Dementuo Posted February 14, 2012 Report Share Posted February 14, 2012 Morning's mind was slipping into unconsciousness as another pony approached her, concerned. She blinked, bringing her back into reality. Rolling over onto her hooves, she lifted herself off the ground, slowly pushing herself upright. "[i]Urgh... I-I'm alright, thanks. Just had a nasty run-in with some unfriendly-types.[/i]" she said, gritting her teeth. Her whole body was still sore from her overextension, but she tried not to show it. "[i]I appreciate the concern, but I'm fine, really. Now... who might you be?[/i]" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted February 14, 2012 Report Share Posted February 14, 2012 Storm landed next to Honeypot, and looked at the white mare. She seemed really quite tired. "Well...uh...I'm Emerald Storm, but you can call me Storm, and this is Honeypot. And who are you?" Shadow Wing raised an eyebrow. "Someone attacked you, Sniffy? Hmm...these ponies are becoming more daring by the's really quite troublesome. Well, we shall just have to teach whoever opposes us a severe lesson. I imagine it is within the capability of each and every one of you to ward off any attacks that come your way. As for me....I doubt anyone would be so foolish as to try and attack this castle, or even find it. So we have no need to worry on that note. Anything else?" Dawn's gaze was deadset on the window, as she looked out at the full moon, for no real reason. [i]They attacked Sniffy...could that have been what my bad premonition was about...?[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted February 14, 2012 Report Share Posted February 14, 2012 "[i]My name is Morning Sun.[/i]" she introduced herself to the two ponies. She held out a trembling hoof for greetings, her body shaking slightly. "[i]It's nice, meeting new people. Though I wish the circumstances had been a little better... I'm afraid I have to be going very shortly. There are some things that are rather important to me, and I have to go do them very soon.[/i]" She said, trying to hurry the confrontation along as quickly as possible. She didn't want to attract any more attention to herself after the last event. It was at that moment that a thought crossed her mind. Perhaps these two ponies held some significance? She could ask them to join her, and they may be able to help her. She thought on this for a moment before speaking up again. "[i]I suppose, if you'd like, you could tag along with me.[/i]" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted February 14, 2012 Report Share Posted February 14, 2012 Tinker continued to run towards the smoke, and saw that she was too late. Shadow Wings forces where burning down her workshop. She yelled. "STOP THAT RIGHT NOW YOU THICK HEADED BLOAKS, THAT WORKSHOP HAS EVERYTHING I OWN IN IT!" The guards turned there attention to her. "GET HER!" They yelled in unison, as they began to charge at the group of ponies. Starlight arose from his spot and looked around at the rubble. As he continued to scan the horizon, he noticed three ponies talking to each other. What intrigued him more, was that he saw the pony that saved Sniffy. He walked up the hill to where they were, and spoke. "Hi there, thanks for the help earlier, saving that mare. You seem to have lost a lot of energy, and you don't look well. Maybe I can help out? Just like you I use a lot of energy at certain times that wipe me out." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted February 14, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 14, 2012 Wonder Brush started panicking when a group of ponies began charging towards them, and let out a quick yelp, as he wondered why Tinker felt the need to attract their attention. He quickly pulled out a blank piece of parchment, a brush, and a pot of ink, dipped the brush in Ink, and then went to work on the parchment, all whilst exclaiming "Oh my goodness!" over and over again very quickly. He quickly drew some sort of round shape, with many overlapping lines inside. His horn shinned with a bright purple light, as opposed to the normal steady aura, and out from the air materialized a large net, which was sent flying towards the attackers. Honeypot took Morning's hoof as greeting, then thought over her offer, "Well..." she began, "What do you think, Sto-" she began to ask, when another Pony strode up and began to talk to Morning Sun about something she evidently did previously, [i]'Well that was kind of rude' [/i] Snowfire thought for a moment, then shook his head, "No sir, I don't believe so" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aniri Wulf Posted February 14, 2012 Report Share Posted February 14, 2012 Wulf followed Tinker, feeling slightly annoyed that he was ignored. But then he saw what the cloud of smoke was, and he was no longer irritated. Instead of preparing for the big fight, he stayed by the side lines, watching. He wasn't quite sure who to fight for. He started looking through some nearby plants. He had found what he was looking for, and went back to his spot on the sidelines. He noticed what they were destroying; an old looking workshop. From that he concluded that this was indeed Tinker's workshop. Or at least, he judged it by the way that Tinker ran at the attackers. He wondered which group would be hurt the worst, and which pony was going to get hurt first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted February 15, 2012 Report Share Posted February 15, 2012 Morning turned to the newcomer, slightly annoyed by his sudden intrusion. She didn't think much of it, though, as she was still in considerable pain. When her gaze finally fall upon the newcomer, something within her memory sparked. She suddenly remembered a name, one she wished she had never heard in the first place. She was glaring at the newcomer now, in both slight anger, and slight fear. "[i]You...? Who... what are you?[/i]" she asked, hesitantly. "[i]Why do you... so much like him...[/i]" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted February 15, 2012 Report Share Posted February 15, 2012 Tinker saw that some of the guards were pinned from the painting ponies weird attack, yet they werent all down for the count. This changed when she lunged at the two of them and shot them with tazer like needles, that made them pass out. She then bucked the last guard into the burning building, where it collapsed on him. I umm, don't get your question. said Starlight, genuinely confused... "maybe we could tal..." Starlight stopped mid thought as he looked behind him and saw smoke coming off of Tinkers workshop. "Oh god... Tinker I hope your okay." Starlight tried flying, but his wings failed him and his horn that he gained from his Alicorn state dissipated. From a secound look it had appeared that the situation was in good hooves, as he turned back to morning. "Now who are you talking about, and how would you know me?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted February 15, 2012 Report Share Posted February 15, 2012 "[i]You... look so much like him. But... that would have to be impossible... No, no no no, no, that must be impossible...[/i]" Morning began ranting quietly, looking towards the ground, lost in thought. "[i]The resemblance is uncanny, almost. There's no way they could be... But could he? Under the circumstances, it certainly is possible... But then... Why don't I...?[/i]" she continued this rant for a short few moments before looking back up to the pegasus. She stared at him with her pitch-black eyes. "[i]...Is that you... Aleph?[/i]" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMRenji Posted February 15, 2012 Report Share Posted February 15, 2012 Blazer watched as a group of hostile looking ponies coming from where the smoke was. She started running towards them with fire in her eyes to attack, but all of a sudden she stopped. She had flashbacks of all the ponies dying in the smoke cloud earlier, and was in too much shock to even move. Blazer just stood there, as Wonder and Tinker finished off the guards. After the attacking ponies were defeated, a small tear rolled down her cheek. [i]"Again.. I wasn't able to help."[/i] Blazer thought to herself. [i]"I just haven't had the passion ever since I saw all of the... carnage."[/i] Blazer looked up to the sky to see smoke from the workshop filling the air. [i]"No.. I can't let my fear get in my way any more"[/i] Blazer wiped the tears from her face with her hoof, and darted towards the smoke. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this!" She exclaimed in a bold, loud voice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted February 15, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 15, 2012 After the attack ponies were finished off, Wonder relaxed for a second, and gave a sigh of relief, then noticed Blazer frozen. He looked at her quizzically, "Um, Blazer? Are you alri-" he began to ask, when she started to dash off, and proclaimed that she would get to the bottom of 'this'. Wonder was taken aback for a second, then came to his senses, "Wait!" he shouted, then tried to run after her, even if he wouldn't be able to keep up. Honeypot stared on at the conversation between Morning Sun and this new Pegasus. She could honestly say she was VERY confused at what was happening. She seemed to understand that Morning Sun seemed to recognize the Pegasus as somepony named Aleph, or at least he looked like him. She leaned over to Storm, "You understand this any better than I do?" she asked him in a whisper. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aniri Wulf Posted February 15, 2012 Report Share Posted February 15, 2012 "[i]ok, those ponies are fine." [/i]He thought. "[i]I should definitely check up on that pony in the workshop, and the one who was tazed."[/i] Wulf got up and began walking toward the pony trapped in the workshop. Everything happened so fast, but Wulf saw it slowly. He knew exactly where his target was. He got to the workshop, but realized there was no way to get the pony out. "[i]...He's dead." [/i]He thought. He walked over to the pony who had been tazed. "[i]Good, he hasn't been hurt too badly and will be just fine." [/i]He thought. He was happy to see that only one pony was hurt badly. Almost everypony would be ok. He walked back to the ponies he had only recently met, when Blazer ran toward the workshop. Wulf chased after Blazer to stop her from running into the shed. He couldn't keep up, his injured legs failing him. He collapsed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted February 16, 2012 Report Share Posted February 16, 2012 Storm shook his head. "I got no idea what's goin on..." He looked at Starlight, then at the white mare. [i]Something tells me I'm getting involved in something big here....such trouble...[/i] Shadow Wing nodded slightly. "Very well. You are all dismissed. Just remember, if anypony poses any resistance to my rule, I give you permission to put out that flame of resistance..." [i] I guess she decided to stay loyal to me. I hope that continues...if would be a shame to let such a valuable fighter go to waste.[/i] Sniffy and Dawn bowed slightly, and exited the room. Sonic Burst frowned. "Tch...these ponies need to be taught their place...what will you do if they DO try and attack this island, though?" Shadow Wing smirked slightly. "Then either there's a traitor among my troops, or they got very very lucky and found it...regardless...they would be dealt with easily." He gave a slight chuckle, and began walking back to his throne. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted February 16, 2012 Report Share Posted February 16, 2012 Starlight look down in deep thought and looked back up at Morning. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember ever being called a Aleph yet you seem to know me and that is enough to tell you a few things... if you promise to help me out... it looks like more trouble is heading our way, and if we don't move fast we will get caught in more violence." After the threat was gone Tinker looked towards her workshop. All of the things she had worked her life for were gone in a single blaze. She began to cry, she fell on her fore-legs in tears defeated. "WHY!" She exclaimed. One of the ponies stuck under the net spoke up. "We were ordered to... it had tools to help the rebellion, and incrim..." He shut up after Tinker gave him a deep stare. "We were forced against our lives to join this thing mam, and if you don't kill us, he will." "Who is he?" asked Tinker, still tearing up a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMRenji Posted February 16, 2012 Report Share Posted February 16, 2012 Blazer was speeding towards the burning workshop as fast as her hooves could carry her. She looked over her shoulder for a moment to see Tinker crying in agony. Blazer then heard a loud shout coming from Wonder, which caused her to trip and crash into a tree. She lied there, rubbing her head in pain as a few leaves fell from the tree. "Oww!" She exclaimed. "Why do I have to be a klutz so often?" Blazer stood up, and walked over to the other ponies. She looked over at Tinker crying, and then turned to Wonder for a moment. She started patting her hoof on the ground in embarrassment and said "I'm sorry that wasn't much help, guys." She looked down to see a small rock. To let out a bit of anger, she smashed it with her front-left hoof. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted February 16, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 16, 2012 Snowfire nodded, "Understood, sir!" he said, then bowed, and made his way out, as did Mint Rush. Mint went back to her room, while Snowfire started to wander the halls. As he did so, he pondered some things, [i]'If this sort of... rebellion, I guess, is really happening... What will the result be?' [/i]he asked himself, [i]'I mean, naturally, any of us should be able to handle it, and Lord Shadow Wing would totally be able to, but... what if it doesn't happen like that? What would happen if Lord Shadow Wing WAS defeated? And what about...' [/i]he began questioning himself, and the realization of his final question made him slightly nervous, [i]'Orochi...' [/i] He quickly forgot this, insisting to himself that there's no way it would ever come to that anyway. Honeypot was still very confused, and finally decided she was fed up with it. She took a step forward, in order to make herself seen, and then said irritably "Excuse me, but can one of you two please explain whatever it is you're talking about? 'Kay thanks," before taking a step back to her former position. Wonder Brush turned his head to the now crying, then turned his head again to Blazer who had just slammed into a tree, and finally to Wulf, who seemed to have fallen over. Still worried about Blazer, even more so now that she had just slammed into a tree, he ran up to her. Frantically, he asked, "Blazer, are you alright?" then turned to looked at Tinker, "And you?" he asked. He wanted to help, but he didn't know how he could. He couldn't repair her workshop, or get any of her things back, that was far beyond his power. He couldn't try and comfort her, he knew nothing about how, nor did he know anything about her, and attempting would most likely be futile, so he decided to just wait and see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted February 16, 2012 Report Share Posted February 16, 2012 Morning took a step back from the pegasus as the other pony stepped forward. "[i]...Apologies. I suppose I mistook you for someone else. You just look a lot like someone I once knew.[/i]" She answered. "[i]A moment...[/i]" She put a hoof up, turning to the pony who had just spoken. "[i]Sorry for that interupptiuon, I must have seemed very rude.[/i]" Morning gave the pegasus a quick glare. "[i]...Now, as to what all this is about, I'm not sure, my friend. But perhaps you can answer...[/i]" she now turned back to the pegasus, putting her hoof down. "[i]...Can't you?[/i]" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aniri Wulf Posted February 16, 2012 Report Share Posted February 16, 2012 As Wulf was lying on the ground, he noticed Tinker started to cry a little. He wished he could go over there and cheer him up, but he was stuck. His head turned as he heard a loud smack. He saw Blazer, who had just run into a tree. He wished he could help Blazer, too. He wondered what would happen next, and to which pony. He couldn't help anypony without moving. Unless they came to him! He cleared his throat and shouted, "Hey, Blazer! Would you mind coming over here for a second?" He decided he was going to help Tinker later. He highly doubted that a saddened pony would want to move. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted February 16, 2012 Report Share Posted February 16, 2012 Storm shook his head. "We've been looking for someone to help us explain all this. But so far we just ran into you, whiiich left us even more confused. But there should be someone around here able to explain all this...or maybe we can just march into Shadow Wing's castle and ask him directly," he added, jokingly. Sniffy dragged Dawn to her room, wanting to talk to her. "Dawn," she said, after closing the door. Dawn simply turned to look at her. "You have to be careful, alright?" Dawn gave a tiny nod. "I know you don't take any particular interest in fighting, but if someone attacks you, you must take the first stance and defend yourself, got it?" she asked. Another tiny nod. ", we're going to practice something that will help you! Ready?" "...I suppose?" Dawn muttered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted February 17, 2012 Report Share Posted February 17, 2012 Starlight sighed, he wanted to help Tinker, but he wasn't able to get these people to help and go help her at the same time. She had to tough the burning workshop out for the moment. "Well, I guess I could tell you, but it would have to be in private just the two of us." Tinker wiped a tear and waited for the reply. "I said too much mam." The guard replied. "JUST TELL ME WHO WERE DEALING WITH DAMMIT, AND MAYBE WE COULD HELP YOU!" "Could you help us? We want to help you, its just... General Pu..." He paused. "General Puffball will kill us." Tinkers once sad look turned into laughter for a moment. "HAHAHAHA! You mean to say you are scared of big old mean and scary Puffball!" Her laughing fit died away as she suddenly focused on the huge advance coming towards the town. These guys were just the first wave. "Oh sweet Celestia." Muttered Tinker. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted February 17, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 17, 2012 Wonder Brush too noticed the next wave of ponies coming towards them, "That's bad" Wonder assumed out loud, "That's REALLY bad". He looked to Blazer for again, then to Tinker, then to Wulf, then back to Tinker, "Run?" he asked. "In PRIVATE?" Honeypot demanded, "So you're not even going to explain this to us?" she went on. Her temper was heating up, and she was ready to yell the Pegasus's ear off, when she saw something coming towards the town from a bit away. She leaned forward to get a closer look, but couldn't make it out. Her temper was gone, replaced with curiosity and slight worry, as she pointed at whatever it was, and asked "Hey, what's that over there?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMRenji Posted February 18, 2012 Report Share Posted February 18, 2012 Blazer rubbed her head as Wonder asked her if she was okay. "Yeah, I'm fine. My head's tough enough to take a bit of punishment." She said acting a little embarrassed. Her embarrassment subsided when a large wave of enemy ponies began to draw near. Her eyes looked as though she was in shock again, but just as she began to shake, she looked over at Wonder. He looked a bit worried about the massive wave of ponies himself. Her mood changed, her eyes grew a determined look and she turned to the horde of attackers. She dashed towards them at impressive speeds, and headbutted one of them in the chest. She ran over to her left and quickly performed an uppercut on another attacker. "[i]You damn fools just had to piss me off![/i]" She thought to herself. As a few ponies tried to kill her, she quickly managed to get out of the horde of ponies. A massive stallion raced behind her, with his horn sharpened. Blazer stopped, and with one hind hoof, she bucked the stallion off into a nearby mountain. She kept running towards Wonder, Tinker and Wulf. "Let's get out of here!" Blazer yelled at the top of her lungs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted February 18, 2012 Report Share Posted February 18, 2012 Another of the stallions came up behind Blazer with some blunt object, fully intending to end her life. But within a moment, he froze in place. All of the others, save for Blazer, Tinker, Wonder Brush, and Wulf, became frozen. Everything around them was frozen, stuck in stasis. A flash of black between Blazer and the others occured. A cloaked pony now stood between them. It held a hoof up, and beckoned the four to come towards it. "[i][color=#0000cd]You four, come with me. I will guide you away from this danger, to some place much safer.[/color][/i]" the figure said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted February 18, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 18, 2012 Wonder Brush stood in awe, his jaw hung open, as he watched Blazer take down several of the attackers, [i]'She's strong too...' [/i]he thought. He had been surprised enough when she shattered a stone under her hoof, but he disregarded it, more worried about if she was okay or not, but now, he just felt awestruck. It was then she started running back towards them, and he regained his sense. Not more than a moment later, time seemed to freeze around him, Blazer, and his other companions, and all the attackers were stuck in place. He turned to a voice, to see a Cloaked Pony calling to them, "Oh yeah, a mysterious pony wearing a dark, eerie cloak who appears in a flash of blackness, sounds like someone I can trust" Wonder said sarcastically, "But then, I can only assume that YOU just saved us, so I might as well trust you" he decided, then walked up to him and waited for the others to follow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted February 18, 2012 Report Share Posted February 18, 2012 The cloaked pony looked at Wonder Brush with glimmering, white eyes shining out from the darkness of his hood. This unicorn who had just spoken to him seemed to have an air of familiarity about him. "[i][color=#0000cd]You... You especially, must come to trust in me. I can forsee it... You hold significance in you.[/color][/i]" he said. He raised his deep-blue hoof into the air, glancing around at the other three around him. "[color=#0000cd][i]Now, all four of you, place a hoof on me. So long as you are making contact with me will I be able to guide you through the darkness. But make haste, for I will not be able to shelter you from your assailants for long.[/i][/color]" he urged them on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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