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Pokemon Return of The Shadows (OOC/Not Accepting/Started)


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[center]12 years ago, two evil teams in the Orre Region started a dangerous project with normal Pokemon. Team Snagem created the Snag Machine, which would let a lone person steal a trainer's Pokemon. Snagem was working with Cipher, who took the stolen Pokemon and closed the doors to their hearts, creating Shadow Pokemon. These Shadow Pokemon were evil Pokemon who were not scared to attack humans. One member of Team Snagem stole the Snag Machine from the Team Snagem base and used it to snag all Shadow Pokemon. He then purified all of these Pokemon to their normal state. He was never heard of since.[/center]

[center]Five years after those events, Cipher rose from the shadows with new Shadow Pokemon. One of these Shadow Pokemon was the legendary Lugia. Lugia was altered greatly, becoming the Pokemon who could not be purified. Cipher nicknamed this "Shadow Lugia" XD001. This was supposed to be the start of many Pokemon that could not be purified. But a young boy with a second Snag Machine foiled Cipher's new plans and he purified the XD001.[/center]

[center]Now, seven years after Cipher's second attack on Orre, they've returned. Many wild Pokemon have appeared in Orre, wild Pokemon Cipher have stolen and changed into Shadow Pokemon again. Cipher's old admins from the first attack have joined with the new admins, with the exception of Mirror B, who disappeared after the second attack. Team Snagem disappeared too. Cipher have been rumored to have created XD002, which is supposed to be a Shadow Kyurem that can't be purified. Professor Krane has been working on new Snag Machines in case of another Cipher attack. Now he needs you to help with the fight against Cipher. He has set up a small hotel like area in the Pokemon HQ Lab for new heroes. Can you Snag `em all?[/center]

[center][spoiler=A Message from Kotomi][/center]
[center]So, hello YCM. It's Pichu here but I got a name change. With the Gamecube Pokemon games being my favorite games, I've decided to make a third version of the game, RP style.[/center]

[center]1. All Pokemon from all five generations are allowed to be in the RP[/center]
[center]2. You CANNOT snag Pokemon that are not Shadow Pokemon.[/center]
[center]3. Please PM me if you would like a Shadow Pokemon in the RP for you/others to snag.[/center]
[center]4. You may have 3 characters at max.[/center]
[center]5. You may apply for a member of Cipher, please no more then 2 of these.[/center]
[center]6. You may have up to three heroes.[/center]
[center]7. You may have 1 extra character.[/center]
[center]8. Advanced Clause applies.[/center]
[center]9. Please follow all YCM Rules.[/center]
[center]10. Follow the RolePlaying Rules[/center]
[center]11. Please keep cursing at a small level as we may have younger members in the RP.[/center]
[center]12. If you fail to follow the rules, I will give one warning. If you continue to not follow the rules, you will be kicked from the RP[/center]
[center]13. To make sure you read the rules, please post your Character's name in the color of purple.[/center]

[center][spoiler=Hero App][/center]
[center]Age: (10 to 18)[/center]
[center]Appearance: (Picture or 1+ paragraph)[/center]
[center]Personality: (1+ paragraph)[/center]
[center]Starter Pokemon; (Must be a Pokemon that hasn't evolved or only evolved once.[/center]
[center]Name: (Name of Pokemon. EX: Pikachu)[/center]
[center]Nickname: (If you want one)[/center]
[center]Level: (10, 11, or 12)[/center]
[center]Moveset: (Please make sure it's a move the Pokemon can learn)[/center]
[center][spoiler=Cipher App][/center]
[center]Age: (20 to 45)[/center]
[center]Appearance: (Picture or 1+ paragraph)[/center]
[center]Personality: (1+ paragraph)[/center]
[center]Pokemon; (Five at max, one Shadow Pokemon)[/center]
[center]Nickname: (If you want one)[/center]
[center]Level: (For now, keep the level below 25.)[/center]
[center]Is it a Shadow Pokemon?: (Yes or No)[/center]
[center]Copy and Paste the Pokemon App as many times as needed.[/center]
[center][spoiler=Extra Character App][/center]
[center]Age: (Any)[/center]
[center]Appearance: (Picture or 1+ paragraph)[/center]
[center]Personality: (1+ paragraph)[/center]
[center]Pokemon; (If any. Up to three)[/center]
[center]Nickname: (If you want one.)[/center]

[center][spoiler=Accepted Apps][/center]
[center][spoiler=Kotomi Ichinose's Apps][/center]
[center]Name: Kotomi Ichinose[/center]
[center]Sex: Female[/center]
[center]Age: 17[/center]
Kotomi from Clannad

[center]Personality: Kotomi is the shy girl who has a lot to say. She scared to talk to others whom she's not close to. She's from the Kanto Region and is only in Orre to study, as she is very smart. She is very homesick and even gets to the point of vomiting from the pain. She cares about Pokemon very dearly and hurts to see them as Shadow Pokemon.[/center]
[center]Starter Pokemon;[/center]
[center]Name: Pichu[/center]
[center]Nickname: Piku[/center]
[center]Level: 11[/center]
[center]Moveset: Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Growl[/center]
[center]Name: Naota[/center]
[center]Sex: Male[/center]
[center]Age: 16[/center]
[center]Personality: Naota is from the Orre Region and even remembers the second attack. He dresses with tons of goth-like clothing, but he is really cheery. He is always talking and sometimes he doesn't know when to shut-up. He is a "stud" with girls following him everywhere. He isn't fond of his parents and tends to travel around Orre with his Poliwag.[/center]
[center]Starter Pokemon;[/center]
[center]Name: Poliwag[/center]
[center]Nickname: Poliwag[/center]
[center]Level: 12[/center]
[center]Moveset: Bubblebeam, Ice Ball, Water Pulse[/center]
[center]Name: Grantie[/center]
[center]Sex: Male[/center]
[center]Age: 26[/center]
[center]Personality: Being third in command, Grantie (His codename, true name unknown) has a large ammount of power in Cipher. He also is the master mind behind the XD series, working behind the sences during both of the first two Cipher attacks. He was raised by Team Rocket, thus becoming an evil master mind at a young age. He is slightly crazy and wishes to take over Cipher.
Pokemon; Servine, Gengar, Arbok, Ditto, Shadow Zoroark[/center]
[center][spoiler=TheAlchemist's App][/center]
[center]Extra Character[/center]
[center]Name: [color=#800080]Octavion Rider[/color]
Sex: Guy
Age: 16
Appearance: [color="#1e4371"][url="https://encrypted-tb...v4Evb9WwPamxn4t"]https://encrypted-tb...v4Evb9WwPamxn4t[/url][/color]

Personality: Octavion is silent and non-attentive. He lives by the sword, and dies by the sword, meaning that he doesnt give up until it is literally impossible to do.
He and his pokemon do not regret living by that. In fact, it saved his life. But thats another story. He has a great mental, emotional, and physical bond with his pokemon.
He knows everything about him and vice versa. He was actually born on the instersection of the Sinnoh, Hoeen, Orre, and Unova. He has chariteristics from all four of them. He is a traveler and hunter by heart. When the so-called third attack began, he was in the Orre region and was attacked by a shadow , actually it wasnt even known. All he saw was a [color=#FF0000]Glowing Red Hand[/color]. He will never forget his terror.

Pokemon: Zoroark x2

Name: Zoroark x2
Nickname: Jack, Alice
Sex: Male, Female
Moveset: Hyperbeam, Embargo, Night Slash, Night Daze | Protect, Embargo, Return, Faint Attack[/center]
[center][spoiler=Angelik Fredom's App][/center]
[center][size=5]Name: [color=#800080][b]Kyle[/b][/color][/size]
Sex: Male
Age: 14

[center]Personality: Lover of pichu, he has a great personality and only trains eletric pokemon. He is shy and fairly weak. He loves having a good time. Laid back and happy.
Starter Pokemon; Emolga
Name: Slappy(Female)
Nickname: Kye
Level: 12
Moveset: Thundershock, tailwhip, Thunder, Volt Tackle [/center]
[center][spoiler=H.E.R Her Elegant Rawr's Apps][/center]
[center]Name: [color=#800080]Echo[/color][/center]
[center]Sex: Female[/center]
[center]Age: 14[/center]
[center]Appearance: [img]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa396/NeoXRaven/merchant_trainer_by_dummy04-d498peq.jpg[/img][/center]
[center]Personality: She is outgoing and hyper teenager, who's love for Pokemon has helped her though so many problems in her life. She got Vulpix as her first Pokemon from her older brother when she 12 as a birthday present before he left to Johto. She is very kind to her pokemon and has always loved pokemon. She has ranked 2nd in Kanto 2 years in a row.[/center]
[center]Starter Pokemon; Vulpix[/center]
[center]Name: Vulpix (Female)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 12[/center]
[center]Moveset: Ember, Quick Attack, Return, and Fire Blast[/center]

[center][b]Extra Character[/b][/center]

[center]Name: [color=#800080]Alister[/color][/center]
[center]Sex: Male[/center]
[center]Age: 16[/center]
[center]Appearance: [img]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa396/NeoXRaven/pokemon_trainer__carter_by_zoidsfan507-d3epuip.jpg[/img][/center]
[center]Personality: Alister has always been a thinker, he is also calm, laid back, and quiet. He treats everyone equally and never disrespects anyone or anything. When his sister started her pokemon journey he asked her to join him in his travels. He is very protective of his little sister and his pokemon.[/center]
[center]Pokemon; Totodile, Absol, and Gengar[/center]
[center]Name: Totodile (Male)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 28[/center]
[center]Moveset: Ice Fang, Blizzard, Crunch, and Surf[/center]

[center]Name: Absol (Male)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 29[/center]
[center]Moveset: Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Razor Wind[/center]

[center]Name: Gengar (Female)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 36[/center]
[center]Moveset: VenoShock, Sucker Punch, Shadow Punch, Hyper Beam[/center]
[center][spoiler=Piercer of the Heaven's App][/center]
[center]Name: [color=#800080]Elvira Crimson[/color]
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: [img]http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu105/monkeylife2/Pokemon_Trainer_by_horrormove.jpg[/img]
Personality:She was born in hoenn, but is now in the Orre region just to explore. Elvira is a lover of Ghost, Dark, and Psychic type Pokemon.She is actually a very cheery person and try to cheer up those who are sad/mad/etc. Elvira also hates guys who are considered playboys and "tough" guys. She is very intellectual making her good at solving puzzles and getting out of tough situations. Which is why her battle style is always changing from battle to battle.
Starter Pokemon;
Name: Shuppet
Nickname: N/A
Level: 12
Moveset: Knock Off/Screech/Night Shade[/center]
[center][spoiler=Haze's App][/center]
[center]Name:[color=#800080] Bobby[/color][/center]

[center][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Sex: Male[/size][/font][/color][/center]

[center][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age: 17[/size][/font][/color][/center]

[center][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Appearance: [/size][/font][/color][/center]



[center][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5A5A5A][size=3]Personality: Bobby is an outgoing, cocky young trainer. He aspires to become a Pokemon master just like any trainer in the world. He loves a good battle and will not turn down a challenge, he will always accept with enthusiasm. [/size][/color][/font][/center]
[center][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Starter Pokemon; [/size][/font][/color][/center]

[center][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Name: Ralts (Male)[/size][/font][/color][/center]

[center][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Nickname: Galileo[/size][/font][/color][/center]

[center][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Level: 12[/size][/font][/color][/center]

[center][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Moveset: Swords Dance, Psychic, Shadow ball, Double team[/size][/font][/color][/center]

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[quote name='Hydra of Gentlemanliness' timestamp='1329791908' post='5830481']
Be more careful about not double-posting your threads in the future.
Yeah I know. My computer glitched really badly and it posted the thread more then needed, then it blue screened.

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Name: [color=#800080]Octavion Rider[/color]
Sex: Guy
Age: 16
Appearance: [url="https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGKmd1ixDTN1B0F4CD04ss6_FsJe-fDL0sQv4Evb9WwPamxn4t"]https://encrypted-tb...v4Evb9WwPamxn4t[/url]

Personality: Octavion is silent and non-attentive. He lives by the sword, and dies by the sword, meaning that he doesnt give up until it is literally impossible to do.
He and his pokemon do not regret living by that. In fact, it saved his !$&#*@& life. But thats another story. He has a great mental, emotional, and physical bond with his pokemon.
He knows everything about him and vice versa. He was actually born on the instersection of the Sinnoh, Hoeen, Orre, and Unova. He has chariteristics from all four of them. He is a traveler and hunter by heart. When the so-called third attack began, he was in the Orre region and was attacked by a shadow , actually it wasnt even known. All he saw was a [color=#ff0000]Glowing Red Hand[/color]. He will never forget his terror.

Pokemon: Zoroark x2

Name: Zoroark x2
Nickname: Jack, Alice
Sex: Male, Female
Moveset: Hyperbeam, Embargo, Night Slash, Night Daze | Protect, Embargo, Return, Faint Attack

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[quote name='H.E.R Her Elegant Rawr' timestamp='1330194400' post='5840014']
I have a question can we use all generations of pokemon?

Yes you can!
[quote name='TheAlchemist' timestamp='1330198501' post='5840190']
Name: Octavion Rider
Sex: Guy
Age: 16
Appearance: [url="https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGKmd1ixDTN1B0F4CD04ss6_FsJe-fDL0sQv4Evb9WwPamxn4t"]https://encrypted-tb...v4Evb9WwPamxn4t[/url]

Personality: Octavion is silent and non-attentive. He lives by the sword, and dies by the sword, meaning that he doesnt give up until it is literally impossible to do.
He and his pokemon do not regret living by that. In fact, it saved his !$&#*@& life. But thats another story. He has a great mental, emotional, and physical bond with his pokemon.
He knows everything about him and vice versa. He was actually born on the instersection of the Sinnoh, Hoeen, Orre, and Unova. He has chariteristics from all four of them. He is a traveler and hunter by heart. When the so-called third attack began, he was in the Orre region and was attacked by a shadow Palkia. He will never forget his terror.

Pokemon: Zoroark x2

Name: Zoroark x2
Nickname: Jack, Alice
Sex: Male, Female
Moveset: Hyperbeam, Embargo, Night Slash, Night Daze | Protect, Embargo, Return, Faint Attack
If this a Hero App, you can have one Starter pokemon.
If it is a Extra character, good app, but remove the Shadow Palkia part, as all legendarys are legends and may not be real until later in the RP.

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[size=5]Name: [color=#800080][b]Kyle[/b][/color][/size]
Sex: Male
Age: 14

Personality: Lover of pichu, he has a great personality and only trains eletric pokemon. He is shy and fairly weak. He loves having a good time. Laid back and happy.
Starter Pokemon; Pichu
Name: Slappy(Female)
Nickname: Kye
Level: 12
Moveset: Thundershock, tailwhip, Thunder, Volt Tackle

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[quote name='Angelik Fredom' timestamp='1330214053' post='5840703']

Name: Kyle
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Personality: Lover of pichu, he has a great personality and only trains eletric pokemon. He is shy and fairly weak. He loves having a good time. Laid back and happy.
Starter Pokemon; Pichu
Name: Slappy(Female)
Nickname: Kye
Level: 12
Moveset: Thundershock, tailwhip, Thunder, Volt Tackle
Not accepted. You didn't read the rules and I've already have Pichu as a starter Pokemon.

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[center]1. All Pokemon from all five generations are allowed to be in the RP[/center]
[center]2. You CANNOT snag Pokemon that are not Shadow Pokemon.[/center]
[center]3. Please PM me if you would like a Shadow Pokemon in the RP for you/others to snag.[/center]
[center]4. You may have 3 characters at max.[/center]
[center]5. You may apply for a member of Cipher, please no more then 2 of these.[/center]
[center]6. You may have up to three heroes.[/center]
[center]7. You may have 1 extra character.[/center]
[center]8. Advanced Clause applies.[/center]
[center]9. Please follow all YCM Rules.[/center]
[center]10. Follow the RolePlaying Rules[/center]
[center]11. Please keep cursing at a small level as we may have younger members in the RP.[/center]
[center]12. If you fail to follow the rules, I will give one warning. If you continue to not follow the rules, you will be kicked from the RP[/center]
13. To make sure you read the rules, please post your Character's name in the color of purple.

but but but and i didnt snag it its seperate and no rules say ing NO Same starter


Wheres no same starter?

and it is purple

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[center]Name: [color=#800080]Echo[/color][/center]
[center]Sex: Female[/center]
[center]Age: 14[/center]
[center]Appearance: [img]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa396/NeoXRaven/merchant_trainer_by_dummy04-d498peq.jpg[/img][/center]
[center]Personality: She is outgoing and hyper teenager, who's love for Pokemon has helped her though so many problems in her life. She got Vulpix as her first Pokemon from her older brother when she 12 as a birthday present before he left to Johto. She is very kind to her pokemon and has always loved pokemon. She has ranked 2nd in Kanto 2 years in a row.[/center]
[center]Starter Pokemon; Vulpix[/center]
[center]Name: Vulpix (Female)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 12[/center]
[center]Moveset: Ember, Quick Attack, Return, and Fire Blast[/spoiler][/center]

[center]Name: [color=#800080]Alister[/color][/center]
[center]Sex: Male[/center]
[center]Age: 16[/center]
[center]Appearance: [img]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa396/NeoXRaven/pokemon_trainer__carter_by_zoidsfan507-d3epuip.jpg[/img][/center]
[center]Personality: Alister has always been a thinker, he is also calm, laid back, and quiet. He treats everyone equally and never disrespects anyone or anything. When his sister started her pokemon journey he asked her to join him in his travels. He is very protective of his little sister and his pokemon.[/center]
[center]Pokemon; Totodile, Absol, and Gengar[/center]
[center]Name: Totodile (Male)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 28[/center]
[center]Moveset: Ice Fang, Blizzard, Crunch, and Surf[/center]

[center]Name: Absol (Male)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 29[/center]
[center]Moveset: Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Razor Wind[/center]

[center]Name: Gengar (Female)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 36[/center]
[center]Moveset: VenoShock, Sucker Punch, Shadow Punch, Hyper Beam[/spoiler] [/center]

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[quote name='Angelik Fredom' timestamp='1330219023' post='5840878']

but but but and i didnt snag it its seperate and no rules say ing NO Same starter


Wheres no same starter?

and it is purple
It's just to keep others from getting confused. Sorry.

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Name: [color=#800080]Elvira Crimson[/color]
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: [img]http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu105/monkeylife2/Pokemon_Trainer_by_horrormove.jpg[/img]
Personality:She was born in hoenn, but is now in the Orre region just to explore. Elvira is a lover of Ghost, Dark, and Psychic type Pokemon.She is actually a very cheery person and try to cheer up those who are sad/mad/etc. Elvira also hates guys who are considered playboys and "tough" guys. She is very intellectual making her good at solving puzzles and getting out of tough situations. Which is why her battle style is always changing from battle to battle.
[spoiler=Sarter Pokemon]
Name: Shuppet
Nickname: N/A
Level: 12
Moveset: Knock Off/Screech/Night Shade

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[quote name='Angelik Fredom' timestamp='1330306034' post='5843165']
So i cant have Pichu


Ill have

Ok. But your personality is still too short.

[quote name='Piercer of the Heavens' timestamp='1330312075' post='5843522']
Name: Elvira Crimson
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: [img]http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu105/monkeylife2/Pokemon_Trainer_by_horrormove.jpg[/img]
Personality:She was born in hoenn, but is now in the Orre region just to explore. Elvira is a lover of Ghost, Dark, and Psychic type Pokemon.She is actually a very cheery person and try to cheer up those who are sad/mad/etc. Elvira also hates guys who are considered playboys and "tough" guys. She is very intellectual making her good at solving puzzles and getting out of tough situations. Which is why her battle style is always changing from battle to battle.
[spoiler=Sarter Pokemon]
Name: Shuppet
Nickname: N/A
Level: 12
Moveset: Knock Off/Screech/Night Shade

Read the Rules.

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[quote name='H.E.R Her Elegant Rawr' timestamp='1330225995' post='5841258']

[center]Name: [color=#800080]Echo[/color][/center]
[center]Sex: Female[/center]
[center]Age: 14[/center]
[center]Appearance: [img]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa396/NeoXRaven/merchant_trainer_by_dummy04-d498peq.jpg[/img][/center]
[center]Personality: She is outgoing and hyper teenager, who's love for Pokemon has helped her though so many problems in her life. She got Vulpix as her first Pokemon from her older brother when she 12 as a birthday present before he left to Johto. She is very kind to her pokemon and has always loved pokemon. She has ranked 2nd in Kanto 2 years in a row.[/center]
[center]Starter Pokemon; Vulpix[/center]
[center]Name: Vulpix (Female)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 12[/center]
[center]Moveset: Ember, Quick Attack, Return, and Fire Blast[/spoiler][/center]

[center]Name: [color=#800080]Alister[/color][/center]
[center]Sex: Male[/center]
[center]Age: 16[/center]
[center]Appearance: [img]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa396/NeoXRaven/pokemon_trainer__carter_by_zoidsfan507-d3epuip.jpg[/img][/center]
[center]Personality: (1+ paragraph)[/center]
[center]Pokemon; Totodile, Absol, and Gengar[/center]
[center]Name: Totodile (Male)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 28[/center]
[center]Moveset: Ice Fang, Blizzard, Crunch, and Surf[/center]

[center]Name: Absol (Male)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 29[/center]
[center]Moveset: Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Razor Wind[/center]

[center]Name: Gengar (Female)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 36[/center]
[center]Moveset: VenoShock, Sucker Punch, Shadow Punch, Hyper Beam[/spoiler] Not Finished[/center]

[quote name='H.E.R Her Elegant Rawr' timestamp='1330225995' post='5841258']

[center]Name: [color=#800080]Echo[/color][/center]
[center]Sex: Female[/center]
[center]Age: 14[/center]
[center]Appearance: [img]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa396/NeoXRaven/merchant_trainer_by_dummy04-d498peq.jpg[/img][/center]
[center]Personality: She is outgoing and hyper teenager, who's love for Pokemon has helped her though so many problems in her life. She got Vulpix as her first Pokemon from her older brother when she 12 as a birthday present before he left to Johto. She is very kind to her pokemon and has always loved pokemon. She has ranked 2nd in Kanto 2 years in a row.[/center]
[center]Starter Pokemon; Vulpix[/center]
[center]Name: Vulpix (Female)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 12[/center]
[center]Moveset: Ember, Quick Attack, Return, and Fire Blast[/spoiler][/center]

[center]Name: [color=#800080]Alister[/color][/center]
[center]Sex: Male[/center]
[center]Age: 16[/center]
[center]Appearance: [img]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa396/NeoXRaven/pokemon_trainer__carter_by_zoidsfan507-d3epuip.jpg[/img][/center]
[center]Personality: (1+ paragraph)[/center]
[center]Pokemon; Totodile, Absol, and Gengar[/center]
[center]Name: Totodile (Male)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 28[/center]
[center]Moveset: Ice Fang, Blizzard, Crunch, and Surf[/center]

[center]Name: Absol (Male)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 29[/center]
[center]Moveset: Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Razor Wind[/center]

[center]Name: Gengar (Female)[/center]
[center]Nickname: N/A[/center]
[center]Level: 36[/center]
[center]Moveset: VenoShock, Sucker Punch, Shadow Punch, Hyper Beam[/spoiler] Not Finished[/center]

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