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Getting Arrested :/

Sgt. Luna Scar Cautes

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[quote name='Summer Rain' timestamp='1329386950' post='5820138']
I hope never to be arrested.
If I do, I call Stanley Yelnats on this.
Because he and any other "wrong time/wrong place" would understand.

Though, to be fair, I'd probably get arrested for getting mad at a fellow student and slapping them across the face with a pencil case and/or heavy folder.
Or I'd get put in Time Out, having my parents notified and get screwed for the rest of my life at home.
For some reason, the latter sounds like a shyttier alternative.

I agree with your last statement. Nobody likes Time Out. <_<

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there's a couple
speeding, stealing, drug possession, drug use, drug dealing, bribery, assault, I'm not sure if this one counts but age of consent?

speeding well I speed in the right parts of the day where no one cares, not even cops

stealing, I needed some s*** our family was poor, I took it simple as that, mainly food when I was hungry, sometimes technology never got caught once but can't hold that stunt up forever.

the drug stuff is self explanatory, never caught for that stuff either

bribery, some of my friends are cops and mall security got away with a bit for either being their friend or if they knew me just a little I'd have to cough up the dough

assault I scrap a lot but normally just for fun a few cops thought we we're serious and tried to do us in cuz we get all bloody, but we convinced them we were just screwing around. only time i ever really assaulted somebody was when this middle school poser punk tried to act like tough s*** with a knife and i got pissed off and kicked his ass with a semi-malicious intent. some one called the cops and I bailed and never got caught. then this other guy stole my cash after a deal and i tracked him down and beat him up with my friend to get the cash back. that guy who jacked my cash and me are good friends now haha

age of consent, is it illegal is the girl you had sex with was under 18 but you're under 18 too? i have no clue

a lot of my friend that had to go to trial I saved their asses by showing them how to defend their own case and loaning them money to pay for the case, i get paid back every time =D

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[quote name='WTFauKorean' timestamp='1329462469' post='5822278']
age of consent, is it illegal is the girl you had sex with was under 18 but you're under 18 too? i have no clue

Age of consent depends on country, there is the jurisdiction that if both parties agree to it it's okay. But that also differs from each country. I suggest looking it up.

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[quote name='ragnarok1945' timestamp='1329519651' post='5823120']
They let you off? I would have expected them to trace the call and arrest you right then and there

It was only two officers that came, and they did let me off...for being 4. However, they warned my mother instead and would have arrested her if I did that again.

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