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Hello, I need some advice

Master White

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[quote name='Ryan Element' timestamp='1328856418' post='5808073']
While you are being an adherent jerk,

Excuse me, I forgot we live in the cult of smiles and hugs where criticism is just tacky.

With that in mind: OP, you are a beautiful special snowflake just like everyone else and can do anything you put your mind to! Isn't the world lovely? I wholeheartedly recommend the wise investment of the next several years of your life on this most sensible and fabulous venture, good sir.

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[quote name='Crab Helmet' timestamp='1328857020' post='5808083']
Excuse me, I forgot we live in the cult of smiles and hugs where criticism is just tacky.

With that in mind: OP, you are a beautiful special snowflake just like everyone else and can do anything you put your mind to! Isn't the world lovely? I wholeheartedly recommend the wise investment of the next several years of your life on this most sensible and fabulous venture, good sir.
You can give criticism without being a jerk. True?

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[quote name='Ryan Element' timestamp='1328858052' post='5808104']
You can give criticism without being a jerk. True?

Ah, but there are two problems with that.

The first is that the OP is caught up in a hideous web of self-delusion. It's not his fault he can't do middle-school math at 21 - it's his teachers' fault for not understanding that solving a problem in less than a day is a completely unreasonable demand. It's algebra's fault for being a completely impossible worthless monstrosity that has no purpose or usefulness anywhere. It's society's fault for not recognizing that spending a year gaining the slightest functionality in GIMP makes him qualified to be a computer programmer. It's our fault for not understanding that designing, building, and selling your own video game console with games in your basement without using math is a perfectly sensible way to make a living and is pretty much on par with driving a truck in terms of difficulty. This isn't just having a few misconceptions; the man has locked himself in a dark echo-chamber of denial to make sure that he doesn't actually have to confront the reality of any of this ever. That's not something you can gently coax someone out of via the internet by saying nice things, especially when plenty of supportive people in real-life seem to have failed to make progress. The only hope is to impress upon the OP exactly how stupid this whole plan he is and how wrong he is about absolutely everything.

The second reason is that this thread is absolutely hilarious and there's no way I'm going to hold back out of fear of hurting some delusional idiot's feelings.

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[quote name='Ryan Element' timestamp='1328852499' post='5808022']
It's not really anyone's place to say this person is going to make it as a programmer or not.

Actually, I [i]am [/i]a programmer. So yes, I can. Programming [i]is [/i]algebra. So....

[quote name='Crab Helmet' timestamp='1328858885' post='5808117']
Ah, but there are two problems with that.

The first is that the OP is caught up in a hideous web of self-delusion. It's not his fault he can't do middle-school math at 21 - it's his teachers' fault for not understanding that solving a problem in less than a day is a completely unreasonable demand. It's algebra's fault for being a completely impossible worthless monstrosity that has no purpose or usefulness anywhere. It's society's fault for not recognizing that spending a year gaining the slightest functionality in GIMP makes him qualified to be a computer programmer. It's our fault for not understanding that designing, building, and selling your own video game console with games in your basement without using math is a perfectly sensible way to make a living and is pretty much on par with driving a truck in terms of difficulty. This isn't just having a few misconceptions; the man has locked himself in a dark echo-chamber of denial to make sure that he doesn't actually have to confront the reality of any of this ever. That's not something you can gently coax someone out of via the internet by saying nice things, especially when plenty of supportive people in real-life seem to have failed to make progress. The only hope is to impress upon the OP exactly how stupid this whole plan he is and how wrong he is about absolutely everything.

The second reason is that this thread is absolutely hilarious and there's no way I'm going to hold back out of fear of hurting some delusional idiot's feelings.

<3 +1

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Okay, so lets just get one thing accross, i know I wasn't going to make a living off the darn thing, that was least of my ideals, and if programming is algebra, well, so be it, then at least algebra has an use after all, which makes more suddle on the topic now....Now lets just say this, is there a way to teach person algebra hands on? If not, then I should proly just stop and go back to working ranch/farm life.....

Me, delusional, Meh, just more an idiot in RL, and no one would understand that, people always put me down, always take idea's of mine, always make sure that when I try to do it, then something else more fun comes up and I ditch the stuff to do it....

All i wanted to mainly know if it would be worth while to go back to a college with generals even though i won't learn algebra as it has to be hands on or is there another college that lets you use Algebra to do the things you want, (being useful) for instance.....As I learn better hands on.....And No, I did not mean just animations for gimp, I could make gimp do lots of things I want, make my own structure decks, make my own yugioh cards, make animations, make animated sigs, actually decent ones, and there are plenty of it I still haven't used...

But like Ryan said, patience is a virtue, maybe in time, i would learn things on my own wihout college, I already know how to use notepad to make files do different stuff.....

But if college is so important for programming, then would you help me find the right college for me, where if algebra was being used hands on, then I can do it better....


Ryan: I do agree with some stuff you have to say, I'm glad you showed up, it does make me feel better to know there aren't to many d**ches on here.....Then again, i'm use to it....As I normally don't want the "prteey sunshine version on it" or the "sarcastic sadistic" one on it.

Yes, my english and spelling stinks, and I can still spell better then my dad, I just normally use the wrong words to express what I mean, i do it all the time.....

So, Main thing is

1: Is there an actual use in algebra, does programming actually use algebra, so be it, but show me first
2nd: I was not being retard about the sewing sketches, I was being a synical a** about it, as if he can't show me how he did it, then it was no use, and secondary, you can still sew the exact same thing he did without algebra, so why use it? Was it quicker, if so, show me.
3rd: Can algebra actually be HANDS-ON, meaning like driving, then I'll go back to college that does that way for me to learn.
4th: My teachers were actually better then my college teachers, if that helps you realise anything
5th: Lead me to a college that does what I want to learn for my lifetime that allows Hands-On learning so then I can utilise algebra if programming actually requires it, i bet not, but if it does, show me.

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[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1328841836' post='5807595']
[b]When, I say we'd never use algebra or shakespeare n a million years unless its in school....Really, use algebra and make a time travel portal, then I'll call algebra useul[/b]

That's what everyone's been trying to tell you.>.< One really simple everyday example for the use of algebra can be sewing something or even cooking. More complicated examples would be for architecture, economics, aeronautics (any kind of engineering really) or computer science.

[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1328841836' post='5807595']
[b]Maybe Acting-My friends think I would make a great one b/c I can change my voice at will, sure that would be great, but not in the acting business...[/b]

Voice actor?
Have you tried dubbing or getting a part-time job at a radio station?

[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1328841836' post='5807595']
[b]3rd: My dad went and payed his way through helicopter training and most of that was easy and guess what, it was not a college, just flight school......[/b]

[b]4th: He bought himself a truck, worked on it, got the trailer, and everything else and hiring the truck and his driving service out to jobs that need it...Already has an idea and plan and has moved forward.....So, explain to me why I can't do the same? He don't have a college degree.....[/b]

The thing is, I suppose your dad is a good deal older, unless he was a teenage dad and isn't far away from your age. But a lot of things can change during these years, especially the electronics industry which is probably the fastest one out there. So I guess your father had valuable reasons to ask you to go back to college.

Also, a driving service on a small scale is quite different from what you plan to do.

[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1328841836' post='5807595']
[i][b]Just to point out, if I'm going to do a job I want, I'm going to want to have fun doing it or I'd be another one of those people alwayds tired, always complaining about their miserable pathetic job they have to do to earn the dough.....I still do a job I hate to make a living, but I want a better one, where I'd love to do it, where there would be nothing involved in it thate I would hate....Really, you should do the job that makes You happy then do a job you hate to get money and move on and never pursue your dream...[/b][/i]

Everyone wants to do a job s/he loves, but the whole "follow your dream, don't listen to downers, you can do it!" stuff only works in limits.
How many people have dreamt to become famous singers?
How many of these people make it?

[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1328841836' post='5807595']
[b]Hence why i asked you all for help, as I like to take opinions and I see all of what you have to say and its a vali point, but lot of people can still get their dream jobs or careers without college or luck, just knowledge, so why not me? [/b]

[b]I'm great in hands on learning, and anyone can tell you that...I'd see it done, then I can mimic it....I've done that several of thousands of times while on ranch.....[/b]

And where did they get that knowledge?
Again, it depends on what your dream job is and how plausible it is with the criterias and possibilities you have at hand.

If you're a learning-by doing type of person, the only problem I'm seeing and that I already mentioned is that I don't see developping games as specifically learning-by-doing. It does involve learning-by-doing when it comes to manufacturing a product and then only to some extent. If it was as easy as you thought it was, everyone who learned basic programming skills without maths would be a leading developper for game consoles.

In your case, I'd recommend to either see if there's something else that's possible for you to do, or go for that plan of yours and really try to fill the lacunes you have. But the latter is going to be really hard.


[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1328892192' post='5808537']
1: Is there an actual use in algebra, does programming actually use algebra, so be it, but show me first

In every basic course about programming or just encoding a website, one of the first things they're going to explain to you

2nd: I was not being retard about the sewing sketches, I was being a synical a** about it, as if he can't show me how he did it, then it was no use, and secondary, you can still sew the exact same thing he did without algebra, so why use it? Was it quicker, if so, show me.

[b]The cynical part didn't really come across. Oh well.[/b]
[b]It's only one among thousands of examples where one basic branch of algebra can come in, since you were convinced that there's no use for anything of it at all.[/b]

[b]Most people don't want to read this stuff, but I'll tell it anyway for you.[/b]
[b]Let's say my father who works outside at minus temperatures needs working gloves with fleece (not fur because it's heavier and too cumbersome for someone who's doing manual work). I'm taking the example of gloves since it's more obvious than something simple like a circle skirt. You will need at least basic to intermediate formulas to get the right measurements down, to make your own pattern (or edit an available one, but you usually can't apply it 1/1), know where the seams come in and how much spare room and extra fabric you need for seams, figure out the weight of the whole thing and see if you can even finish the project with the material you have. If you want the upper fabric of the gloves to be about 1,5 cm longer than the fleece/lining on each side (to fold them in when you do the seams) and you used 15 cm for the right thumb, how much upper fabric can you use up at the most for each of the other fingers on both hands? How much will you need as a minimum to be just enough? (And no, the fabric isn't elastic :P) You'll need to know the size of the person first, but the upper fabric is an x monster.[/b]
[b]The machine (at least I prefer using one...) was also built and functions via algebric formulas (example: tension, pulling of threads, etc).[/b]

[b]Now you won't use university-level algebra to do something as basic as this, but if you're used to solving more complicated examples, it has the advantage that you won't take weeks to get these everyday things done.[/b]

4th: My teachers were actually better then my college teachers, if that helps you realise anything

[b]Well [/b][b]under what criterias were they so bad?:/[/b]
[b]I know it can be a problem to find a good college in your area and also one that is within your budget, but you may have to move further away on your own then.[/b]

5th: Lead me to a college that does what I want to learn for my lifetime that allows Hands-On learning so then I can utilise algebra if programming actually requires it, i bet not, but if it does, show me.

[b]What do you mean with hands-on? You will surely get some practical exercise to apply what you learned, but you can't get past the theoretical part.[/b]
[b]If it's not enough, get some hands-on experience on your own and apply for a part-time or vacation job.[/b]
[b]I think it will help you if you get into a larger company, not specifically a gaming company, just to see how many self-interests clash there.[/b]

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[quote name='Comrade Trollestia' timestamp='1328892917' post='5808555']
int a;
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++)
cout << a*i << endl;
You are doing multiplication with a null variable, just saying.

Another practical example:

int[] myPos = {4, 5};
int[] otherPos = {9, 17};

int relativeX = myPos[0] - otherPos[0];
int relativeY = myPos[1] - otherPos[1];

int distance = Math.sqrt(relativeX^2+relativeY^2);
// actual game actions here

Explanation: If your character is located at [b][i](4, 5)[/i][/b] and another character is located at [b][i](9, 17)[/i][/b], given that you only have a reach of 15 units, can you interact with that character?

Formula used: [i]Pythagorean theorem[/i], that the sum of the squares of the two sides will equal the square of the hypotenuse.

Working to get [b][i]"Math.sqrt(relativeX^2+relativeY^2)"[/i][/b]. Given the equation:

[i]a^2 + b^2 = c^2[/i]

[b][i]Find c[/i][/b] (the distance) in terms of a and b:

sqrt(c^2) = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
[i]c = [b]sqrt(a^2 + b^2)[/b][/i]

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Wai, crabs a girl? Wow....

@Above, Okay, so algebra is equate in the problems or programming, got it. And I can learn algebra on my own terms without help and so on....

@Cinnamon Star: Hmm, voice acting, but I still need college, I still need math, i still need all the generals over just to be an voice actor, really, its a noussiance, and I don't see them doing algebra.....But I've looked into it.....I just can't find places...

And really, to be honest, my true dream I can't do, so I figured this would be better....But apparently not.....

Lots of peope in america can become famous singers, go sign-up on american idol, or go sing in places you know you can, or famously dedicate yourself on youtube with your talents....Look at Fred for instant, annoying as H*ll but popular enough to be on tv....

Many people can make it, bungie did, they started on their own with college buddies and continued, i guess I could be the business part of the person....

@Cinnamon star: One of the college professors was not going to let anyone pass his class unless someone showed cleavage....and didn't care which gender, and it was a guy.....So, the girls passed when guys failed, so i dropout of that class asap....Then other teachers are teachers, couldn't take time out their so hard day to help a person understand a problem....Unlike in High School, where you had teachers that helped you....

But if I can do voice acting without having to sing or need college, i might take it up, but I still would rather build my console...

Oh, how they did it, read books, looked online information, and leaned to do it....

@Everyone: I think it can be locked now, you all have helped me greatly in understanding there is an use in algebra, (except the glove thing) but anyhow, you've persuaded me to think about things, I've already wasted money I did not have going to college into a major I did not want, so why not go back and do it again to fail again......

But I'll look over my decisions, currently talking through other sites and places and to see whats up and etc....

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[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1328910616' post='5809010']
@Above, Okay, so algebra is equate in the problems or programming, got it. And I can learn algebra on my own terms without help and so on......

Well, since you said that you're not very good at it and that you needed about 5 tutors to get a bit further, I think you're going to need some help.
A lot of help.

I can't evaluate if it's possible or not and if you can bring up the sheer motivation and amount of work to fill up your lack, so it's up to you.

[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1328910616' post='5809010']
Lots of peope in america can become famous singers, go sign-up on american idol, or go sing in places you know you can, or famously dedicate yourself on youtube with your talents....Look at Fred for instant, annoying as H*ll but popular enough to be on tv....

Many people can make it, bungie did, they started on their own with college buddies and continued, i guess I could be the business part of the person....

But these Youtube people don't all make a living out of it, or at least not for a long time.
There are many people who make parodies, abridged series or songs and post them on Youtube.
Several people have made their "own" (well, rather hacked and edited) Pokémon games and put Touhou characters into Pokémon Silver.
Coldmirror made all these genius Harry Potter parodies, she always cracks me up with them. But she doesn't earn enough to make a living with it, she's primarily an arts student, I think with a part-time job and even though her videos have been viewed over a million of times each (and they're German videos btw, so not everyone watches them), it's not what she buys her daily bread from.

[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1328910616' post='5809010']
@Cinnamon star: One of the college professors was not going to let anyone pass his class unless someone showed cleavage....and didn't care which gender, and it was a guy.....So, the girls passed when guys failed, so i dropout of that class asap....Then other teachers are teachers, couldn't take time out their so hard day to help a person understand a problem....Unlike in High School, where you had teachers that helped you....

Well, usually in college, people expect you to look for solutions on your own instead of counselling you.
But okay, professors having a preference for pretty girls aren't so rare. But I find it hard to believe that ALL the people who failed didn't have enough cleavage to show and that there wasn't anything else playing a part, like a lack of math skills.

If the college in your area is so bad, you might need to take a few extra miles to find something better then. You're not the only one who has to do so.

[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1328910616' post='5809010']
But if I can do voice acting without having to sing or need college, i might take it up, but I still would rather build my console...

@Everyone: I think it can be locked now, you all have helped me greatly in understanding there is an use in algebra, (except the glove thing) but anyhow, you've persuaded me to think about things, I've already wasted money I did not have going to college into a major I did not want, so why not go back and do it again to fail again......

But I'll look over my decisions, currently talking through other sites and places and to see whats up and etc....

Forget about the gloves thing, it's just a basic example right off the bat to show that you do need some basic algebra to make patterns, take measurements and all that jazz. You could also take any recipe that is fairly strict in terms of portions and amounts of ingredients, it's another everyday use.

Meh, I could respond to the other things again, but most things have already been said and it's turning in circles.
Do re-think about your whole plan, that's a good idea.

EDIT: Oh snap, and I forgot this too...

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1) I don't believe you're an adult. I have trouble believing you're past the age adolescence
2) I largely ignored the large blocks of text simply because of one thing

Go. Back. And. Get. An. Education.

regardless of your current situation, you need to get an education. if you really are a 21 year old, you seriously need to worry less about what people on YCM think of your chances of computer programming and more on the fact that it takes you a week to answer a question a 12 year old can answer in about 12 minutes

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When I was in grade school, I played the flute. I did this from the middle of elementary school up until the end of senior year.

I sucked at it.

Over the course of eight years I was consistently bad at playing the flute, no matter how hard I practiced. Admittedly, due to my practice yielding rather poor returns, I did slack off on that front late in high school, but it really didn't make much difference. I only stuck with it because a lot of my friends were also in band, I needed to get my Arts Elective credit somewhere, and it was kinda fun. I was consistently kept as last chair and in actual concert often just mimed my part to avoid making the piece sound horrible (we had like fifteen flutes so the volume didn't suffer). It didn't help that my tonal hearing is pretty poor. If you play two notes I can tell you which one is higher, but I can't identify what either of the notes is or whether or not they're the same note in different octaves.

That part is actually a true story. The following part is not:

This wasn't just me doing kinda bad and picking up an elective credit. In my district, Music is considered as much of a primary subject as English or Science, and I was awful at it. I went through six tutors and none of them could get me to play well at all. I was completely tone-deaf and didn't actually know how to read sheet music; no matter how hard I tried, the black dots on the page never made sense to me at all.

In the process, it became clear just how useless all of this was. Who came up with this black-dots-on-page nonsense? It's completely unreasonable to expect me to read that. The same goes for tones and scales and keys and all that nonsense. Why can't I just press the buttons I want on the flute? And besides, who cares about Bach and Mozart? They were old and foreign and then they died.

Then, in college, I failed out because I could never survive my Arts requirement, which again translated as music. With no college diploma, I couldn't get better than a minimum-wage job. My boyfriend lost all respect for me and left me. My dad threatened to throw me out of the house if I didn't go back to college so I could start an actual career, and in all honesty, an actual career where I can make enough to feed myself did sound appealing.

That's when I made my decision: I would buy a piccolo, take a one-semester online course on playing the piccolo, compose fantastic new music, build my own theatre from scratch out of wood planks, put on solo performances, and become rich and famous.

...the worst part is that I couldn't actually make this as unreasonable as the original plan from this thread. I tried, but the story I described above still makes more sense. But the point is still clear: instead of playing to your weaknesses, play to your strengths; don't try to do high-intelligence things that even non-retards clearly can't do; and when your dad is talking about you going back to college, this is not at all what he means. It's fine to do something you suck at as a hobby, but that's not a smart career plan.

Also, I know there are professors who act like that, but based on your demonization of everything else that doesn't go your way (Those teachers just don't understand that the proper way to do algebra lets me solve a thirty-second problem for middle schoolers in a day! Algebra is utterly worthless and everyone who supports it is evil! You guys shouldn't be so negative, this game system building thing is totally something I can handle, I can do anything I want through hard work aside from all those things I failed miserably at doing through hard work!), I can't help but think that the "One of the college professors was not going to let anyone pass his class unless someone showed cleavage....and didn't care which gender, and it was a guy.....So, the girls passed when guys failed, so i dropout of that class asap..." part is likely to in reality be "I failed out of a course while a pretty girl I knew passed, CLEARLY THE PROFESSOR MUST BE A PERVERTED MISANDRIST". And that's to say nothing of the "Professors don't have actual research to do, they should spend all day every day tutoring me in middle school problems, also I don't know what office hours are" nonsense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Meh, this can be locked you know all...

Iremo: Umm, lets put it this way: The only way a 12 yr old could do college level algebra is by being a genius, so are you telling me that every 12 yr old is a genius? Or ar you trying to forfeit my ideals and go back b/c you think that I'd think a 12 yr old kid doing college-level algebra is going to persuade me" No, its not. I've already persuaded myself out of this ridicolous tangent and I will keep persuading myself to do my own things. Oh, by the way, i am 21 almost 22 in RL who has had lots of problems, some that cost over 3000 dollars worth or death to be me it was.....So, don't be an dou*he when you feel like it, especially when you don't even know someone on the other side.

Besides: My true Goal meant and esigned for me from above(which is an idiot) is to be an inventor. But whom above had to put me in the era where everything you can even imagine as already been invented or hasn't b/c its improbable or is to expensive for someone like me to do.

Solution: Get a job and work until someday of retiring to build eventions. So, before I get to the above goal, I need a job that pays good that is not anything school related.


Iremo: If you can do this in your head within 5 minutes, then go off to harvard.
(120ya) - (241ya)
-------- / ------- = x
5 - 8
Solve for x

- was just use for a spacer just let you know 5 under the first fraction and 8 is under the 2nd fraction.
Can a 12 yr literally do that in their head? If so, get over 300 of them and then I'll believe they can. That was our highschool algebra. It was no teacher, but from a math book.

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@Iremo: I passed highschool, not college, and if college be priority, they should at least make it free instead of having people pay their life to it just to go.....Yes, it did take me a week to do middle school math which was trying to advance us into college math right away....So, they gave us College-level math Sophmore year....and that idea failed.....for me and 4 others out of 9 kids......

@Above: I did until I realied any invention i want to build I couldn't b/c its improbable or has already been invented, so no reason to be an inventor....

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[quote name='Skylie' timestamp='1329702548' post='5828052']
@Iremo: I passed highschool, not college, and if college be priority, they should at least make it free instead of having people pay their life to it just to go.....Yes, it did take me a week to do middle school math which was trying to advance us into college math right away....So, they gave us College-level math Sophmore year....and that idea failed.....for me and 4 others out of 9 kids......
In terms of money - I'm certain if it's a problem you can get financial aid/loans

and if they're making you do college level math during your Sophomore year then you probably can qualify for some scholarships too.

[quote name='Crab Helmet' timestamp='1329703025' post='5828071']
It's so unfair that inventors need to be smart and create things nobody else has created before.


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[quote name='iRemo' timestamp='1329704705' post='5828142']and if they're making you do college level math during your Sophomore year then you probably can qualify for some scholarships too.[/quote]

Yeah, I'm sure the twenty-one-year-old who can't do a middle school math problem in under a week or write a complete sentence without five misspellings is going to just have money thrown at him to come to all sorts of colleges.

I also doubt he was actually doing college math on sophomore year of high school - and I say that as someone who started AP Calc BC at age fifteen, so I'm not just generally doubting that there are students who do such things. First of all, someone with an obvious learning disability / mental disorder / rampant stupidity like this chap wouldn't have been allowed anywhere near an honours class; if you can't do basic middle school math, as his "impossible" problem posted above demonstrates, then you're not going to be taking AP math as a tenth-grader.

But more tellingly, look at what he's constantly complaining about throughout this thread: algebra. It's always algebra (which he seems to define as "problems which contain the letter [i]x[/i] instead of an actual number"). But if he'd actually been started on college-level math, he would a) know that that's now what algebra is, and b) complain about how [b]calculus[/b] is an even more abstract meaningless worthless plot by the evil system to make him waste years on a single problem and screw him out of his totally viable dream of becoming an inventor who doesn't actually create new things. But calculus hasn't even been mentioned in this thread, and I doubt this twit has ever touched a derivative in his life.

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[quote name='Crab Helmet' timestamp='1329706445' post='5828182']
Yeah, I'm sure the twenty-one-year-old who can't do a middle school math problem in under a week or write a complete sentence without five misspellings is going to just have money thrown at him to come to all sorts of colleges.
Don't be so sure Crab. They have scholarships for just about everything these days.

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