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Street Fighter X Tekken [REQ LOCK]

❤ Lovely Warrior ❤

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Just a warning. If I see any more off-topic posts here, I'll probably be locking this asap. :l


Oh sorry!



So the storyline seems to be about every team wanting Pandora and so they travel to Antartica to obtain it. The only problum I have with it is...


1. how are they going to survive in Antartica with the clothes they are wearing?

2. They do relise the cube is giant right?

3. What are they going to do with it once they get it? All it dose is make people fight and be angry.

4. I wonder if the Pandora mode will automatically be activated and stay once they are around Pandora.

5. Won't the stronger fighters have more of an advantage taking Pandora? Like Nina, Kasuma, Ryu, Alisa, ect.

6 If the people who already have a demon mode are they going to change into it when near pandora? Like Demon jin, Demon Kazuma, Evil Ryu, Sunburned Sakura, ect.

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