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Keep on Burning {LavalV6}


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[b][u][u]Monsters (20)[/u][/u][/b]
1 Flamvell Firedog
3 Laval Cannoneer
2 Laval Magma Cannoneer
2 Laval Lady of the Burning Lake
3 Laval Volcano Handmaiden
3 Battle Fader
1 Effect Veiler
2 Maxx C
3 Card Car D

[u][b][u]Spells (16)[/u][/b][/u]
3 Pot of Duality
3 Sweltering Heat Transmission Field
3 Rekindling
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Heavy Storm
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Book of Moon

[u][b][u]Traps (4)[/u][/b][/u]
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Fiendish Chain

[u][b][u]Extra (15)[/u][/b][/u]
1 Shooting Quasar Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Formula Synchron
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Mist Wurm
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Ally of Justice - Catastor
1 Tech Genus Hyper Librarian
1 Ancient Flamvell Diety
1 Laval Stannon
1 Lavalval Dragoon
1 Lavalval Dragon
1 Laval Chain

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1329617163' post='5825823']
Do you plan on changing it up for the format shift?

The Veiler and "C" @1 aren't really enough, imo.

If that banlist is really the banlist, which would be unbelievable, I'd start with
- Dustshoot + Torrential
- Trishula + Mist Wurm

As for what happens after that, I'm worried that including more hand traps will seriously affect the deck's balance, which I'm not even sure I have down now.
What would I remove?

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The question now lies in my extra...
[s]I'm gonna try removing Magician entirely for a Forest Sprite so I can make Lavalval Dragoon.
Maybe it'll get me Cannoneers faster.
With the loss of Magician, Colossal and RDA take a walk for Hope.[/s]

Nah, I don't really have enough Cannoneer for it to matter, that's what RotA is for; plus, It just feels wrong without Magician and Xyz are weak... but I'll keep Hope and use Blader, that way, I can lock summons.

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So, I've discovered this deck depends entirely on Rekindling and Heat Transmission Field.
It also appears that Gold Sarcophagus is too slow, so I'm trying Duality instead.

Anyone have any ideas to give this deck stronger openings?
Heat Field - Summon Firedog is the best it's got at the moment...

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So I've been told that decks in the OCG use Battle Fader.
Giving that a shot, as well as a Gorz, which I removed Mirror Force for.
Also, as I need RotA targets, I've gone up to 3 Cannoneer and with him Sarcophagus returns.
Hopefully, these changes will make me less vulnerable to monster spam as I search for Rekindling.

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Here's my two cents on the subject.

Given my past experience with this deck, the first change I'd make is to drop the Cannoneers for either Gunner or Lancerlord. Gunner increases the number of cards that go to your graveyard, whereas Lancerlord is a Rekindling target and can recover banished cards.

I see you're trying to run a Shooting Quasar engine, but unless I'm missing something, you only run 2 level 1 non-Tuners(the Battle Faders). To be quite honest, I think your better off getting rid of the Faders and replacing the Shooting Star Dragon, Shooting Quasar Dragon, and Formula for Red Nova, Lavalval Dragoon(not to be confused with Lavalval Dragon), and maybe another Xyz. You could replace the Battle Faders with Solemn Warnings.

As an alternative, you could replace something with Flamval Poun for a level 1 rekingling target or that spell card whose name escapes me that banishes lavals in the graveyard to summon Level 1 tokens.

Other than that, this is a respectable deck. I would recommend either run 2 Veilers and side 2 Maxx Cs or run 2 Maxx Cs and side 2 Veilers, but that may be personal preference.

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Gonna try something different.
Instead of Faders and Gorz, I'm using Fiendish Chain for some cover.
Boost Warrior is back for Quasar.
Let's see how it goes.

Also, it seems like I can swap a Cannon and a Magician for a Lancelord and Sprite, but that may require some Extra Deck changes... Likely more 8s, and I'd need to cut something something for a Dragoon. Probably Stannon?

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[quote name='Expelsword - 信仰' timestamp='1330568151' post='5848919']
I'm getting accused of netdecking now. Why did Lavals get so popular?

If you run anything that isn't "crappy Deck with random cards all over", you have the chance to be accused of netdecking. Don't worry about it.

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