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Stun HEROes

Solemn Silver

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Irl, tourny tomorrow.

x1 Stratos
x2 Ocean
x3 Alius
x2 Tking
x1 Gorz
x1 Honest

x3 Ecall
x3 Super Poly
x3 Miracle Fusion
x3 MST
x1 Reborn
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Heavy
x1 FuFu
x1 Mind Control
x2 Gemini Sparks
x3 PoD

x1 TT
x3 Solemns
x1 Dustshoot
x2 Skill Drain

x1 Weed Out
x1 Gemini Ims
x1 Skill Drain
x1 Gemini Spark
x1 Bottomless
x2 Penguin Soldier
x1 BfaDD
x1 Crow
x1 Envoy of the Beggining
x2 Dust Tornado
x1 CyDra
x2 Neko Mane King

x1 39
x2 Ab0
x1 Shining
x1 Tornado
x1 Nova Master
x1 Gaia
xwhatever synchros

Deck could use bribe/starlight, and how does tengu sound in the main?

Edit: Guiba is bad with drain and I dont own Laggia anyway

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