Not realizing it, the guards were telling her everything she would need to know to rob the chest.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]As the priceless diamonds continued on their way to its destination, Alias turned into a shadowy form and stole the ten required keys to unlock the chest. Stepping away, she blinded the guards – and subsequently everyone in the area – with a bright flash of light. While they stumbled in confusion she stole forward, unlocked the chest and hauled out several smaller boxes of diamonds, which she shoved in a bag. Grabbing all she could carry, she slipped away.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Her mission raked in approximately £28430500.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/color][/size][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Stephanial Fredric Beauregard Copernicus Svennson Esquire XXXII (The Gentleman)][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=3]Username: -Zecora-[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Name: Stephanial Fredric [/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Beaurega[/size][/color][/font]rd Copernicus[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3] Svennson Esquire XXXII[/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Alias: The Gentleman[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Power: Pyrokenisis[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age: 22[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Appearance: [Spoiler=[/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Stephanial Fredric [/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Beaurega[/size][/color][/font]rd Copernicus[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3] Svennson Esquire XXXII][/size][/color][/font]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Personality: Steven thinks himself by no means malevolent. Nor does he see his actions as justified by some sob story, as he has none. Rather he does what he does because it amuses him, and that, over anything else, drives his actions in life. He considers himself more important than most others, though not in an arrogant way, but rather in the sense that his priorities come before anyone else's. He will generally refuse to do anything that doesn't get him anything in return, whether it be money, material items, or just plain pleasure. Whenever he commits crimes, however, he likes to be as kind as possible to his victims. That is to say, after breaking into somebodies house and stealing all their valuables, he may leave a rose and an apology card. However, he will almost only ever target someone who can afford to lose what it is he's stealing.[/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Bio: [/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Stephanial Fredric [/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Beauregard Copernicus [/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Svennson Esquire XXXII was born under the name Steven Fredricson, into a fairly wealthy family in England. He lived a wonderful childhood. So long as he behaved, he would get what he wanted, he had an excellent education, on account of all the money that went into his studies. He had a fairly good social life, as well. As he grew older, he occasionally got bored with all his spare time, and decided to go into a hobby; Thievery. It started out as just small acts, nothing serious, nothing anyone would even noticed. But as he grew even older, and as he moved out from his parent's roof, his crimes escalated. He would find some of the richest people, and steal their possessions, then sell them on the Black Market, all whilst leaving a calling card with his Alias to kindly inform victims of whom they've been robbed by. He would commonly spend his newly gained riches on rather flashy pieces of furniture or jewelry, even if it would advertise even further who he was, he liked to give send out the challenge.[/size][/color][/font]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Crime you've committed: Steven's most recent huge crime was a massive heist of the National Gallery in London. Late late at night, using his Pyrokenisis, he would light a flame on the end of his index finger, and burn a hole in the wall to enter through, using the same technique to take anything of guard. Naturally, he was caught before he could sell everything he stole, but any and all flammable pieces were never recovered, as he lit them up in a bit of spite. Soon after, he escaped from his prison in much the same way he entered the National Gallery.[/spoiler][/size][/color][/font][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Akio Chihara (Magus D., Illusionist Prince)]
Username: Corona Ray

Name: Akio Chihara

Alias: Magus D., Illusionist Prince

Power: Kijutsuna (Conjurer) Essentially, this ability allows the transferring of an object or person across multidimensional planes from place to place. Materializing, dematerializing, that sort of thing. There are limits to the size of the object he can affect with his ability though; something perhaps around the size of a large vending machine would be his limit. Akio also cannot transport more than five objects at a time, and even then, it takes a lot of effort. Trying to break these limits will result in the object(s) being trapped in another plane, leaving it unable to be retrieved. Akio must be in the direct vicinity of the object in question in order to dematerialize it. From then on, he can access it through a unique wormhole at any time.

Genei (Phantom): Only usable when Mizuki is active, this does exactly as the name implies: it creates illusions. The size and complexity all fluctuate according to Mizuki, but are most effective when he’s at full strength. These illusions cannot cause actual harm, but they can trick another’s brain into believing damage was done and so cause them to feel pain.

Weapon: Keeps around a set of knives, but more often than not uses a custom handgun

Age: 17

Because he appears a few years younger than he really is, oftentimes people find it somewhat difficult to take him seriously. Akio doesn’t mind much though, as he prefers that people underestimate him so they let down their guard.
Personality: Akio believes that he shouldn’t change who he is for anyone else’s sake, and often acts with less maturity than someone of his age ought to have. He also displays a casual, happy-go-lucky attitude even when he ought to be serious, which frustrates a lot of people. Even so, despite his outer naïveté, he’s a lot more thoughtful on the inside than he’d like to reveal.
At seemingly random times, his entire personality will do a 360, and Akio gains a creepier aura to him. He also becomes somewhat sadistic and loses much of the former cheerfulness he had. In this state, it is not actually Akio who is doing this, but Mizuki, a supposed “twin” who dwells within the mind of Akio and emerges whenever he sees fit. As a result of no one knowing this fact, many are often confused by why he does such drastic changes and believe him to be bipolar.

Bio: Akio grew up in a moderately wealthy family. His father worked in a bank, while his mother was part of some technological company. For the most part, Akio was an obedient child and his parents were fine with leaving him alone at times, since he always followed their directions of what not to do. He also had his older brother to take care of him, so it worked out fine.

Then, when Akio reached the age of eleven, Mizuki emerged. The details of the event were never clear to Akio himself, but from what he could gather of its aftermath (as well as the few details Mizuki revealed) Mizuki had apparently arranged a private meeting with another student that had recently been giving Akio a hard time. Mizuki had then created an illusion of a gun and shot himself with it, to seemingly no effect. He then turned the gun on the other student and slowly put it to his head while his finger ever so gradually inched toward the trigger. By the time this ordeal was near over, the boy was in near hysterics and when Mizuki actually fired…well, you can imagine. The terrorized student had no recollection of the incident, strangely enough, and so Akio is the only one who knows of the truth behind this.

Ever since Akio was young, he’d always been a fervent admirer of people who fought for justice. It may have come about as a result of watching too much anime, but his parents encouraged him to do what he wanted to do in life. And so, after an incredible stroke of luck with solving the case Rampant Blade, Akio became a detective.

Crime solved:[spoiler= Rampant Blade]
A highly skilled assassin was at large, killing off a group of seemingly random targets. Every single victim died with a knife directly through a major artery. When Akio heard about this case through a person he knew in the police force, he asked for the files pertaining to the previous five victims. After reading through them, he saw that they had all once been part of the same company, and all within the same branch as well. Paranoid company boss killing off former employees in order to keep trade secrets intact? That wasn’t the main point, though; getting the assassin was. In an incredible stroke of luck, Akio happened to be at the scene when another person was killed. The assassin hadn’t bothered with any sort of fancy getup or concealment because the police were never around in time to catch him before the hit and run was over. Not this time, though. With a handgun he “borrowed” from the police that morning, Akio shot the man, downing him. He then pinned him down and using Mizuki’s illusions, kept him cuffed there until the cops came about. After that point, Akio aided in the interrogation for a while, but the guy wouldn’t talk. In a last-ditch attempt, Mizuki took over and used the terrorizing tactic. With Mizuki’s sadistic imagination, it wasn’t long before the assassin told all he could. Several other arrests later, the case was over and Akio’s role in it landed him his job as a detective.
[spoiler=Kurai Hatokime (Rai)]
Username: The Swift Assaulter
Name: Kurai Hatokime
Alias: Rai
[*][b]Hypo-Hypnosis[/b]: This is a weaker form of the average form of Hypnosis as it is meant as a means of getting the truth of one specific topic that also a main focus. It's basically self-explanatory when it comes to this power, other than the time it takes to hypnotize someone takes longer than usual. Now for side effects, it usually revolves around the slight tightening of muscles in his lower back, arms or legs. There could also be some signs of blurred vision every now and then, but that alone can be rare. Either way, it's what Rai uses first, and if it fails, he uses his second power as a Plan B.

[*][b]Diplomacy[/b]: By merely using both his index and middle fingers from either hand and touching someone's forehead, Rai can temporarily neutralize someone's brain waves from eye contact for about 3 minutes in order to make it easier to get the truth. However, it has it's set backs. Firstly, this could easily lead to giving him slight migraines for short periods of time that slow him down. Second, if he tries to do his other power after doing Diplomacy, the set back of that unnamed power may slightly increase from being temporarily blinded to being partially paralyzed in different parts of the body, along with some muscle spasms if he's lucky. He might also be seen with either one of his hands trembling (Be it the opposite hand of the one he used Diplomacy for).
[/spoiler]Weapon(s): .44 Magnum w/ 2 magazines in total, along with a katana similar to this:[spoiler=Katana (Ignore the man in the pic)][img]http://www.swordsswords.com/ProductImages/s/Last_Samurai_Sword_2.jpg[/img][/spoiler]Age: 20
Appearance:[spoiler=Appearance][img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/265/e/3/male_detective_by_hyozanryu08-d2z8j6m.jpg[/img][/spoiler]Personality: Although silent at certain times, Rai has a gentle and compassionate heart. He always has that smile that always seems to lighten the mood when it came to serious situations that needed to be toned down. He always is the one you could go to for help or to have comfort you when in a very bad situation. However, he can be serious at times, especially when he is just about to find the solution to the case. He is usually the one who would want to kill somebody, but would have the will to break the urge and spare their life, allowing that person to be arrested. However, if he is given the go-ahead and his will to break the urge is weak, he will do the killing blow no problem. Sometimes that will can break completely, and he becomes cold and dark, wanting only to find and kill the culprit. And when it comes to his powers, that can make his job so much easier than it is believed to be.
Bio: Rai was born in a poor family. He barely knew his parents because they were supposedly murdered, as it was said by the detectives of Kyoto. He was orphaned at the age of 3 and had very little memories of his parents, other than one memory in which is a complete blur, something that he wishes he knew how to make it clear. At age 10, while still being in an orphanage, had believed that sometime during that year he would get adopted. And weirdly enough, he did. He was adopted by a former Kyoto detective, named Kuro Hatokime. He was in his 50s and had retired early, since he knew he couldn't have been able to keep up with the new crimes going on every day. That's where Rai got his real name from. His real name, Kurai Hatokime, is the same name as Kuro's grandson who had died 5 years ago. And over the next 8 years, Kuro taught Rai how to be a successful detective in Japan.

When the time came (Which was when he was almost 19), he decided to join a detective agency, the same agency in which Kuro retired from. It was then during his first case he discovered his Hypo-Hypnosis power. At first, it didn't help that well, only at certain moments did it work, until his Diplomacy power finally kicked in. This actually helped solve a few cases with ease after he got all the Intel needed for them. Rai was a natural, and eventually, his nickname finally kicked in and that's what everybody had called him by from that point on. Then, when his third case came in, something inside him had some familiarity involved with it. It was a cold case from 16 years ago (Rai was 19 at the time). In one way or another, he actually found out that he might have lost his parents because they were either murdered or committed suicide. He believed the former was true since he would knew his parents wouldn't do that and leave his only child behind.

And because of one piece of evidence, he found the one location that they could search in order to find the killer. 3 days later, he was caught and brought to justice. Why he did it, they'll never know, since the killer remained silent throughout everything, including his interrogation and sentencing, which was life in prison for second-degree murder. Rai became 20 the day before the killer was sentenced, and around that same time, mainly after the sentencing, he received a letter giving him a chance to solve cases in another city. After learning a few languages, including English, he accepted the invitation and took the next flight out the next day and prepared to solve a new case, one that could easily be the biggest he has done so far. But he had this feeling. As if someone from his past was going to come back and haunt him. Staying on his toes, Rai sets out for a new adventure.
Crime you've solved:[spoiler=The Next Door Killer]This is a cold case that started when Rai was 3. He was the only victim, but never had any memory of what happened, so his chances of finding the killer seemed very slim. When Rai's original relatives (Uncles, Aunts, cousins, family friends, etc.) were interrogated, they didn't know anything, except for one. Rai was fairly suspicious about one family friend of his parents: Makuta Jinpai. Somehow, he knew that he wasn't telling the truth entirely. When he used his Hypo-Hypnosis power on him, he was fairly close to getting something. So he switched it up. And when he put his Diplomacy powers to the test, he broke and gave away enough information to lead to an object that belongs to someone around the time of the murder even to this day.

When Makuta told Rai about a license plate and its number, he matched it to a car and a house. After obtaining the address of said house, Rai got a match with a house that was next door to where the crime scene took place. When Rai interrogated Makuta again, he gave Rai a name. Rin Hikaru. Then they checked who is currently living at that house at the moment, and the name was a match. When Rai and the rest of his team went to arrest Hikaru, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. And then, he came from behind and almost shot down an officer.

Rai had him at gun point. The last thing that Rai ever heard from his before he was taken down and arrested was, "I should've killed you back then, Kibuto." Kibuto was his name before being adopted by Kuro. A week later, he was brought to court and convicted of second-degree murder. Because so, his maximum sentence would have been death. But they just went with life in a maximum security prison. Rai felt as though he had finally avenged his parents and finally faced his past, so that he can now live peacefully in the future. And that's around the same time he got the mysterious letter. Pray things turn out better in Freeborn City than Kyoto.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Izna "Izzy" Rosario]
Username: Hotaru987

Name: Izna "Izzy" Rosario


[spoiler=Power:] Psychometry - Also known as token-object reading, is the act of seeing the history of an object through touch. It's done by connecting to the emotions and energy that is surrounding that object. It can even be done to other people, in which she will see the past of that person, but only if that person is thinking about it at the time of contact and the memory has strong emotions attached to it. After using this power she has the tendency to faint, collapse or become physically and emotionally drained. Izzy has to always be consciously aware of herself as to not use this ability accidentally. In order to lessen the wrist she is always wearing black gloves.

Medium - This was more of a side effect of the psychometry ability. If an object has an extremely strong emotion attached to it, and an event happens that is similar to the event that happened to attach that residual energy to it, then she could channel that person's spirit through her body. She could also have spirits of the dead speak through her, but she cannot talk directly to the spirits. It's the same side effects as her Psychometry, but to a stronger degree. She may also behave differently until the residual effects wear off.

Empathy - Another side effect ability thanks to her primary power. This ability she cannot turn on or off, so she is always being bombarded by different emotions. She can however block the stimuli of emotions with music. Sometimes she may act upon it, but it is never intentional. So even though the situation may be a happy one, she may show anger or sadness because of some other person. [/spoiler]

Weapon(s): 1 Pistol

Age: 19


Personality: Izzy is a rather rebellious late teen, who says and does what she think is right. Because of that she doesn't have many friends, but she doesn't care. In fact she think it's better to be alone, because of her powers. Another reason why she would rather be alone is because of her Empathy ability. It's not something she can turn off, so usually her own emotions are influenced by the people around her. That makes her seem emotionally unstable which causes more people to think she is strange. Izzy is also smart, extremely smart. Though she isn't considered a genius, she already holds two degrees and can speak 3 languages. Even so, she is considerably naive when it comes to relations with the opposite sex. Another side effect of her powers, is that she has become an insomniac. At the most she may get 2 hours of collective sleep per week. The reason is because she suffered from severe night terrors, most of them having to do with past cases she's solved. It's because of everything that she's seen that she doesn't believe in a g-d, but contradictory to that she does believe that there is a higher power that is regulating everything.

[spoiler=Bio:] Izzy was born to a very low class family, who had to work to their bones just so they could live paycheck to paycheck. It's because of that she didn't have everything that other kids her age had. She was very understanding of their situation, and never asked for anything. She was always given hand-me-down things, but even then she never did complain. Izzy felt that the least she could do for her parents was be a good child. They already had a lot of other things to worry about. When it was time for her to go to school, she went to the cheapest school in the area since her parents couldn't afford much. Izzy was 6 years old when her powers began to manifest. When she told her parents about the weird things happening to her, instead of thinking her a freak like some people would have done, they stood by her. However, they told her that it would be best if she kept her strange abilities to herself, which she did. During her school days she worked her ass off. Even in her earliest memory of going to school she always did her best. She stayed out of trouble, and made sure to excel in everything she did. During middle school, she went out for as many sports as possible hoping to get scholarships for anything she possibly could. Izzy's GPA by then stayed at a constant 4.0. Izzy even managed to get ahead, and was already in college by the time she was 15, an impressive feat for anyone.

Now ever since she was young she had always liked police officers, and detective kind of stuff. She also knew that there was quite a bit of money in that line of work, and she wanted to make her parents life a lot easier than it was. So with that she set her sights on becoming a detective, going to school for 2 years without breaks - other than holidays - and by the time she was 16 years she acquired her first degree in criminal justice, and was going for her second in Law. Now a detective, she sends most of her money to her parents, who now live in a nice house and don't have to work as much as they once did. It was around the time she turned 19 when she got the letter from the Freeborn Detective agency to be a part of their special division of detectives.[/spoiler]

Crime you've solved: The Lost Boy: This was one of the first cases that Izzy had ever worked on. It was a highly popular case, in saying that it was all over the news. There wasn't a single person who hadn't heard of this lost boy. He was kidnapped by an unknown man. Though she was still relatively new to the detective force, they had pretty much everyone working on that case. Everyone thought it was a lost cause, until they suddenly found a teddy bear that was reported to be with the boy upon his abduction. Now mind you it was already a week into the case, and up until that there hadn't been any other leads on the boy. So you can imagine all of the press that small little teddy bear received. Even so, a lot of people had already lost hope on finding the boy alive. Now Izzy hadn't told anyone of her ability, but she knew that if she could get a hold of that bear then she could probably find that boy, depending on how long the bear had been with him through the whole ordeal. Izzy then made the decision to tell the boss about her ability. With that she took the bear and with her ability she was able to lead the entire team right to where the boy was. The boss kept her ability out of the papers, but he did make sure that the credit for finding the boy went to Izzy.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Terra Marine]
Username: Admiral_Stalfos19
Name: Terra Marine
Alias: Dread Lock
Power: Emotion Transferral
Weapons: A couple of Sawn-Off Shotguns, which she keeps concealed.
Age: 17
^image credit goes to Urbanno[/spoiler]
Personality: Terra tries to be a tough girl, but in reality she's rather unstable with her emotions, and goes through them as quickly as one can flip pages in a book. She can easily go from happy in moment, to sad the next, then angry a third moment and fearful a fourth, just as an example. However, if there's a single feeling that Terra would ever stick with for [i]any[/i]​ length of time, it would be guilt for her mother's death, in which she remains adamant is her own damn fault. Terra also has a bad habit of holding onto grudges, especially against herself. Unfortunately, with her being so young, [i]on top of[/i] only discovering her power recently, Terra has vast difficulties controlling the power, and will often activate it by mistake... sometimes with disastrous consequences to boot.
Bio: Once upon a time, Terra Marine used to be easy to parent; even more so than any of her other siblings. That was until puberty hit her at the age of 12, which would've been reasonably late for a girl. But she was going through puberty so quickly that she was fully developed by the time her 14th birthday came around. It was then that her emotions started going haywire, and it was because of [i]that[/i] that she suddenly changed from the easiest sibling to parent to the most difficult. A couple years later, Terra discovered she was capable of transferring her emotions, but that proved more of a curse than a blessing. The first time she discovered it, she was crying over a boyfriend she had cheating on another girl, and was seriously thinking about killing herself. At that time, her mother was driving her home when all of a sudden, she stopped the car, and mindlessly got out and jumped off the bridge they were driving on. Terra tried to jump after her, but was stopped by a policewoman who she ended up angrily berating for getting in her way. From that day forth, she literally became a walking mass of barely organized chaos, but her powers were [i]finally[/i] put to good use when she solved Dead Eye's Glance, a case that had every law enforcement officer on his or her nerves. Now though, a chance to start over in Freeborn awaits her.
Crime Solved: [b]Dead Eye's Glance[/b]

A military-trained sniper was on the loose, murdering a number of civilians without leaving any forensic evidence behind. In truth, there wasn't even a body to be found or any traces of blood. Ergo, the victims were merely reported as missing persons that were never found. In the end, law enforcement officers threw in the towel, and the case was never solved until 20 years later, when Terra came into the picture. She wasn't signed into the case, and she wasn't even a [i]detective[/i] at the time she decided to investigate. Terra only wanted to know if one of the victims "went missing" because of her emotion transferral powers. After a scouring of the entire city, Terra noted a blood-stained tarpaulin laid out flat in a back alley and proceeded to take a sample, unaware that tarpaulin was a trap laid out by the sniper. Suddenly, whilst she was taking photos of the scene laid in front of eyes, the sniper opened fire, only to knock the phone she was using to take the pictures with out of her hand, which had been shot by the bullet. Terra took the sample and ran for it, but the two of them had somehow met up in the same place later that morning. Terra was feeling guilty that her powers were responsible for her mother's death, and that guilt had suddenly transferred to the sniper, who later confessed his murders to the police. He's now sentenced in Death Row.[/spoiler]
Heart of the Swarm

[spoiler=My Apps]
[spoiler=Leon Estrali]
Username: MortalKombatSmoke
Name: Leon Estrali
Alias: Neol
Power: Speak to spirits, he can contact spirits from the otherworld for help and advice, but he must be in a meditative state.
dual Small Swords
Age: 21
Personality: Leon is very intense, not on purpose but he can get really creapy real fast. He looks like a smooth talker and a smart one, however he can go a bit too far sometimes. Leon is ambitious and can be narrow midned, but once he's in his meditative state he can begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together. There hasn't been one criminal that escaped his grasp once he puts his mind to it and that's how he likes it. He is also very religious and will do anything for his faith.
Bio: Leon was born in Spain and raised in a chaotic household. His mother was insane, literally, she was in a mental hospital for attempting accidental suicide, claiming she could fly. His father was the nastiest person after Leon's mother left, he became a violent drunkard, however Leon's older brother, Fransisco, protected him, as he could overpower their father. However, one night his father had enough and smothered Fransisco in his sleep. Leon panicked when he saw what was happening, he closed his eyes and locked himself in his room, trying to forget what he just saw... He was a mere 10 year old boy who didn't know what to do. Suddenly someone spoke to him, a voice that said, Run. It said it agian, Run, it repeatidly told him to run until, he opened his eyes, a gun was in his hand... and His father was dead on the floor. Then the voice screamed at him, RUN!!!! He ran with fear out the door until a preist caught him. He lived with him and some monks at a church until he began solving crimes on the side. He would now bring his religous detective skills to Freeborn in order to fufli what he believes is his destiny.

[spoiler=Crime you've solved:] The Bolivian Necktie. It was Leon's first official case outside of Spain, he had visited South America on an invite from an old "family" friend who would send him money from time to time as a kid to help him support himself while living with the priest. Leon was brought there to see if he could solve this problem, or mystery. Deep within Bolivia, the leader of a large cult called the "Anti-Alcohol Bolivian Front" or the AABF, had commmited suicide, or was murdered. No one knew. It was impossible to tell. The man, Patrik DelForge, was found in his room with nothing on but a necktie and some stretch marks on his neck, indicating that the necktie chocked him to death. At first it was assumed he was chocking himself for sexual pleasure, but there was no sign that he was masturbating at the time. So Leon first examined the body, to discover a small indentation on his neck that was not like the others, it was more like a needle than a gouge like the other marks where. After more research, Mr. DelForge was sedated at the time, so he was murdered. Then, after contacting the spirits of the afterlife, they guided him to some apartment in the city near where the incident occured. Leon discovered that three people had moved out in the past few days, after investigating each and every one he discovered that two of them would have easy access to a injectible sedative. After more research he learned that one of them worked under DelForge in the AABF but as a radical amongst the group. He dind't want Alcohol gone in Bolivia, so, he broke into his apratment, helped him prepare for his speech later that day, and pulled the necktie tight, cutting off air before sedating him and stabbing his throat several times. He left as quickly as he came, no witnesses where around.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Sound Track so far]
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMM-zBBWecs&feature=related"]1. Opening[/url]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LkDDHglrrI]2. Oncoming Knowledge[/url]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb5KDbuK4PY]3. Awakening[/url][/spoiler]


[i]"Freeborn City... Freeborn City... A rose by any other name would be just as pricked... would be just as red... That is why it deserves a better name... A more fitting one. The crime in this city has escalated beyond belef, and what has the police done? Cage the source? No... they cage the chaos. And one cannot cage Chaos, just like one cannot destroy Order. It is an everlasting bond, but Order is being taken by the Chaos. This city is an abomination of human existance veiled in a Victorian styled building structure, good [/i][i]restaurants, and a comfortable residential district. I will kill anyone who disturbs the balance after I correct it. But for now this city shall no longer be seen as Freeborn... It was Born free... but it is free no longer. No... This city is full of death and violence... Welcome... This body [hanging police officer] shall be the christening of Murder City."[/i]
[i][color=#fff0f5]________________________________________________________[/color]- Null (Parallel Universe year 2009)[/i]

20 years later...

Two letters were sent out... Criminals were Blackmailed.... Detectives were drawn in... Criminals to the warehouse of 1465 Kononichi Rd... Detectives to the small building of 554 Main St....

All in their seprate worlds...

All in their seprate mindsets..

All with different wants and needs....

Will work together to preserve Order and Chaos

...or die fighting it...

[color=#4b0082]Leon had walked slowly down the sidewalk of Main Street, keeping his arms under his external purple cloak that laid over his other purple shaded robes. As he drew closer to the small building off the side of the sidewalk, Leon pulled out his letter from the man known only to him as Odo Mudo. [i]"Interesting how it didn't have much details, it was obviously written quickly paced, the grammar is clearly off, even for someone where english is a second language..."[/i] Leon thought to himself as the slight breeze from between the buildings of Main Street blew his long black hair just off his back, but not enough to send it flying into the wind, just a soft pick up that made it flow elegantly. [i]"Spirits... I have an odd feeling... I may need your help moreso in this city... I sense.... I sense... much... evil... Much evil brewing here, we must work together to stop it. Just me and you... Unless some other Detectives may be of some help... Even so I'm confident we can solve these crimes by ourselves."[/i] Leon then stood infront of a rather sturdy metal door that is bolted heavily down, he knocked once and a small window opened on the door revealing a scanner of sorts that scanned his eyes, one of his eyes being covered by hair, the scanner vanished into the door and yelled out[/color] [b][color=#ff0000]"ACCESS DENIED" [/color][/b][color=#4b0082]it made him jump, "Dios Mio!" He stepped back, raised his hair over his eye and stepped forward again. The scanner popped out and went back in as quick as it went out. [/color][b][color=#FF0000]"ACCESS APPROVED PLEASE ENTER LEON ESTRALI"[/color][/b] [color=#4b0082]Leon jumped agian before slowly entering the building as the door slammed open. When he wasn't even an inch into the building the door slammed shut again, "What is wrong with this place?" he asked himself before being immediatly directed inro a small room by a red head woman in a Police officer uniform. She didn't even introduce herself... But something else seemed off about her that he couldn't pin down at the moment. But he went in and took a seat on a long table waiting for others to arrive.[/color]

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[color=#000000]Terra Marine had just stepped out of the shower and looked at her watch, which she had place on top of the washing machine... only to realize that she should've left for 554 Main Street roughly half an hour ago.[/color]

[color=#800080]"WHAT THE F***??!!" [/color][color=#000000]she exclaimed, [/color][color=#800080]"Surely I didn't...? Awe s***, I'm gonna have to floor it there..."[/color]

[color=#000000]In an instant, Terra rushed to get her clothes on and collect her things, and stormed over to her truck, a Cadillac Escalade EXT that was lent to her by her father, but only because he no longer had room for it in his garage. Terra was expected to look after this truck and not to act like a queen of the road while she was driving it, but to be honest... the latter [i]definitely[/i] wasn't going to happen. As far as she was concerned, Terra was running late and she had to get there quickly... by any means necessary.[/color]

[color=#000000]Quite frankly, Terra didn't even feel like she had the time to shut the garage door after her rapid departure, which was a mistake. Especially at [i]this[/i] stage of Freeborn's life, where everyone would be committing felonies left right and centre. Surprisingly it didn't take Terra long to get to Main Street, but then again, breaking the speed limit, running through red lights and forcing her way through traffic took off quite the considerable amount of time. She immediately tried to drift her way into parking, which quite frankly failed miserably. The truck didn't even manage to turn much more than 90 degrees. Not to mention that it jumped the curb and almost took out a street light and ran into a building. At least it wasn't damaged... that was the main thing.[/color]

[color=#800080][i]'F*** it, that'll [b]have[/b][/i] [i]to do,'[/i][/color][color=#000000] Terra literally threw herself out of the truck and locked it, before racing into the building labelled 554. Inside, she stopped to have her eyes scanned by the scanner, and was let in, only to [/color][i][color=#000000]not[/color] [/i][color=#000000]be greeted by two individuals.[/color]

[color=#800080]"I don't happen to be late, do I?"[/color][color=#000000] Terra asked.[/color]

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[color=indigo]"I don't understand why we have to go."[/color] A shaky, voice spoke quickly and in a slightly high pitched whisper. "[color=indigo]Who cares who he is? He can't just order us around."[/color] The owner of the voice was walking through poorly lit alleyway.[color=indigo] "And this place gives me the creeps. I do not like this City."[/color] Suddenly the person grabbed their head, and leaned against the wall shaking their head quickly. [color=indigo]"Please don't get so angry Rojo. We can have fun somewhere else. Let's just leave."[/color] He slid down the wall, huddling into a small ball.[color=indigo] "Freeborn City is such a scary place."[/color] They mumbled as they started to get back on their feet and continuing down the alleyway. [color=indigo]"You all are always so noisy. We should go back while we can."[/color] Finally exiting the seemingly forever long alleyway, light cascaded down the individual's face showing that it was actually a woman. Lina, to be more exact. The almost pitiful and jumpy expression on the person's face giving that away in an instant. People of the unsavory sort eyed her as she made her way down Kononitchi Rd. Run down homes and abandoned warehouses were everywhere. Off to her right someone just got stabbed, and the perpetrator was running off with the victim's wallet. [color=indigo]"We should leave. We can have fun elsewhere. Let's leave."[/color] Now out of the alleyway it was clear there was no one else around her, but she still spoke as if with other people.

Even during the daylight, the area that she was called to looked dark. Why should it look otherwise? It was the area where criminals who killed and committed sins were asked to meet. This kind of setting was perfect for them. [color=indigo]"Is this it then? Will we go in?"[/color] Lina asked looking around her then at the door. Almost as if waiting for something to jump at her. [color=indigo]"Rojo, stop shouting. You will get to have fun soon."[/color] Lina opened the door, and stepped into the warehouse. As far as she could tell she was the first to arrive, but there were so many shadows, and poorly lit corners of the room that she wouldn't be surprised if there were others just lurking in the corners. [color=indigo]"We are here, but no one else seems to be. Could they have gotten lost? We almost did. No Kira, I found the place so you can't get candy. You got us lost."[/color] Lina shook her head before continuing her conversation in a hushed and speedy whisper. While she waited she had sat herself against the wall in a way that she would be seen, hugging her knees close to her and staring at the ground.


"Geeze, they should have had someone pick us up. I can't make heads or tails of this stupid city!" Exclaimed a pinked headed late teen. Black and white panda hoodie on and headphones in her ears. Her were covered by black gloves, and currently sitting in her right hand was a sheet of paper that held the directions to 554 Main St. Apparently it was the building that a lot of other great detectives were supposed to be meeting to help out with Freeborn's Detective Agency. The girl shoved her hands in her pockets before walking down the street, an annoyed look on her face. At this rate she was never going to find this place. This apparently angry teen, was none other than Izna Rozario but often addressed as "Izzy" but others. A nickname that stuck with her all through her younger days, and was apparently adamant about staying with her till her dying day.

Anyway, Izzy's current problem was that she couldn't make heads or tails of her directions. She had already asked a good number of people the way, but she somehow always found herself in front of some strange looking cafe. "Gah!! I will not give up!" Izzy shouted throwing her fist in the air and gaining a few odd looks from the passerbyers. Luckily her determination finally paid off because she found herself in front of the building 30 minutes later. Izzy smirked, "Ha! I knew I would find it." Looking at the clearly deserted street and suspicious looking metal door she wondered how on earth she got lost. With a shrug she walked forward about to knock on the metal door when a retina scanner popped out - scaring the daylight's savings out of her - and scanned her eye before disappearing. She was approved, and the metal door opened allowing her entry. "Sweet." She could barely get in the building before the door slammed shut almost taking half her body with it.

"Geeze Luise. A litte eager are we?" Suddenly a strange red headed, police man cladded woman appeared to direct her to the meeting area. Izzy tried to speak to her but the lady either ignored her or was deaf. Probably the former. Izzy was taken to a room with a large table, which currently only held only two people. "Morning. Or is it afternoon?" She greeted, then mumbling that last thing to herself before taking a seat. As she sat she made sure to not have any direct skin contact with the chair or table. The last thing she wanted was to see the life this chair has head since it's manufacture.

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Leon was sitting in the small room when two others finally came, he looked at them wondering, how many more would arrive? He was under the impression that there would only be a few detectives atteding, but no matter he might as well have introduced himself, using his Alias of course, you could never be too careful. First he looked at the first girl that was shoved in here with pink hair, a black outfit and green gloves, however he ended up waiting for someone else to come in, another woman who also had pink hair, but wore headphones and black gloves, and much more pink than the other woman. [b][color=#800080]"Alright. I'll say something first. I'm Neol, I come from Spain and was invited here by the chief of police, probably like you two were... correct?" [/color][/b]Neol asked sighing afterwards, He then glared at the door that blocked them from the rest of the building, [b][color=#800080]"That door must be destroyed! I'm very claustraphobic you know and I can't take much more in here!!!"[/color][/b] He yelled scratching his head with both hands intensely before slamming his head on the table and sitting back in his chair.

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Lezner was making a getaway in secret, appearing as if he was traveling normally. The city he was so called "blackmailed" into was not too far nor was it close, so he did not dare to take the plane; too suspicious for his own good. He traveled lightly, carrying nothing but the clothes on his back and the duffle bag hanging from his shoulder. Knowing the bus he rode in wasn't too crowded, he was a lot calmer than he was back by that convenience store that now sits in flames. The reflections in the windows, which showed the scrambling law enforcement behind him, still appeared in blurs from the drops of rain that glided down the glass like a skier set in fast forward; his brain was so mingled that his similes were inept to understanding, even for him.

Hours past and so did the scenery from Lezner's view from where he sat. A beautiful place, he thought, so beautiful that it's bound to be destroyed. After this, the rest of the trip was merely a dream when he woke up just miles from the destination. No words escaped his mouth the entire walk from where he departed. He walked the remaining miles without any unnatural speed, which felt good to him. He felt normal. Getting there quickly is not what he wanted. He wanted to get the satisfaction of getting there first, then deal with business afterwards. Nonetheless, he was pumped for some more action.

Based on the letter he received - burnt, but still readable - the blackmail led to some remote warehouse. Cliche, he thought, but it would suffice in such a city. Lord knows who is waiting for him at that place; probably the best that the city has to offer, which is saying the least. He knew that somewhere else there was a counteracting party awaiting, but he did not know nor did he care where it was. He was here for business, but a crime can never be worth committing without a little fun. A smirk crossed his face as he set one foot into the city before blurring from sight, leaving a cloud of dust behind where his feet were. Before the draft caught on with his speed through the streets, he was looking at the doors of the warehouse, wearing the same smirk.

Well, here we go.

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Lina jumped hearing a noise from outside. [color=#4b0082]"Could it be? Is there someone else here? I heard something but I don't see anyone-Pleaase don't yell Kira. Sena what should we do? Will they hurt us? I know....I know...You won't let them hurt us. You're always so good at keeping us safe." [/color]Lina muttered to herself her eyes darting towards and away fromt he doors. [color=#4b0082]"Could it be the guy who wanted us to come? Maybe it's one of the other criminals? No, I should stay out. Rojo, you are too mean and will cause a fight. I know I'm not strong...But..."[/color] Lina continued to speak hugging her legs closer to her, makign her appear even smaller. [color=#4b0082]"Why do you have to be so harsh?"[/color]


Izzy raised an eyebrow at the guy who just introduced himself before having a minor spaz attack about being locked in such a small room. Though she had to admit, they had them locked in this room like they were the criminals. Not detectives that were personally asked to come all the way down to this city. Izzy was lucky to have her headphones on, because if she didn't she might have acted just like he did. She thought it was strange how music could negate her empathy ability, but didn't question it. "I'm Izna Rosario. But you all can just call me Izzy. In fact I perfer it if you did." She said, not even bothering to remove her headphones. She wanted to make a good impression on these other detectives, and behaving like a bipolar lunitic was not the way to go.

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"554 Main St, 554 Main St, where the hell is that supposed to be?!" Akio muttered, exasperateed by the fact that he'd been going in what seemed like circles for the past twenty minutes and still had not seen the police building. [i]You would've thought they'd at least bring us an esco[/i]rt, he thought,[i] but I suppose it's part of the challenge. [/i]Sweeping a hand through his hair, he inspected the numbers on the street he was currently on and determined that 554 was probably about two streets away. Sticking his hands into the pocket of his jeans, he set off across the road, whistling.

Sure enough, before long the numbers were already at the 540s and rapidly climbing higher. [i]548...552...554...556...Wait a second, I just passed it! [/i]Doubling back, he stepped out in front of the metal door and confirmed it was indeed 554 Main St. [i]Now how do I get in? [/i]His question was answered a moment later as a retina scanner popped out. Sticking his eye in front of it, he waiteda few moments before the door swung open. [i]Well, that was easy. [/i]Akio stepped in, and the door shut itself.

[i]What a dreary looking place, [/i]Akio thought, not all impressed by the drab grey walls and overall gloom. [i]Didn't expect things to be flowers and rainbows, but this is a little too serious-looking. [/i][i]Oh, well[/i]. [i]To the meeting room. Now where is that? [/i]Again, his question was answered as a red-haired policewoman directed him silently to the meeting room where three other people were already waiting. [i]I wonder if they'll actually believe I'm seventeen, especially since I look like this; hell, some people thought I was thirteen before I told them. [/i]He smiled at that particular memory and sat himself in one of the chairs.

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Upon arrival, Lezner heard a voice. He suspected it was coming from inside the warehouse, so he was not alone. But he heard a feminine voice, which struck him silly. You don't see that many female criminals around, especially when male criminals tend to dominate them anyway. Nonetheless, there was a voice all right; he was not imagining. As he still stood outside, his smirk settled, preparing for business. But he knew things wouldn't start [i]this[/i] early, especially for him. For all he cared, Lezner could run about the streets, pickpocket every passing civilian he came across, and stop in the same spot scott-free. He needed action, but he can't let his own entertainment blur out reality. He knew there was an opposing party out there, and that they were tracking his every move.

He did not dare to open the door. He merely eyed for another way in up the wall and over the top. But the walls were metal, so a climb would be rather noisy, especially for the girl; or whoever the hell was in there, he didn't know. His thoughts clouded what needed to be done. He blurred out of vision as footsteps appeared along the walls surrounding the doors, making a clanging noise that sprang out all at once like a sonic boom. After he stationed himself at the top of the building, he waited while the echoes slaughtered the silence of the city, keeping a sharp eye out for any spectators that may deem suspicious.

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Stephanial stood at the outskirts of what was known as "Freeborn City". He reached into his pocket, and took out a Silver Pocket-watch, opened it up, glanced at the time, then put it away. He smirked, "Seems it's about the right time" he muttered to himself, and then began to make his way into the city. He was given an address, as it were, and knew it would be best to follow to it, it was certainly interesting, he was sure of that, and wanted some answers. When he found his way to the area given, he discovered it was some sort of warehouse. He sighed at the sight of it, "A warehouse, oh how cliche" he mumbled dissapointedly, "And so filthy as well, what a shame" he went on. Eventually, he settled his self conflict and entered the warehouse, though he did so with his head leaned back and his eyes closed, as if to imply his displeasure.

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Ever since he came onto the rooftop of the warehouse, Lezner heard nothing but his breath and shoes tapping. He laid down, looking up at the sky with a boredom that could kill a passing bird. It almost did, in fact, for a flock flew by above him and dove a bit before ascending again. Normally Lezner would flinch, but he knew that there was nothing to run from, so he continued to lie at peace on top of where he was supposed to meet. [i]As soon as everyone comes[/i], he thought, [i]I'll make my entry[/i]. Then sure enough, his thoughts were interrupted by another voice followed by footsteps by the front doors. Could it be another criminal? Lezner took a moment to examine the newcomer, delighted to see new people willing to cause chaos by his side. But still Lezner waited, for he needed all the fresh air he could get before setting foot in that wretched warehouse.

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Saranesi lounged in the shade of a graceful tree, hidden from the world by her shifting skin and the blending cloak she wore. Not to mention the subtle shadows use to hide her. She merely wanted to have a few moments of freedom, just before walked the streets of Freeborn and went to her destination, to meet the mysterious U.N.Owen. Who sounded like a weird guy. She figured it might be best to let off some gentle steam before meeting him. Or her. Or it.

Staring at the clouds that gently rolled across the sky, she thought back to a childhood of happiness. Happy Saranesi, accepted by her family. Loved. Not a tool of acceptance. As a dark cloud blotted out the sun, so her memories changed to the day she shot her mother as a way to get her to the same place in heaven. A place for non-suicidal creeps. A place that Saranesi hoped to this day she would go.

With a sigh, she heaved herself up. She wrapped her cloak further around her gentle figure and walked gracefully through the streets, occasionally asking directions. She made pleasant talk, laughing with the locals like she belonged. They hardly noticed her strange coloration. She was free, if only for a moment. Once again.

As she reached Kononichi Road, she noticed that hardly a soul was around. This was probably the sort of place people would rather not go. Looking down the street carefully, she noted the warehouse further along. A slight smile playing on her lips, she waltzed over to the entrance to said warehouse. And walked in quite comfortably.

"A little dreary," she mumbled "but it'll have to do for a supposedly secret criminal meeting."
Looking around, she noted that two other people were definitely here. One rather close, eyes closed and leaning back, as though he didn't care at all. Another was on the roof of the warehouse, somewhat close to the entrance to the rooftop. However, Saranesi could swear that there were voices further into the warehouse. As much as she wanted to investigate, she restrained. [i]No need to explore already. You'll have time enough later on.[/i]

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[color=#4b0082]"So much noise. Why must that guy be so loud?"[/color] Lina mumbled hearing some strange bumping on the door. The strange thing was, was that it sound like the sound was moving up toward the roof.[color=#4b0082] "That's so weird. Maybe he wants to fall? There would be blood everywhere."[/color] She shuddered at the thought of seeing the blood, but it wasn't in fear or disgust. It was more of anticipation and delight.[color=#4b0082] "That would be a wonderful thing to see don't you think? Don't worry Rojo, if anything happens then you can handle it."[/color] Lina suddenly froze when she heard the door being opened a few moments later. Her eyes shy'd over toward the door, watching that man that entered. [color=#4b0082]"He doesn't look like a bad guy. But I guess neither do we." [/color]She mumbled watching as the guy leaned against one of the walls.[color=#4b0082] "Sena it doesn't look like he's trying to hurt us. So it's ok-No Rojo, I already said you don't know how to talk without starting fights."[/color] Lina scratched at he head before nervous fidgeting in her sitting position. [color=#4b0082]"No I'm fine Kira. Don't worry, I can handle this."[/color]

It wasn't much longer before the door opened again, but this time it was a little girl. [color=#4b0082]"Why is a child here? She should be home? Could she also be like us?"[/color] Lina wondered looking at the short girl. [color=#4b0082]"You can meet her later Kira. I know you want to speak to her, but just wait until after we see the guy who wanted us to come here. You guys need to be patient."[/color] Lina said. [color=#4b0082]"Why don't you guys do what Sena is doing? She's being patient. Rojo please don't shout anymore, it makes my head hurt. Don't be so mean Rojo. Kira I already said you'll get to talk to her soon. Don't be in a rush."[/color] Lina glanced around at the other two in the room before attempting to shrink even more in her corner.

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"Well it's about time you all made it, since there's only one chair left needed to be filled." said a figure in a trench coat appearing out of the darkness in front of the other detectives. He had partially curly medium-short brown hair with some parts of his hair more curled up. His eyes were a deep blue and had a medium build with an average skin tone. This individual was none other than Kurai Hatokime, or Rai as he was more commonly known by. He walked toward the others and began to shake their hands. "I have a name, but just call me Rai. My name isn't important anyway." He then sat down in the chair. "Now you're probably wondering as to how I got here first. Well..."


[i]"When I first woke up, I woke up fairly early, possibly earlier than you guys." Rai is seen putting on his trench coat and grabbing his wallet containing enough Yen to take a round trip through all of the major cities of Japan. He also grabbed his keys and walked out of his apartment door. He inserted the door key into the slot and turned it clockwise to lock it. He then turned it counter-clockwise and pulled the key out. He then put the key into his pocket and headed straight for the elevator.[/i]

[i]After he reached the bottom floor, he began to walk up to the counter. "Koko ni watashi no kī, jindesu. Watashi wa modotte kuru made yasumi jibun no heya o tamotsu yō ni shite kudasai." said Rai in Japanese, which translated into, "Here's my key, Jin. Be sure to keep my room on hiatus until I come back." He gave the counter man, Jin, his room key as he replied in Japanese, "Sono-shi chenrai shinpaishinaide kudasai. Watashi wa sore made matte iru yo." That translates into, "Don't worry about that Mr. Rai. I'll be waiting until then." Rai nodded as he walked through the entrance door and into the suburban streets of Kyoto.[/i]

[i]"When I went to the bus station, it turns out that there was a departure to Freeborn City coming within 10 minutes when I had a ticket for a departure later on in the day. So I went to switch it." Rai walked up to the front desk and ask in Japanese, "Sumimasen ga, watashi wa sonohi no uchi ni ue no jiyū-min no toshi ni tsunagaru shuppatsu no tame ni kono chiketto o motte imasu. Watashi wa, genzai no shuppatsu no chiketto o motte ite moraemasu ka?" This translated into, "Excuse me, but I have this ticket for a departure leading to Freeborn City later on in the day. Could I please have a ticket for the current departure?"[/i]

[i]The ticket man replied, "Mochiron. Sore wa nana jū go-en to narimasu." This translated into, "Of course. That will be ¥75." Rai nodded, took out his wallet and gave the man the money along with his ticket. A few minutes later, Rai was given a new ticket and nodded at the ticket man. "Basu wa yaku 8-bu de koko ni narimasu. Jiyū-min no ichi ni o jikan o o tanoshimi kudasai." said the ticketman. That translated into, "The bus will be here in about eight minutes. Enjoy your time in Freeborn City." Rai nodded as he sat down.[/i]

[i]"After I got on the bus and got off it, I noticed things about Freeborn that looked exactly the opposite of what I intended. But you can't judge a book by it's cover." As Rai was walking through the possibly deserted street, everything looked gray with broken windows and beaten up doors. "I couldn't believe that this is where I was being asked to come to. Everything I heard about this place I now see is possibly wrong." Rai then looked at the metal door that led inside where he was now.[/i]

[i]Rai walked up to the retina scanner. When the scan was complete, a loud metallic voice yelled, "[b][color=#ff0000]ACCESS APPROVED! WELCOME KURAI HATOKIME![/color][/b]" The door opened and Rai walked in. And just before the door tried to slam on him, he jumped and did a forward roll to dodge being hit. "Talk about needing to be fast on your feet," said Rai to himself as he chuckled and walked up to where the chairs were. "Guess I'm the only one here. Didn't expect that, but what are you gonna do?" He then began to walk out of the light, still having some light shine on him. He then heard the door open and hid in the darkness.[/i]


Rai had begun to finish his story. "...And that's when--Neol was it--came in. And I have been in hiding until the rest of you came in. I actually thought that I wouldn't be waiting that long. Oh well." He then sighed. "Oh, and yes, I was summoned here by the chief of police here as well. After my biggest case revolving around my past was solved, I was given the letter and, well, I think you know what happened the next day. Either way, I wonder exactly what we're all going to be doing now that we're all here. If we were given a small list of basic information, then at least we would possibly know what to do first. Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait, then."

OoC: If I did something wrong, let me know. Either way, I think I planned out my grand entrance very well.

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Leon stared blankly at the man who just walked in, slowly stood up and walked over to him, and stared at him blankly right in his face for a good minute before suddenly a televisoin monitor appeared out of one of the walls and flickered on. Leon gazed ofer to it, the screen just showed a haze of sorts and made a silent noise showing a lack of an input to the monitor. Leon quickly sat down, still staring at the screen, [color=#800080]"What's going on?" [/color]He asked not really expecting an answer. Suddenly it turned on, and on it appeared a face of a hooded figure....
[color=#ff0000][i]"You finally made it... Took you long enough. I thought with people of your capabilities could do better, but no I guess not."[/i][/color]

The man said in a distorted voice. Suddenly the entire room was locked down and gas began to pour through the room, Leon attempted to escape but couldn't get through. The gas quickly filled Leon's lungs, he chocked on it and collapsed within three seconds, falling unconcious with the rest of the room.

This is also occuring in the criminal Warehouse[/spoiler]

Leon slowly began to wake up, he found himself in a chamber of somekind inside a glass tube filled with green liquid. There were smaller tubes running around his body, he foundhimself alone in this single chamber. Leon panicked, he felt so closed up, so alone, the only thing keeping him from drowning was a gas mask that covered his face, slowly feeding him oxygen. He began to kick at the glas until it automatically opened up, pouring the green liquid all across the floor, Leon could barely stand. He felt weak in his legs as he tried to detach himself from the machinery he was attached to. He yanked away painfully from the tubes which cause a severe stabbing sensation all across his body. Leon collapsed to the floor, writhing in pain before he could finally stand up again. There was one table in the middle of the small chamber, on it was a towel, his clothes, and his weapons. He began to panic, [color=#800080]"What the... Wh-Where am I!? HELP!!! SOMEONE HELP!!!" [/color]He yelled running to a door across the room, slamming on it. Suddenly, he saw a note on the door, it said "Please get changed... Your nudity is simply vulgar and I will not allow you to trot around in your birthday suit." He pulled off the note and looked back at his clothes. Slowly he began to walk normally, feeling his muscles return to normal as he dried himself off and put on his clothes.Leon then went back to the door. It was large and metal, the only non-concrete object in this chamber besides the table and tube-like machine. Suddenly he could hear mechanisms going off inside the door which allowed it to open up, where he walked into a long halway with 12 other doors, all just like his.

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[i]You finally made it... Took you long enough. I thought people with your capabilities could do better, but no I guess not.[/i]
The distorted voice filled the room, startling Saranesi out of her wits. Who was this... U.N.Owen? But before such thoughts could be entertained properly, she heard the faint hiss of a gas tap. She tried to scream, only to have the could of gas filling her lungs and send her tumbling forwards. For a moment, she remained conscious, staring at the floor. Then it did as was intended, and she lay unconscious on the floor.

[i]Saranesi... wake up[/i]
[i]wake up[/i]
Saranesi opened her eyes slowly. For a moment, she saw only green, which puzzled her. Since when did she see green whenever she awoke? Admittedly, everything so far confused her. She tried to move her arm, only to find it somewhat locked in place. Glancing down, she almost screamed again.
Tubes connected to nearly every part of her body, and she wore an oxygen mask on her face, keeping her from drowning. She floated gently in a greenish fluid, through which she could vaguely see outside the tube in which she hovered. A table with a note, and her clothes.
[i]My clothes?![/i]
The fact that she was stark naked didn't help her happiness at such a moment.
Grimacing, she jerked her leg forward. It hit the glass, but didn't do much otherwise. She kicked the glass again, harder this time. A door opened, and she was spilled out onto the cold, hard floor of a non-green world.
The tubes on her fell away, leaving her numb with pain. Slowly, she reached up and ripped away her oxygen mask, giving her half a shock as she breathed without it. But she held back from crying aloud, rather taking a few deep breaths.
Grabbing the edge of the table for support, she hauled herself to her feet. Before her was the note she'd seen.
[i]Please get changed... your nudity is simply vulgar and I will not allow you to trot around in your birthday suit[/i]
So U.N.Owen had a sick sense of humor. Or whomever wrote it. They were probably ill in the head.
Regardless, Saranesi put her clothes back on slowly, still numb from her unconscious happenings. She wondered, briefly, why she'd accepted the invitation to Freeborn. She could be captured, but not forever. A simple darkness bend was all she'd require to escape prison and continue to work off her sin of murder. The blackmail threatened was somewhat useless, but it was a bit late now. She couldn't resist another adventure to clear her name.

Walking - or stumbling - over to the door, she heard machines whirring in the walls. Then the door opened, allowing her to stumble out.
She was greeted by a corridor of twelve other doors identical to hers. Further down the corridor was a guy, who looked perfectly recovered. [i]Lucky him. If only I wasn't so curious as to go straight out rather than wait for my nerves to recover. Oh well, the past is the past. But in future, I might need to wait JUST a little[/i]

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Leon turned his head to see a rather small girl with blonde and black hair stumble out of her chamber, Leon went over to see if she was alright, not recognizing her from the group of detectives he was once with. [color=#800080]"Are you alright young one?"[/color] He asked concerningly as any good preist would do, even if he wasn't one... Aprarently living in a monestary all his life began to rub on him, [color=#800080]"It seems as though you didn't wait long to escape, don't worry, the pain should go away shortly." [/color]He said looking around the long hallway to see a large staircase, also made of cement, on the other side of the hall. There were no windws or doors, except for the chamber doors on his left, the only thing lighting the way were a series of flourecent lights along the ceiling. [color=#800080]"Hold on... I'm going to check things up ahead."[/color] Leon said as he slowly left the teenager to check what was up ahead, on top of the stair case, with about 20 steps on it, was a large dome shaped room decorated with, what he could only guess as, Greko-Roman architecture and design with one large fountain on each side of the room. Each fountain was letting out tons of dirty water, it was almost like mud it was so tainted. Leon was finallly in notice of a table at the other side of the room that was filled to the brim with food... Suddenly his stomach began to growl harshly at him, [color=#800080]"God... How long have I been out of it? I'm so... hungry..."[/color] He thought before looking around some more. He found a television just like the one in the gas chambers he was locked in with the other detectives. Leon quickly ran back down the stairs to see if anyone else had made it out. He then told everyone who was in the hall to come upstairs if they could as soon as possible.

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[quote name='MortalKombatSmoke' timestamp='1330132343' post='5838586']
[color=#ff0000][i]"You finally made it... Took you long enough. I thought with people of your capabilities could do better, but no I guess not."[/i][/color]

Lezner was still on the roof when he heard this voice. From what he made of it, it sounded as if it were being projected from a TV screen. So cliche, he thought. How can there [i]possibly [/i]be any connection to cable, satellite, or routers out here in such a remote area as this? Perhaps it was just a tape. Again, cliche. He'd seen all of them in movies, but it was after the voice where he grew curious. With a hissing sound, or at least what he thought was one, sounding from under the top surface of the warehouse, his eyes widened just slightly, and he sped past the window and into the abandoned building, where he saw two, maybe three, other people on the floor prone to life but still containing it. [i]Gas[/i], he thought, [i]what would prompt such an act of valor, [/i]His mind pondered until he laid eyes on the screen that lay in the center of the room, showing a head of a hooded man that appeared to be the one who blackmailed him into this God-forsaken place.

Lezner did not say a word. Instead he continued to ponder while looking at the screen with eyes like stationary crystals, growing curious of the situation. As he walked past the several bodies that were knocked out by the gas, a voice finally passed his lips in question: [b][color=#8b4513]"...so you are the one who blackmailed me? At least it appears that way. But let's get down to business. Who exactly are you and for what reason did you blackmail me into this wretched-"[/color][/b]

​Then as Lezner was about to break out in rant, some of the gas seeped into his lungs. Cursing under his breath, he fell prone to consciousness and his mind went blank.

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Izzy watched as more people began to show up, with one apparently having been there before hand and was just waiting so that he could make some type of grand entrance. Apparently he was the last one to come because the moment he did, a TV screen appeared from one of the walls. At first there was nothing but a fuzzy picture but eventually a strange cloaked man appeared on screen. [b]"You finally made it...Took yo long enough. I thought people of your capabilities could do better, but no guess not." [/b]After those words of greeting a gas began to fill the room, taking everyone by surprise. Izzy could hardly do anything before the gas entered her lungs and she was out cold just like the rest.

Izzy didn't know how long it had been since that moment, but when she woke up she woke with a start. [i]'Green?...Wait...What's going on? Why am I in a tank?...And why am I naked!?' [/i]She screamed in her head her face turning a bright shade of red. She looked around the room and saw her clothes on the table. She needed to get out of this thing and fast. Izzy brought her foot up and kicked the glass, the moment she did a vision of the same cloaked man from the screen appeared. She saw him strip her and put her in this tank before leaving. Izzy came back to reality moments later. She needed to get her clothes before she touches too many things. She kicked at the glass again, but this time harder. A few more kicks and the glass shattered and she fell to the floor. "Ah!" Izzy winced having cut her hand on a piece of glass. "Ugh, well isn't this a fun game." She went over to her clothes and quickly dressed. She flexed her hand as she fitted the glove on. "Wait...There's something missing." She looked around. "Where's my ipod? Damnit...Without it I can't block out other people's emotions...."

'"Guess I don't have a choice...Maybe the others are here as well." Izzy walked over to the door, and opened it. She entered a hallway, with 12 other doors. She wondered if there were people in those as well. Looking down the hallway she noticed a teenage girl. Izzy wondered who she was, since she wasn't with them before their abduction. With a shrug Izzy began walkign towards the girl. "Hey, excuse me! Do you know what's going on here?" Before she could be answered, Leon appeared apparently having going to check a head. He said there was another room up ahead and that they should get there as soon as possible.

Over at the warehouse, the same thing was happening. Lina was among the first in the warehouse to succumb to the gaseous fumes. Even though Lina was the one to fall unconscious, she wasn't the one to awaken. The one to wake up was Sena. Her eyes opened slowly and cautiously, before darting around the new environment she found herself in. She was in a tank filled with green water. Off on a table were her clothes, but she didn't exactly care about being naked. Her eyes narrowed, and she reached out to touched the glass. Using her powers she forced the molecules in the glass to speed up, creating heat and causing it to melt around her. The water fell on the ground and Sena step down. Before getting dressed she looked around to make sure she was alone.

She left the room and entered the hallway, and her eyes instantly locked on the three people standing some ways away. Again using her power she shifted the molecules in her hand and created a blade. In no time at all she brought her blade horizontally toward Izzy, who would have been decapitated if she hadn't ducked.

Izzy backed away her eyes wide, "What the hell is your problem!? Why would you just attack someone like that!?"

Sena snatched her blade from out of the wall and eyed the three people, [color=#000080]"Where am I, and who are you? If you are the ones who brought me here, I will kill you now."[/color]

Izzy quickly waved her hands in front of her face, and shook her head, "W-w-wait a minute there! We didn't bring you here. In fact we don't know how we got here. So just calm down." Izzy said then retreating to her thoughts, [i]'What's up with this girl? Even though she just tried to kill me I don't sense any type of emotion comming from her. Not even bloodlust.'[/i]

Sena eyed Izzy then looked at Sarenesi, who she recognized from being in the warehouse. "[color=#000080]Fine, but try anything and you are all dead."[/color] She closed her eyes and when they opened again they appeared childish. A wide smile came to her face and she faced Sarenesi. [color=#ff3366]"Hi! You were there at the warehouse weren't you? I wanted to talk to you since we're both girls and all. I'm Kira by the way." [/color]Kira giggled and held out her hand for Sarenesi to shake.

Meanwhile Izzy was taken off guard by the girl's sudden change of additude. [i]'Man...And I thought I was strange.' [/i]Izzy thought, and as she did she felt herself become bubbly as well as she fed off of Kira's emotions. "Well now that you're all better I say we should go to this room that Leon mentioned!" Izzy grinned, but then shook her head and regained herself. She really needed her music.

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Stephanial sniffed the air for second as the gas filled the room, and had nary a few second to wonder what that smell was before he passed out cold, onto the floor.
Stephanial woke up inside some sort of glass tube, with lots of green liquid filing up the entire thing. He scoffed to himself in his mind, forgetting momentarily he was probably in mortal danger, [i]'Ugh, green! I've never been a fan of the color green. Especially this particular shade of green, it's so... ugly' [/i]he complained for a moment, before it dawned on him exactly what had just happened, and he started to wonder why he was in a glass tube, filled with and liquid that's an ugly shade of green. The glass opened up, spilling all of the liquid out, and Stephanial noticed that he was obviously not the first one here. He quickly noticed he was nude, and made his way over to a table, where his clothes were sitting, and made haste putting them on. He also made haste to go through the first door he saw, which led into a long hallway, and just as he opened the door, loosely caught somebody saying there was a room up ahead, and that they would need to make their way to it quickly. Stephanial walked into the hallway now, and looked around for a moment. [i]'This sure is an odd bunch we've got here'[/i] he noted, [i]'Men, women, girls with pink hair. PINK. HAIR! Surely that can't be natural' [/i]he thought, but he dismissed it, in favor of checking out what was upstairs. Up there, he noticed quite a large room, filled with, Stephanial wasn't sure, maybe greek architecture? As well as fountains spewing forth what could have been mud for all he knew, as well as a Television at the end of the room. What he was most interested in, however, was the long table, filled with piles and piles of food. His mouth nearly watered at this sight, and he was so hungry. He made his way over to the table quickly, and picked up a loaf of bread, and began to eat it, a lot more quickly and brutishly than he would have if he were in any normal circumstance. He decided to let the others come to him if they wanted to speak, all he worried about right now was eating.

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It became quickly apparent that there were many here, not just one or two.
The one Saranesi had noticed before said she'd recover soon, then went off to explore the strange area. It made her wonder where they actually were. Then he popped back down and told them there was a room above them, and that they should probably head up as soon as possible. He came off instantly, to Saranesi, as pushy. But what could she do about it?
One of the people who appeared form the doors drew a blade.
[color=#000080]"Where am I, and who are you? If you are the ones who brought me here, I will kill you now." [/color]Saranesi blinked in surprise. Considering they all looked worse for wear, it would be hardly likely they could be confused with a creepy guy with a mask. But that was just what she thought.
One of the other girls protested against that statement, causing the somewhat murderous girl to threaten them . She closed her eyes, only to have them open bright and cheerful. When she came torwards Saranesi, she was almost worried.
[color=#ff3366]"Hi! You were there at the warehouse weren't you? I wanted to talk to you since we're both girls and all. I'm Kira by the way." [/color]the girl said, suddenly sounding so bright and cheerful. It was so unusual, Saranesi wanted to laugh. Never the less, she smiled brightly and shook Kira's hand.
"Well now that you're all better I say we should go to this room that Leon mentioned!" the other girl said, seeming almost as bright and cheerful as Kira. It was like the two of them were infected by happy gas. For a moment, that sounded like a bad thing.
[color=#696969]"I agree. We should probably head to the room mentioned by this 'Leon'. Then we can all get to know each other better. Considering we're all in the same predicament, it is more tha likely we'll need each others help" [/color]Saranesi said, smiling slightly. Kira and the other girl were nice enough, nicer than others that Saranesi had met.

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The sudden appearance of the TV screen and the hooded figure intrigued Rai for a second. Especially when he heard him say, [color=#ff0000][i]"You finally made it... Took you long enough. I thought with people of your capabilities could do better, but no I guess not."[/i][/color] Then, after that figure said what he said, something dark inside Rai started to show itself. He can't say for sure what it was, but he just let it take over. He gave the hooded figure what many call the Evil Eye. He stared at the hooded figure for a few seconds and quickly reacted to the gas starting to build up in the room, regaining his old self. He then held his breath. But he accidentally breathed in a tiny bit of the gas. He started to get dizzy. [i]Damn, I didn't react fast enough![/i] he thought. He started to lose his balance, but before he began to lose his vision and consciousness, he gave the hooded figure the Evil Eye once more before quickly attempting to shot the screen with his Magnum. And just before he fell to the floor, he said in a weak voice, "Take this, you psychotic monster!" He then shot the screen, put the magnum back in his pocket, and fell to the ground unconsciously.


As Rai has begun to wake up again, he can hear himself screaming in agony, as if something crule and horrible had just happened. And something did. When he was able to see again, he noticed that he was seeing green. He felt numb all over as well. [i]What...what the hell just happened to me!?[/i] When he was actually able to feel his limbs, He looked around, noticing that he was in a containment tube with a strange green fluid. What kept him from drowning was the oxygen mask over his face. When he tried to move, he felt a sharp pain all over, because he has clear tubing attached to almost every part of his body. [i]W-why is this happening to me!? What did I do to deserve this!?[/i] With all of the reserved strength he has, he kicked the glass in front of him. Suddenly, a door from the glass tube began to automatically opened, draining away all of the ooze that covered him. Even the plastic tubing that attached to his body yanked away as he fell to the ground outside of the tube.

Because of the tubing yanking away from his skin, he felt such a sharp pain, he thought he was going to die. Forcing the oxygen mask from his face, Rai could barely breathe. Breath after breath, he continued to crawl on the floor, hoping to ease the pain he was going through. He then noticed a table in front of him. Struggling to stand up, he stumbles over to the table, holding on to it while going through extraordinary pain. He then noticed something. Weakly, he said to himself, "My clothes? What...what are they doing here?" He then attempted to walk towards a door at the end of the room. It had a note. [i]"Please get changed... Your nudity is simply vulgar and I will not allow you to trot around in your birthday suit."[/i] Sighing in annoyance, Rai went back over to the table.

He then noticed something. His magnum was there, but when he opened it, all of his ammunition was gone. And another thing was that he didn't see his sword. "I guess someone doesn't want us to be having active weapons around here...wherever 'here' is." Rai then put on his clothes, after drying himself off with a towel, of course, and proceeds to walk out the door. When he walked out, he noticed a corridor with 12 other rooms, possibly with the same things, just different people. Talk about a way to get everybody here. He noticed three people over to his far right and doesn't recognize all but one. It was Izzy. He decided that she would notice him either way, so he walks to his left and notices a staircase. Carefully he walks up the stairs, preparing for whatever would appear.

Then, he noticed something he never saw before. Although he's heard of what he's seeing now, he couldn't believe it being more beautiful than he was told to be. It was a dome-shaped hall with what looks like greek architecture. He was pretty sure it was. He was astounded by everything in the room. Everything looked like an antique and could easily be priceless, one-of-a-kind pieces of art. Well, almost everything. The large glass shandelear seemed newly made, as if it was made for something happening right now. And when he looked below it, he knew right away. He saw a table filled to the edge with all different kinds of food. No matter what ethnicity you are, there was something on that table that satisfied everybody.

He then felt his stomach grumbling louder than ever before. [i]I guess I was put in there in order for me to wake up hungry; or maybe not.[/i] he thought as he began to walk up to the table. He then saw Leon and a new guy. He ended up walking up to Leon. "Hey, uh, Neol was it?" he asked. "You got any clue as to what is happening? My weapons are gone, except for my magnum, but it's empty. I'm so confused." He then looked at the new person scarfing down an entire loaf of bread, chuckling at the sight of what he was doing. "And who's the new guy? I never saw him when we were knocked out. He might be someone new." He then continued to look at the new guy.

OoC: If something doesn't look right, well, you know what to do. Let me know, and I'll try my best to edit it to your standards.

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Kira giggled happily as Saranesi shook her hand with enthusiasm. She then turned to Izzy who appeared to be just as happy as she was. Kira shrugged, then addressed what Saranesi said,[color=#ff3366] "Was Leon one of the guys also at the warehouse?"[/color] Kira asked clasping her hands together behind her back and tilting her head slightly to the side. Izzy was the one to answer. Though when she spoke it seemed like she was annoyed. "No, Leon was with me and my group." She wasn't looking at the two girls but instead at Rai who she noticed come out of one of the rooms. She felt his annoyance at the situation and acted on it. Blushing a bit she scratched the back of her head, "Hehe, sorry about that."

[color=#ff3366]"Oh, I see."[/color] Kira then walked forward, and dropped her voice to a low whisper so no one could hear her, [color=#ff3366]"Don't worry I'll keep my eyes open."[/color] She looked over her shoulder, smiling at Izzy and Saransei, "Come on! I'll race you!" She laughed as she ran off towards the direction that was pointed out. Izzy shook her head, "She sure is strange...Well, I guess we should make our way over as well." She said as she followed Kira, though at a much more normal pace.

When Kira made it up to the room Leon mentioned, she saw a large table filled with food and three males in it. One of them she recognized from being at the warehouse, and the other was the boy that told them about the room. The third guy wasn't familiar to Kira either.[color=#ff3366] "Wow, there seem to be a lot more people here than I realized. I wonder if there will be a party! Oh I just adore parties!"[/color] Kira exclaimed throwing her hands up before skipping over to an empty chair. When Saransei and Izzy walked in she waved over-zealously and patted the two chairs beside her, [color=#ff3366]"Here! I saved you two seats!"[/color]

Izzy saw Kira and wondered if it would be a good idea to go over there. She was always so happy, and while Izzy didn't have anything against bubbly people, without her music she couldn't stop her empathy powers. Even so she smiled, "Sure." She walked over to the seat, nodding at both Leon and Kai as she sat down. She wondered who the other guy was but decided to wait. There was another tv monitor in here so maybe that strange man would appear again once everyone showed up.

[color=#ff3366]"So what are everyone's names!?"[/color] Kira suddenly asked everyone present.[color=#ff3399] [/color][color=#ff3366]"I'm Kira!"[/color]

"Well I'm Izna Rosario, but just call me Izzy!" Izzy let out a giggle but quickly tried to stifle it, then looked away. Now sitting down at the table Izzy suddenly realized how hungry she was, and with everyone else also feeling hungry it just intensified her own feelings of hunger. Even so she refrained from eating it. She didn't know what was in it and didn't want to risk being knocked out again. Despite the man some ways away from her seeming to be fine even though he was eating the food, she wasn't going to take that same risk. It seemed Kira was thinking the same thing because she had yet to even look at or notice the food.

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Leon ran up to the table and begna scarfing down food, protecting a chicken leg for himself, suddenly he noticed as more people began to get to the table, once he had his fill, Leon wiped his mouth clean and looked around, noticing only a few people from the building, the other he couldn't even place. Once people started introducing themselves, he joined, [color=#800080]"I'm Leon... It's a pleasure... Umm... I'm from Spain... I don't know what I'm doing here and I'm pretty sure none of you have the slightest clue either... But... Does anyone have any ideas? Because from what I can tell, this isn't the work of any Chief of Police, I mean..." [/color]Suddenly he was interupted by the television, it came on with a loud spark and there was the hooded man... again....

[spoiler=Matching Music]

[color=#ff0000]"Greetings Detectives... Criminals... It's been a long time hasn't it? What... A month? No... Ah... If I remember correctly... Yes... It's been one cycle of the Gregorian Calendar.... Interesting... I thought I set the timers on your healing tubes for ten months not twelve... BUT no matter... Hehehehe.... WELCOME the lot of you! I am your gracious host!!! Cheif Odo Mudo!!! Heh, or was it... U. N. Owen?"[/color] the man mocked, he then began to laugh hysterically, then he left off a long sigh and his voice became disturbingly deep, [color=#ff0000]"Now then..." [/color]Then normal again, [color=#ff0000]"I'm sure you are all wondering what is going on... You see... The lot of you have been... Selected for an expirament of mine..."[/color] The screen focused on his eye for a brief instant then back to the normal view, [color=#ff0000]"You have to play a game... I call it..."[/color] His voice became deep again, [color=#ff0000]"Life,"[/color] then went back to normal, [color=#ff0000]"You see... Freeborn has undergone some... Changes in the year you've been gone... And It's up to you to find out what happened, WHO did it... and more importantly..." [/color]his voice deepened once again, [color=#ff0000]"who I am..."[/color] It, once again, returned to normal, [color=#ff0000]"However, be warned. Each of you have been implanted with a microchip in your brain..."[/color] Suddenly the television showed a video of the man doing surgery on Izzy, opening her skull, then went back to the normal view, [color=#ff0000]"If any of you attempt to leave the city peramiters, your blood vessles in your brain will all BURST instantly. And only I can deactivate them" [/color]He laughed evily gasping in for air, [color=#ff0000]"Now, as you can see there are still some doors locked, some of your teamates haven't awoken yet... But forget about them... Because all of you have five minutes to leave this building through this exit,"[/color] A bright light from a spotlight appeared over a door on the other end of the room labled "EXIT", [color=#ff0000]"It will be unlocked when more people wake up and they will be treated to this same message, but if you don't leave in five minutes. The room will be filled with toxic Nerve gas and all of you will die painfully..."[/color] He chuckled before seeming to loose control of his laughter, [color=#ff0000]"Good luck!!! and remember... Only that in you which is me.... Can hear what I'm saying"[/color] After one more laughter the TV went black, a timer then came on and began to count down from Five Minutes.

Leon's eyes widened as the man began to speak, his jaw dropped and he backed away, [color=#800080]"A... A year!? That tube was keeping us alive for a year!?!?"[/color] He thought he was going to have a panic attack, Then he saw what the cloaked man did to Izzy, then what he imagined happened to him as well, this was too much, then the clock appeared. he felt a sudden urge to get to the door, even though it was only a few hundred feet away, but he sprinted, and once he reached the door, he opened it to reveal many, many hallways. all labled "EXIT", one on the right had the words "RUN while you still can" written under it, the one on the left had, "Don't JUMP to conclusions" then the middle one had, "Don't play, survive LIFE". Leon looked at the three halls, thinking to himself which way to go.

Leon tried to calm down as he sat down and entered a meditative state. His crosses began to glow and he saw a spirit orb travel down the center hall, Leon got up and yelled to alert the others, [color=#800080]"This way!"[/color] As he ran down the hall as fast as he could. Once he left the final exit, he was in another large room, it looked like a giant office, but the windows only showed rock and dirt, they were underground, however there was another camera on the television that showed the timer had stopped, leading him to belive that he had found the way out.

Leon took a deep breath and tried to relax, however he heard a few steps down the hall, an axe was thrown at him, he ducked barely in time and a giant brute appeared, wearing a black leather mask. He looked like he could take down an elephant with one touch...

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Rai sat down, realizing he might have mispronounced Leon's name. "Whoops, guess I heard wrong, hehehehe." said Rai, chuckling as he sat down next to Izzy, not even realizing she was there. Then he turned to his right. "Oh! Sorry, didn't see you there, uh, Izzy was it?" He then put his hand out to shake hers. "Name's Rai." He became interrupted when the screen made a loud spark and showed the hooded man that almost killed him. He then gave him the Evil Eye once again. [i]You again![/i] he thought in rage. When he began to listen to what he was saying, he became purely shocked. [i]10 months!? How the hell was I asleep for 10 months!?[/i] He listened further and began to ponder. [i]What kind of changes does he mean? And maybe he's that one person I heard about 20 years ago. What was his name? Ah, it doesn't matter. I'll figure it out later on, I guess.[/i]

Then he heard terrifying reminder after terrifying reminder. He began to feel his heart beat faster. However, he was able to calm himself down. [i]Calm down, Rai, calm down; you'll do just fine.[/i] he thought. After seeing what was done to Izzy, he felt sorry for her. Also, he felt bad for everybody else and himself for going through the exact same thing. When he saw the timer, he did a power walk towards the door, thinking that there was only a small fork in the road past the very door. Then, he saw Leon run like a speeding bullet to the door. He couldn't help but smirk and slightly chuckle at Leon's priceless face. WHen he bust open the door, he became shocked. "Dammit!" he said to himself as he noticed a large array of doors in the hallway appearing through the door. "Just great. To think this would be easy enough as to pick one door and someone else picks the other! But no! Now we're screwed!"

When he got to the door, he began to read the 3 cards that blantantly had clues on them. "Run, Jump, Life..." he thought to himself as he wondered where to go first. Then he saw Leon go into a meditative state. [i]What is he...?[/i] he thought as he then noticed the crosses around his neck began to glow and an orb of some sorts appeared and went towards the center door at the end of the hall. He saw Leon run towards that direction and Rai began to follow him. [i]He has powers!? Especially for contacting spirits!? This is going to be one hell of a journey.[/i] He then looked around the office, noticing that the only thing different about it compared to the average office was that it had windows made of rock and dirt. "Great, we're underground!?" He then saw the camera with the stopping timer. "Phew! Good going there, man!" Rai then punched Leon lightly on the shoulder.

He then noticed something. He went over to a slightly open drawer. It was a fairly long drawer, in which could hold a sword. And the first thing he thought of was, "I think I found the rest of my stuff." He then attempted to open the drawyer when he heard a few steps from behind him, echoing from the hall. He then thought more people might have decided to join the team. His eyes then widened. "WHOA!!" He then dodged the incoming axe that would have headed straight for his stomach. It hit the drawyer and something came out. It was a closed medium-sized box that could easily hold the shells of a revolver and... "My sword!" he yelled as he reached for it and the box of shells. He also noticed the axe and who threw it. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It seemed cliche, but he was annoyed regardless.

"Executioners!? Really!? Is it me or is that hooded man just trying to test us?!"

He then noticed a large table and knocked it over. He went behind it, took out his Magnum, and opened the box of shells. There was eleven of them, just like when he wasted one on the TV screen back at the building. He realized that this was his ammo and put the five shells he presumes to be the ones he had in the gun to begin with back into it. He then looked towards Leon. "Over here!" he yelled, hoping that the Executioner didn't catch his eye. He might have done so when he knocked over the table, but as of now, he could care nonetheless. He might be the only one with a gun, so it's best that he be the one to try and take him out. However, he wasn't sure of whether or not the bullets in his Magnum would penetrate the leather mask the Executioner had like it was human skin. He can try, but he can't assure success.

He then decided to do the one thing he never thought he would have to do. Be the hero. He jumped for the axe and attempted to throw the axe at the Executioner as hard as he could towards it's head. If that didn't work, he had a plan B. And a Plan C. In other words...

Hypo-Hypnosis and Diplomacy + brute force.

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[color=#000000]Terra was the last of those that were captured to wake up... only to find herself naked in a glass tube. Whatever fluid was [i]in[/i] that thing had already been drained. All that was left for her to do [i]now[/i] was step out of the tube and wonder where she was... and how she got here. To her left, Terra found an already fully-dressed woman wearing a steel mask over one side of her face.[/color]

[color=#800080]"You..."[/color][color=#000000] she muttered, [/color][color=#800080]"I've been looking for you... and [/color][color=#800080][i]now[/i][/color][color=#800080] all of a sudden I find you[/color][i][color=#800080] here[/color] [/i][color=#800080]of all places."[/color]

[color=#4B0082]"You should thank me,"[/color][color=#000000] the woman stated, before observing the tube itself, [/color][color=#4b0082]"Turns out this [i]specific[/i] tank has been set so that it wouldn't go off for another 4 minutes. If you value your life, I suggest you make [i]use[/i] of that time,"[/color]

[color=#800080]"What do you...? S***!!" [/color][color=#000000]Terra rushed to get her clothes on and grabbed both shotguns, about to take off when all of sudden she realized she should've asked the woman something, [/color][color=#800080]"By the way... never got your name."[/color]

[color=#4b0082]"They call me 'Black Rose',"[/color][color=#000000] the woman told her, [/color][color=#4b0082]"Though I've also just been called Rose for short. I didn't mind it,"[/color]

[color=#800080]"Oh..."[/color][color=#000000] Terra thought to herself, almost as if she regretted asking, [/color][color=#800080]"Well... thanks for saving me, Rose... um... gotta run!"[/color]

[color=#000000]With that, Terra bolted down the hallway, without even looking back to see if Rose had managed to follow. She continued running until she caught up with two other detectives... and came within a hair's breadth of getting axed in side of the face.[/color]

[color=#800080]"WHHOOOAAAA!!"[/color][color=#000000] Terra screamed, as she came to an abrupt stop just in time, before turning wildly to the bulky being that threw it. Quivering in fear, Terra raised one arm at the enemy's chest, praying [i]her[/i] fear would transfer to [i]him[/i], before slowly squeezing the trigger. Eventually, the shotgun fired, but not before the recoil caused it to fire at the enemy's head.[/color]

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