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Monarch Dragons with a hint of Fish

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People weren't posting so I changed the title.

I think you can see how it works, I'm testing out the dark arts and an orouboros in here. (had to take some stuff out).

All comments appreciated (except for negative crap & spam, you guys stay out)


2x Zaborg

2x Thestalos

1x Raiza

2x CyDra

3x Survivor

2x Scout Plane

2x Banisher of the Radiance

1x Wildheart

1x Marshmallon

1x Ouroboros

1x DD Assailant

1x DD Warrior Lady


3x Dimensional Fissure

1x Fissure

1x Smashing Ground

1x Hammer Shot

1x MST

1x Heavy Storm

1x Brain Control

1x Enemy controller

1x RotA

1x Monster Reborn


3x Spiritual Dark Art - Greed

[spoiler=why?] OK, here it is... Even if my opponent has a spell to show me, I still get back the scout plane / survivor I tribute (assuming I have an RFG, and I usually do). I never use it when my opponent has a full hand (except for the case of MST / dust tornado / whatever), so my opponent will have less chance of negating it. It's also good to just get a Survivor / plane off the field until I need him at the end of the turn for a tribute.


2x Sakuretsu

2x Macro

1x RftDD

1x Torrential

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Out of 5 matches: 3

The times I lost were to top-tier decks, the round I played were like this:

Me vs. Dark deck (jinzo, Return from dark dimensions, dark grephs, d-heroes): Lost 2, won 1

Me vs. Gladiator bests: 2 easy wins

Me vs. LaDD deck: 2 wins (didn't know how to combat RFG)

Me vs. friends' defensive monarch thing: Won twice, lost once

Me vs. Cookie-cutter monarch deck (all cards available as holos were holos): Lost twice

top 8 ( I was #8 )

Me vs. Volcanic Apprentice Monarchs: Lost twice

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