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Darkplant V.S. Dragon Sage Ω. 5 points to voters. 0-0.


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1. Make a Level 6 monster worth running in Fronarchs. This means it has to be good. Current examples are Caius, Raiza, Mobius, Vanity's Fiend, etc.
2. First to 3 votes wins.
3. Voters get 5 points each from me.
4. Winner gets 1 rep and 500 points from loser.
5. Voters need to give reasons that aren't just "OCG".

=My Card=
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 6 or lower monster from either player's Graveyard. When this card treated as an Xyz Material is sent to the Graveyard: Draw 1 card.

=Dragon Sage Ω's Card=
When this card is Tribute Summoned: You can target 1 face-up card on the field; It's effect is negated. If this card inflicts Battle Damage: You can send 1 monster in your hand to the Graveyard; Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Aqua-type monster in your Graveyard.

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Why not? (again)
[quote]When this card is Tribute Summoned: You can target 1 face-up card on the field; It's effect is negated. If this card inflicts Battle Damage: You can send 1 monster in your hand to the Graveyard; Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Aqua-type monster in your Graveyard.[/quote]
This is probably hilariously silly. And I still don't know about "should be run in frognarchs"

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Alright, so I can see what Frog King's purpose is, but I don't think it fulfills it well enough. Sure SS frogs is great, but they do that themselves pretty well already. I don't think that it's necessary.

Zothique, on the other hand, is extremely useful, and would definitely see play. It's splashable in any sort of tribute deck, maybe more than that, and is built for Xyz spamming Rank 6. You could technically keep going into M7 every turn (Treeborn, Tribute, SS Level 6, XS M7, Detach, return Zothique to hand, next turn, treeborn, detach again to get something else, Tribute, SS Level 6, XS M7...etc)

Vote goes to Zothique and Darkplant for playability's sake.

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Zothique's use is very evident (Xyz), but Crystal King has more synergy with frogs being a WATER monster. In adidtion, the whole SS effect will allow a dumping of useful monsters and to nab othe rones. It also says Aqua-Type, which does limit it alot. However, there are some worthy Aqua-Type monsters that can see abuse with this card. My vote goes to Dragon Sage because of synergy.

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Vote for Zothique because its more powerful , i know atk ain't everything but i was in a tie with effects both good however if u summon a lvl6 or lower monster from graveyard you may not even xyz but and effects monster which may trigger more effects however frog king can negate and after inflicting damage send 1 card to grave and u can send 1 lvl 3 or lower aqua then get him on the field with king effects but i perosnally vote for Zothique.

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