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Street Fighter X Tekken [REQ LOCK]

❤ Lovely Warrior ❤

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it's called taking shortcuts


It's called being lazy.


well no one here is saying Tekken vs. SF is going to be a good game


And if you're thinking that way, it means one of two things:


1) You simply aren't interested in it and have not been impressed from what has been shown so far.

2) The game really is going to be bad and all previews shown so far have been a testament to that.


I for one would only get this because a friend has gotten me interested in Tekken, because I'm interested in the thing that isn't Capcom, which is pretty much the same reason I got Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, which you guys decided to briefly derail this topic for, and to end that derailment, let me say that this game will be more like SSFIVAE. Since I haven't played that game, I'm not sure if that makes much of a difference.

<p>I do not care for Capcom, and from what I've heard, I don't see a reason to start now. I may have a PS3, but I can't help but me mad that Xbox gamers are once again denied guest fighters, especially considering the silly selection. Tekken and Cole would be the best reasons I would ever get this, aside from actually trying more fighting games. The cats may be cute, but they're not impressive, and I find the inclusion of Bad Boxart Mega Man to be moronic. Not insulting, because apparently this was planned long before Capcom decided to give the finger to one of its flagship franchises, but still stupid. Pac-Man is just meant to be Mega Man's counterpart in this game.%2

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Everyone seems to hate Capcom. Even if I get hate for it I will say I am a fan and I love the Street Fighter series and I will probably get this game more becuase of the Street Fighter and Final Fight characters, Honestly I only played Tekken once or twice so I can't be to exited for the Tekken side becuase I barely know the characters. Exept Lili who I played as the one or two times I played Tekken. I do agree the cats are cute but they just copy Ryu's and Jin's movesets. For a Microsoft guest they could add in maybe Kat or Master Chick since they are girls and small enough to fit on the screen and still be big enough to take on the bigger characters. Or maybe Kasumi (maybe not since she is on more than just xbox). I think its dumb the Megaman they added in I would have settled for any other version or heck even a version of Roll.

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Don't worry you don't ^^ I was just sayin for a spartan to use a woman since they are smaller and thinner in their armor like they were in Reach. I have never owned a Xbox so I am not sure who would be a good xbox character to use. If you want a girl I think the Kuro the black cat is one. I probably won't even use the guests other than Cole and possibly the cats becuase I kinda think Megaman and Pack-Man being in the game dumb. Especially that Megaman.

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Like I said, Mega Man and Pac-Man are meant to be mascots of Capcom and Namco Bandai, so they're like the cats. If anything, that actually makes Cole the most out of place, because he isn't a mascot. inFamous may be on of the big PS3 franchises, but it's really an odd choice. Then again, if Sony wanted to dig their claws into the game and use a character to represent themselves, Cole really is the most logical choice compared to characters like Nathan Drake, but he's still an unnecessary that sadly just seems like more of a publicity stunt, since it was one of the points that they addressed at the unveiling of the Vita at E3.

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I haven't played Bayonetta, but that probably would have made even less sense, although the game is on both systems. If they wanted to use guest fighters, Pac-Man and a faithful representation of Mega Man would have sufficed. The Sony guest fighters are completely unnecessary from the perspective of a fighting game's standpoint unless they're inFamous fans as well. I'm actually curious how many people will buy the game only because Cole is in it.

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Cole could end up as being the best character in the game, so it's really just a matter of them getting too out of hand with that fact, but that's going to happen regardless.


And then we'll get Ultimate Super Street Fighter X Tekken: Arcade Edition Ver. 2014. I say 2014 for the sake of showing some leniency in expecting how many updates Capcom makes to this game. And just for laughs, I'll say that Namco Bandai's one version of Tekken X Street Fighter will end up being better anyway.


Explain why Bayonetta. I never played the game, so what character you talking about in there?


She probably said Bayonetta because she wants more badass females in the game.

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