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[img]http://i.imgur.com/K2Qvk.jpg[/img] [/center]


[center]1x Effect Veiler[/center]
[center]2x Evolsaur Cerato[/center]
[center]2x Evolsaur Darwinos[/center]
[center]2x Evolsaur Diplo[/center]
[center]2x Evolsaur Elias[/center]
[center]2x Evolsaur Vulcano[/center]
[center]2x Evoltile Lagoscus[/center]
[center]3x Evoltile Najasho[/center]
[center]3x Evoltile Westlo[/center]


[center]2x Cost/Compensation of Evolution[/center]
[center]1x Dark Hole[/center]
[center]3x Diverse Evolution[/center]
[center]2x E-Con[/center]
[center]3x Evo-Force[/center]
[center]1x Heavy Storm[/center]
[center]1x Monster Reborn[/center]
[center]1x MST[/center]
[center]1x Night Shot[/center]
[center]1x Avarice[/center]


[center]2x D-Prison[/center]
[center]2x Solemn Warning[/center]
[center]1x Torrential Tribute[/center]

[center][b]Extra Deck[/b][/center]

[center]3x Evolzar Dolkka[/center]
[center]3x Evolzar Laggia[/center]
[center]2x Evolzar Solda[/center]
[center]1x Number 32: Shark Drake the Sea Dragon[/center]
[center]1x Number 61: Volcasaurus[/center]
[center]1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis[/center]
[center]1x Verz Ouroboros[/center]
[center]1x Vylon Disigma[/center]
[center]2x Wind-Up Zenmaines[/center]

Space is an issue here, but I want to fit in Ptolemys and Big Eye in Extra Deck.

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1 Diplo is usually enough,maybe add a vulcano over it since you burn through them relatively fast?

Is night shot really that much better than MST,MST is chainable and this format chainables arent exactly something you'd main deck for,maybe just side deck for.

Fiendish chains over the D-Prisons?

How has econ been testing?

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[quote name='Canadian' timestamp='1329926176' post='5833782']
The big guys are pretty bad and so is your trap line-up.

I'd rather focus more on my Trap Line-Up, since I am pretty concerned about it. Monster line-up tests pretty well, though I'd wish Darwinos was Level 4 instead of 5.

-2 D-Prison
+2 Fiendish Chain

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