Tomiix Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 Dimitri was limp in the wall with Sonic over him. Starlight ran to Sniffy to see if she was okay. Yet before he could talk to her, all of the Assassins where surrounding the two. "By the order of our new hire, you two are to be killed." One of Dimitri's thugs said. "So that explains it..." mumbled Starlight. "FINE THEN, STRIKE!" Two of the assassins moved in on Starlight yet he was able to buck them out of the circle easily. Yet they were just a distraction, and two others were trying to pin Sniffy. When Starlight looked back, he was tackled by 5 more assassins, and he was stabbed in the side. Starlight flailed his hoof into his stabbers general direction and shot him with his hoof gun. After he did this, he was met with poison throwing knifes to the front. Three more assassins moved in to stab Starlight, yet suddenly they were pushed back by a invisible force. "Sniffs" Starlight said in response to her calling him Star-boy "You must know by now that I am both on and against your side. I accept your silent challenge, and I will try my best to free the ponies, and you should try your best to stop me. Maybe we could meet in the middle one day. Until then, take this chance to run and run fast, I will soon have no control." Starlight turned to the extremely fast pony who risked herself for Sniffy. "Guide her to safety." He said in a growing deeper and louder voice. Starlight suddenly flashed, and in a instant a new form came, as black as night, with the only white left of his fur is what seemed to be stars and constilations. Starlight now branded a horn and had a blue glow. In a instant he launched a huge amount of magic at the biggest part of his attackers. Then he dissapeared and re appeared in front of his attackers killing them in a instant with a single buck to there valuable spots. Starlight was on the verge of death, and not only will this burst save Sniffy and the other ponies, but it will also save him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 Sonic Burst shook himself out of the wreckage, having successfully knocked the other guy out, and given himself a lump on the head. He came back to where the skirmish was taking place just in time to see Starlight own every one of the assassins. "...jeez..." he muttered, then headed towards Sniffy, who was still quite stunned by everything. "Sniffs...what in the world did you get yourself into?" "I...I don't know...a-anyway, more importantly...w-what do you mean, protect me, miss?" "No time!" Sonic said, taking Sniffy and dashing into the air. "More people might come, you come too!" he told the white mare. "We want some answers!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 Morning nodded to the Pegasus who scooped up the sickly pony apparently known as "Sniffs". She tagged along behind the pegasus. "[i]If you want answers, our intentions are the same, my friend. First, thanks for the help. I would've taken the hit myself, but regardless, you're right. We've no time left. Do you have anywhere safe we can go, some place secluded or unknown to anyone else?[/i]" Morning said hurriedly. She took one last glance behind her, a headache striking her again. "[i]...another one...[/i]" she thought, turning back to the Pegasus quickly. "[i]Friend! We don't have enough time to run away![/i]" She extended a hoof. "[i]Grab hold, I'll take us outside the city. You can get away from there![/i]" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aniri Wulf Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 Wulf had been chasing the mysterious pony this whole time, paying very little attention to anything else going on. He was just about to catch up with her when another pony swooped her up. He may never get this chance again. Wulf fell to his knees, immense pain in his legs. He couldn't walk anywhere, he couldn't fly, and he was starting to give up on the chase completely. He was slowly fading in and out of reality, wondering if he would see this pony ever again. He tried to rest, even though he couldn't move. Hoping some water might be of assistance, he started looking for water. There was a well in the distance, and there appeared to be no hope for Wulf or his attempts of discovering who the pony was. Wulf was fading, fast. As he was slipping in and out of consciousness, he noticed his surroundings. He couldn't get in much of the detail before passng out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMRenji Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 After hearing the the message from the sickly, grey pony, Blazer was a bit furious of these rules from Shadow Wing. But her fury quickly turned into panic as smoke covered the crowd of ponies. "What in the name of-" she cut her sentence short as she began to see pony after pony die in front of her eyes. So many thoughts raced through her mind as she saw the carnage, thoughts of pity towards the dead, and thoughts of anger towards whoever was causing this. She stood still for a moment, wondering what the right thing to do was. A tear raced down her cheek as she ran out of the smoke cloud and away from the town square. Blazer galloped as fast as she could to get away from the chaos. [i]I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. Please, please forgive me![/i] She thought as she was running. Blazer opened up her tear-filled eyes just before colliding with the side of a building. She sat on her flank and rubbed her head. "Ohh.. my head.. I... I don't even know what's going on.." she said softly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 Sonic Burst blinked. They couldn't escape in time? He was one of the fastest ponies in the land, it was silly to think they couldn't escape. But then again...with this rainstorm, it WOULD be a TAD difficult to fly... "Umm...I think we should trust her," Sniffy said, with a small sniff. "I mean...can it hurt to escape faster?" Sonic Burst stared at her a bit, before sighing. "Fine..." He descended a bit, and grabbed hold of the mare's hoof, still holding on tight to Sniffy. Storm's CD ended. It wasn't on playback. That alone was the simple reason he was awakened to what was around him. At first, he was confused. It was raining hard, so he guessed everyone had already gone away. But what about Shadow Wing's message? Surely they wouldn't just cancel it because of some rain. Or maybe he had missed it already. "Such trouble..." he muttered before walking away to find somepony he could ask about what had happened. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted February 8, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 Wonder Brush's first reaction to the rules weren't too bad, though they kinda made him a little angry on the inside, [i]'Okay, so there's no big gatherings, fine by me. And okay, so there's a really early Curfew, that should be fine, even for me. Though that last one is a bit-' [/i]he didn't get to finish his thought, because just then some smoke bombs went off. Tons of commotion happened, there was lots of screaming, and nothing was really clear. Wonder Brush's first reaction was to cower and panic, and then, shortly after, to run away, without even trying to see what was happening. [i]'What in Celestia's name is going on here?' [/i]he asked himself frantically as he ran, trying to get away from whatever was happening there, he didn't even want to know, and maybe seek shelter from the storm. After running for a bit, he saw an orange Mare down on her flank, next to a building, and ran up to her. Upon approaching her, he looked down, "Um, hey, are you alright?" he asked, worried, and because there was nopony else around, causing her to stand out. Honeypot was also caught in the Smoke during all the commotion, and before she gave herself time to think, instinct took over and flew her upwards, even if it was hard in the pouring rain. After getting out of the smoke she coughed a lot, then looked down, "Jeez, what's happening? This certainly doesn't look like something Shadow Wing had planned to do" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMRenji Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 Blazer rubbed her head for another moment, as a green colt ran down next to her. He asked if she was alright. She coughed a bit from the smoke inhalation. "Oh yeah, I'm fine, thanks." she said in a soft tone. "I'm usually more careful." She picked herself up off the ground and turned to stare at the smoke cloud behind her. She gazed at it for a few seconds, then turned back around to the green colt. ".....Oh! Terribly sorry, how rude of me. I've just got a lot on my mind right now." Blazer brushed the dust out of her mane with her hooves as she asked the colt "So, stranger, you seem to be a nice colt. Could I have your name?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted February 9, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 When Wonder Brush's eyes met the Orange Mare, who had now risen, he was taken aback suddenly. She asked him his name, and he tried to answer, but his voice was suddenly caught in his throat, and his mouth had gone dry, so all that came out was something along the lines of "I' wa'uh bah" in a really quiet tone. He quickly scolded himself in his mind, then shook his head to regain his composure, "S-sorry about that" he apologized quickly, embarrassed, "I mean um... My name is Wonder Brush," he corrected himself, then after a moment, realized something, "Um, so what's your name, then?" he asked, then looked around for a second, "And we may want to take some kind of shelter, or something like that" he suggested. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 "[i]Hang on tightly, you don't want to get lost![/i]" Morning said before squeezing her eyes shut. The red markings on her body began glowing softly, giving off a faint crimson light. Another flash of light, and the three were gone from the scene. ~Transition~ To the three, the flash lasted for some time, far longer than a mere moment. They were surrounded by light, which faded into absolute darkness in a matter of seconds, leaving Morning's glowing markings as the only light source. Sweat was rolling down her face as she held her grip on the pegasus. A light began shining brightly ahead of them, moving towards them. As the light moved closer, the crimson markings on Morning's body began fading, their color dulling. A moment later, the light had completely washed over them, shining almost blindingly. ~End Transition~ A flash of light snapped through the air on the outskirts of the city. It was still raining, but Morning and the other two had appeared under a tree. Morning was panting heavily, her markings now entirely faded. "[i]Is everyone alright...?[/i]" She asked, nearly out of breath. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMRenji Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Blazer looked into the green colts eyes, and she noticed that he had gotten a bit nervous. She looked at him with slightly confused eyes as he said something in a quiet tone that Blazer could barely hear. The green colt regained his composure and said that his name was Wonder Brush. "Wonder Brush. Well that's a lovely name." she said as she brought a smile to her face. "Oh, my name is Blazer, and it's a please to meet you, Wonder." She watched as Wonder Brush scanned around for a moment. He then said that they should take up shelter. "Oh, sure. We probably don't want to stand out in the open for too long." She looked around and saw what appeared to be an old, abandoned building. "What about that building there?" she asked Wonder Brush. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Tinker ran down to the town center. N called in about the plan failing, and that the main base of operations was under attack and they were relocating. This was terrible. Apparently Dimitri sold out to Shadow Wing, he did like keeping full pockets. Tinker ran down to the crumbling town of Ponyville, dead ponies laid everywhere. She was to get any remaining ponies and enlist there help. This storm wasn't making finding ponies any easier. As Tinker began running into town, she notices two Ponies talking with each other. She had to be quick, for she still thought Starlight was in danger if the assassins turned on him. "You two, if you want answers, and a free Equestria you are best to follow me." Starlight's energy faded. He was reduced to a limp as he slowly made way to the last remaining assassin in town. Dimitri, he had to get answers. "DIMITRI YOU LIEING SON OF A..." Starlight paused at the crippled looking Dimitri. "Why did you do it?" asked Starlight "The money of course... there was alot of it. Yet the rumors about you are true..." Dimitri said fading. "TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW OR ILL KILL YOU!" Threatened Starlight "It doesn't matter, I failed in killing you or Sniffy. Shadow said if you two looked like you teamed up, to quickly get rid of...." Dimitri weezed. "If you don't kill me now either I'll die or Shadow Wing will find me." "Damnit Dimitri say something!" Begged Starlight. "Si vite." Dimitri said softly, before dieing in Starlight's hooves. "This is no good." Starlight said to himself. His plans never failed, yet it had. At first Starlight thought that the tracker didn't work because of his sweaty nervous hooves before talking to Sniffy. Yet it ended up being that Dimitri altered it meaning he had been on Shadow Wings side for awhile... which meant... Starlight contacted N immediately. Yet instead of the same picture of a N and a scattered voice, he saw Princess Luna. "Quick... No time... Execute recovery... Magic items..." Her words were distorted, yet he knew what she wanted to say. Throughout Equestria's history, there were magical items that had questionable powers that were sealed for good. They were kept secret, except now that the secret is jeopardize, he had to find them and beat Shadow Wing to them. So N was Luna... so the odds were in our favor. Starlight tried walking, but he just collapsed body exhausted, but mind running a mile a minute, formulating his new plan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted February 9, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Blazer" Wonder Brush managed to respond, "And yeah, that looks like as good a place as any" he decided, and began to walk off towards it, when some other Mare came up to them and offered them answers and something about a free Equestria if they followed her. Wonder Brush looked to Blazer, "Er, what do you think? Should we follow her?" he asked her. He personally wanted to follow her, but at the same time, wasn't sure if he wanted to get himself tangled up in this mess. On top of that, he couldn't bring himself to leave Blazer, at least not so soon, and he'd stick with her over anything else. Still lying on the top of his cloud above the palace, Snowfire gave off a sigh. Just a while ago, he had seen Sonic rush off somewhere, "I still kinda wonder what he's doing over there..." he muttered out loud, "Oh well, I'm sure he'll be back soon. So'll Sniffy. Maybe she'll have some good news" Snowfire thought hopefully. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMRenji Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Blazer began walking with Wonder Brush to the abandoned building, when suddenly, a mare came up to the two of them. She told them that they should follow her to receive answers, and help keep Equestria free. Blazer felt a bit suspicious, but she also felt a fire in her heart telling her to follow this mare. She looked over towards Wonder Brush with a bit of a determined face. "Well, it does sound like a better plan than hiding in some old, run down building." Blazer said. "I'll go with you ma'am, just as long as Wonder wants to come as well." she said as a warm smile grew across her face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Tinker grinned, Ponyville fold were easy to talk to, and got your points right away. Especially with this madness, she would be surprised that they didn't help. She began running down the street, and notices a pony collapsed on the ground. This pony didn't look like a guard, and it sure as hell didn't look like much of a pony. He looked wild and hurt, yet alive. Tinker went over to the pony and nudged him a bit. "You okay dude?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted February 9, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Wonder Brush smiled when he heard Blazer's words, then turned to the Mare, "In that case, I'll go too" he answered, "I certainly have some questions" he said,[i]'And if it means saving the Princess, I'm more than willing' [/i]he added to himself. He then began to follow her as she dashed down the streets, granted unable to keep up very well, but caught up to her when she stopped to examine an injured looking pony lying on the ground. He looked to be out cold to Wonder Brush, "I don't think he's conscious, he probably can't answer you" he noted. Honeypot looked down from above all the commotion. It seemed to have died down a little, but not by much. There was still somewhat of a panic, and the storm that some guy was causing wasn't exactly helping. She flew down to somewhat of an open clearing and landed, then began to look around, to see if there was anyone else nearby. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aniri Wulf Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Wulf woke up. Slowly. He wasn't sure if he had felt something or not, but in his mind he felt he should get up. He was still very weak, and slightly delusional. "Water...." He said, "Must get to the...well..." He had no idea it was raining, and almost didn't realize that there was another pony near him. He sat up straight immediately, only to fall back to the ground. His head was throbbing. Not just because of his wounds, but because of the questions running through his head. So much was going on, and he didn't know why. He tried to sit up again, slowly this time. He managed to stay up. "Wh-Who are you?" He asked the mysterious pony. He was hoping that this pony could give him answers as to what was going on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMRenji Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Blazer ran alongside Wonder Brush, slowing her pace a bit to stay close to him. The other mare stopped next to a what appeared to be a passed out pony. Wonder Brush and Blazer both stopped as well, to take a look at the seemingly injured pony. "Oh my.. I wonder what must've happened to this poor guy." Blazer said in a sad tone. The mysterious injured pony struggled for a moment to sit up, but managed to do so. Blazer stood near him and patted her hoove on his head. "Hello there?" Blazer said in a calming voice. "Would you like to tell us what's happened to you?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 "Yeah, we're...alright," Sonic Burst said, still assessing that they had, indeed, teleported just now. "Well, if you don't mind me, we'll be going, an-" "Wait," Sniffy exclaimed. "You seem tired...can anthing to hel-" She got cut off by a sneeze. After sniffing, she continued. "Anything we can do to help?" "Aside from giving her a mild cold out here in this storm with you sneezing in front of her? Nope, not a thing I can think of," Sonic Burst muttered. The whole town was basically empty, and so Storm was quite at a loss for what to do, really. But he couldn't just sit here in the pouring rain. But suddenly, a blond pegasus landed on the ground. She was looking around. He smiled a bit, thankful that someone else was there, and approached her. "Umm..hello there," he said. "My name's Emerald Storm, and I live here...but I was kinda thrown outta the loop in this you know what happened here?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 "[i]W...Wait....[/i]" Morning gave out a weak cry, struggling to pull herself off the ground. "[i]I want to... to ask you... a-about... Shadow Wing...[/i]" She panted, managing to at least look up at the pegasus. "[i]W-Who is... he...? Why is... he... building... an army...? What purpose... does... does it serve?[/i]" Morning was barely keeping herself conscious. "[i]P-Please... Tell me that much...[/i]" she managed to breathe out. On the verge of collapse, being completely exhausted, she looked to the pegasus with pleading eyes, at least, as much as her pitch-dark eyes could express. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aniri Wulf Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Wulf unintentionally ignored everypony staring at him. He barely even knew they were there. The only thought in his head was to get the water from the well. He started to slowly crawl towards the well, using as much of his strength as he had left. The mud slowed him down and made him use his energy even quicker. He was almost at the well, but he was starting to fade again. Slowly, for seconds at a time, then minutes. He had to make it. Every muscle in his body was sore. His head throbbing. The water almost within reach. Beginning to fade again. He was running out of time. It was then that a thought occurred to him. How was he even going to get the water? At his state, falling in could get him drowned. From his angle, he couldn't see a bucket...or find the energy to lower it into the well and lift it back up. He decided to save what energy he had left, laying on the floor admitting defeat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 [color=#40e0d0]Winter moved in closer to the mystery object, and learned it was the tail of another pony. However, she couldn't tell whether or not it was a mare or a stallion, because the mystery pony darted away quickly into another room.[/color] [color=#40E0D0]"Who's there? Show yourself!" She cried out. There was no response, save the clatter of falling objects from the other room. She entered that room, and saw a stack of boxes that had toppled over. Behind one of the boxes, her light bounced off of the orange tip of another pony's mane. She also saw an open backdoor. The mystery pony could easily escape through that door, and that's what she presumed the other pony was planning.[/color] [color=#b22222]Burnout noticed a mirror in the upper corner of the room, which he used to get a look at his follower. He noticed a very pale-blue unicorn following him. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed an open door through which he could escape. Doubtless, the unicorn would have most likely noticed it by now, but he decided to risk it. He made a sudden dash, his hooves lighting up, towards the door. [/color] [color=#40e0d0]Winter saw the dark-bodied colt make a dash for the door, but she knew she couldn't let him. Surrounding the door in her blue aura, she slammed it shut, cutting off the colt's escape.[/color] [color=#b22222]Burnout had to make a sudden stop to avoid hitting the door. He skidded along the floor, creating sparks on the ground as he slid. His follower had seen him now, but he still wouldn't give up. [/color] [color=#40e0d0]"You have no escape now. Identify yourself!" she called out[/color][color=#40e0d0]. The door was frozen shut by her magic. Her horn glowed with her blue aura, ready to respond to anything he tried to do.[/color] [color=#b22222]Without any open exits, Burnout felt he had nowhere to go. However, not giving up, he made a sudden dash towards the light-blue unicorn. He jumped over her, creating fire with his hooves and burning the ground, leaving hoofmarks in the ground. Safely landing behind her, he dashed back into the first room, and headed to the entrance.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted February 9, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Honeypot gave a bit of a smile when she saw someone approach, and introduce themselves, then ask about the whole thing, "I'm Honeypot, and I'm afraid to say I don't know any more about this than you do, I don't think" she admitted, "I think..." she began, trying to offer a basic explanation, "That after that grey pony finished explaining the rules, these guys made a bunch of smoke appear, and then everyone started panicking, I guess," she explained, "Oh, and somepony started a storm" she added quickly at the end. Wonder Brush looked sympathetically at the odd pony who was trying to drag himself to the well, and ended up admitting defeat. He gave off a sigh, and looked over at the well, and his horn became enveloped in a violet aura. The same aura enveloped the bucket in the well, and, through magic, was lowered into the well, and came back up with Water. Wonder Brush continued to detach the bucket from the well, still with magic, and place it in front off the odd pony, "There, drink that" he offered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aniri Wulf Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Wulf was startled by the unexpected bucket of water. He looked around for the pony who put it there. His vision blurred, he remembered the other pony there. He turned, and was shocked to an even further extent. Was he seeing the outlines of three different ponies? He must have been seeing things. He quickly turned around and happily drank all the water in the bucket. He was feeling much better, even though he still couldn't move. He turned around to thank the other pony when he realized that there were three ponies. This freaked him out; He hadn't seen this many new faces in a while. He didn't know their intentions, and backed against the nearest wall he could. Well, he could move again at least. He tried to form words. They didn't come. So he stayed where he was, hoping that the other ponies would go first. More importantly, he hoped they were friendly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMRenji Posted February 10, 2012 Report Share Posted February 10, 2012 Blazer was a bit confused at how this mysterious pony was acting. [i]Oh my. What's the deal with this pony? He's acting so strange."[/i] Blazer thought to herself. She looked over to Wonder Brush as he used his magic to give the injured pony water. The pony drank from the bucket of water, and quickly backed up against a wall at the sight of Blazer, Wonder, and the mare. "Something's certainly got him frightened.." Blazer said. She walked slowly up to the startled pony. She sat down beside him and calmly said "Hello there, my good pony." She brought a small smirk to her face. "Would you care to tell us your name? And also what's happened to you?" She asked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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