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Street Fighter X Tekken [REQ LOCK]

❤ Lovely Warrior ❤

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The DoA movie was pretty good actually.


The movie is crap. Bassicaly Bison kidnapps and kills Li's parents. Chun-Li gets pissed and decides to live on the streets (Why I don't know becuase she had a house) and walk around for days living like a bum till a lady gives her an eggroll and she finds this guy to train her. Bison murders the guy and Li goes after him finding out he has a daughter (Relly people who made this movie? and bison is this skinny blond guy BTW) She high jacks the girls boat gets her out while the ship blows up or something with Bison on it ending the movie. before the credits she is invited to the World Warrior tournament. She never wears her Legendary costume once.

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