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This forum saved a life


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What you say is beautiful and I'm glad that it changed you in a positive way.

I can say that I met a few people here who made an impact, mostly people who aren't around anymore and some I'd like to get to know better. They didn't make an impact at the point of changing my personality, but I consider (or used to consider them) friends. I don't have a lot of friends IRL and have known for a long time that I'm better at using written rather than verbal communication. That and by becoming active on the first Internet forum in my life, I learned about a lot of memes and jokes stuff that I wouldn't have known otherwise.:'3

Sometimes I think it would help if some people got out of their Internet persona (can't always be set apart, but for some people it's really obvious ;_; ) from time to time too. But it's fine as it is, we can't force them.

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I am glad that you didn't do it. I was taking a liking to you. You are a really cool person who has a great sense of humor, a logical mind, and just entertaining in many ways. I am glad that you thought about it. I brings the idea of regret and how much life can be painful. I know this because I was the same way a few years back. If you understand that, you can find happiness is more things that you were able to before. The sadness will always be there, but it won't cause as much pain. Anyways, congrats and your welcome, from everyone who helped you, that is something that is just plain awesome.

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YCM changed my life.
I've met and made friends with lots of interesting people from all sorts of places. And every one of these people have affected me in some shape or form. Everyone's so different and has their own opinions, it's just so interesting to see.
I learned to take constructive criticism through card ratings and feedback for Trio of DEF. I might not make cards anymore, but I've learned a lot about writing and my interest in it has rekindled since 4th grade. YCM gave me a dream: To publish DEF as an awesome novel/series one day.
It also led me to many interesting stories in anime and manga that I'd never be aware of otherwise. It strengthened my imagination and provided me with endless sources of entertainment.
It helped me learn a lot about myself. I've done a lot of self-reflection in search of my identity and I feel I've found myself by interacting with people who wouldn't judge me aside from what I show and by helping and being helped by others.
It's also given me role models. There are some really cool people on here with awesome and composed attitudes that a lot of people would benefit from following their example.

You can call this place a hellhole, a trollfest, a sleazy motel or whatever other dirty description you can think of, but to me, YCM's a part of who I am.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1328059188' post='5792771']
YCM changed my life.
I've met and made friends with lots of interesting people from all sorts of places. And every one of these people have affected me in some shape or form. Everyone's so different and has their own opinions, it's just so interesting to see.
I learned to take constructive criticism through card ratings and feedback for Trio of DEF. I might not make cards anymore, but I've learned a lot about writing and my interest in it has rekindled since 4th grade. YCM gave me a dream: To publish DEF as an awesome novel/series one day.
It also led me to many interesting stories in anime and manga that I'd never be aware of otherwise. It strengthened my imagination and provided me with endless sources of entertainment.
It helped me learn a lot about myself. I've done a lot of self-reflection in search of my identity and I feel I've found myself by interacting with people who wouldn't judge me aside from what I show and by helping and being helped by others.
It's also given me role models. There are some really cool people on here with awesome and composed attitudes that a lot of people would benefit from following their example.

You can call this place a hellhole, a trollfest, a sleazy motel or whatever other dirty description you can think of, but to me, YCM's a part of who I am.

I couldn't have put it better myself. YCM DID help me identify who I am. It provided me with necessary encouragement for difficult issues. Despite all of the horrible things that go on, some of the people here really are great and have had a positive impact on peoples' lives. At the end of the day, I think that's what really matters.

/sappy moment

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I suppose all of the Internet can do this stuff. I mean, you learn and grow a lot by talking to people. Online, you can talk to people you'd never meet IRL from places like Poland and Japan. More opportunity for good stuff. YCM does it as well as everywhere else, although sometimes in a stupider way.

Also, because this topic is getting too srs, I would like to note that it's cheesier than the pizza I had for lunch yesterday.

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[quote name='The Dark Evangel' timestamp='1328048110' post='5792331']
Does that require a lock?

Play nice. There's a valid topic here.

I love this place. I can honestly say that I feel way more confident irl now due to my interactions with the awesome people on here. I love that, while on YCM, you can be yourself and nobody will seriously give you a hard time.
Now I'm not afraid to be my real self in real life either, and that makes me one happy Jaelin!

Thanks guys. ^^

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Yep! This website touched me in a way no single person could ever have. It's given me more confidence, more humor, more intelligence, more otakuness, and more conscious than I could ever have been without it. The power of the internet is pretty cool, allowing you to meet people in other countries that you would never have met IRL. Although I have to admit that this website made me a little particular to other people. (translation: weird) Still, it's cool.

And hurray! Thanks for all the congratz and welcomes I'm getting. Yay.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1328059188' post='5792771']
YCM changed my life.
I've met and made friends with lots of interesting people from all sorts of places. And every one of these people have affected me in some shape or form. Everyone's so different and has their own opinions, it's just so interesting to see.
I learned to take constructive criticism through card ratings and feedback for Trio of DEF. I might not make cards anymore, but I've learned a lot about writing and my interest in it has rekindled since 4th grade. YCM gave me a dream: To publish DEF as an awesome novel/series one day.
It also led me to many interesting stories in anime and manga that I'd never be aware of otherwise. It strengthened my imagination and provided me with endless sources of entertainment.
It helped me learn a lot about myself. I've done a lot of self-reflection in search of my identity and I feel I've found myself by interacting with people who wouldn't judge me aside from what I show and by helping and being helped by others.
It's also given me role models. There are some really cool people on here with awesome and composed attitudes that a lot of people would benefit from following their example.

You can call this place a hellhole, a trollfest, a sleazy motel or whatever other dirty description you can think of, but to me, YCM's a part of who I am.



When I look at it, it's true. This place did help shape me into the person I am today. In fact, if it weren't for this place, I'd probably just be another Annoying Facebook Girl (Example of how I would be acting, not my gender)

There was no better timing then reading this while the Pokémon Theme is playing in the background. Gah, now I feel so inspired!

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[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1328089105' post='5793491']
Yep! This website touched me in a way no single person could ever have. It's given me more confidence, more humor, more intelligence, more otakuness, and more conscious than I could ever have been without it. The power of the internet is pretty cool, allowing you to meet people in other countries that you would never have met IRL. [b]Although I have to admit that this website made me a little particular to other people. (translation: weird) Still, it's cool.[/b]


Better to be "weird", but happy, than "normal" and miserable.

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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1328122224' post='5793845']
Better to be "weird", but happy, than "normal" and miserable.


A master in life art and Kaito art.

Now, if it wasn't for YCM, I don't think I'd ever find how good it is to feel something nice for other people. I've always been selfish. I've been in other forums, but I never made FRIENDS there. Nor in real life, the last stream of friends I had ended 5 years ago. In school, they were just colleagues.

But here I met a few special people that really changed me. Heh, I tried to stay away from this place, but it's impossible. It's part of me, a big part. The people I met here (Klav, Black, burnpsy, Josh, Koko, Meta, Venser, Volt, Proto, amongst others) are really important. No matter how "bad" YCM seems to be compared to years I wasn't here; the community's spirit never seemed to have changed.

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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1328122224' post='5793845']
Better to be "weird", but happy, than "normal" and miserable.

I absolutely love this statement, evilfusion. You don't even begin to realize how right that is.

Anyways... YCM has helped me. In more ways than one. I came here, immature and a douchebag. The community made me into a seemingly more mature person, and less of a douchebag ( I hope. ) I've met a few people on here who have impacted my life, in more ways than one. One person even gave me the courage to tell people of my true nature... and that, I'll never forget.

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I'm fairly certain most of us here have been impacted in some way by this forum. Whether it be changing plans are getting a somewhat better personality.
I must admit, before I joined here, I was a spoild brat who had tantrums when she got slightly upset.
I also admit I still do that.
However, simply being around the non-trolls and making friends here got me less tantrum-y. Now I only do it on occasion, as much as I try to prevent it. Meh.

To consider what may have happened had I never encountered YCM is a frightening concept. I probably would have gone to the bad school I was going to originally. I would still be a whiny brat. I may have never gotten into Minecraft and lost many valuble friends I have made from everything I have learnt here.
However, the actual consequences of this scenario would be unknown, since that alternate timeline was never lived.i

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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1328047265' post='5792289']
Everything you do, no matter how small, can have an impact in some way. Even over the internet, where your actions and words can seemingly bear no true consequence (hence the existence of trolls), they matter. Reaching out to help the newbie adapt, rather than chew him out over making a bad card, could shape the outcome of his life. Insulting someone too harshly or too frequently can lead them to shy away from other online interactions.

Huh. I was thinking that exact thing while making this thread.

[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1328122224' post='5793845']
Better to be "weird", but happy, than "normal" and miserable.

Hold on a sec.
*searches through diary*
I wrote [b]that exact line[/b] in my diary. Well, it was worded as [i]'better to be weird but happy, than normal but miserable'[/i] but seriously. O_o

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[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1328612768' post='5802284']
Huh. I was thinking that exact thing while making this thread.

Hold on a sec.
*searches through diary*
I wrote [b]that exact line[/b] in my diary. Well, it was worded as [i]'better to be weird but happy, than normal but miserable'[/i] but seriously. O_o

I only but "weird" and "normal" in quotes because the use of those terms is subjective, as well as relative to others, when one should only be truly concerned about their own happiness and peace of mind than whether someone thinks they're weird.

And yeah, the fact how everyday actions matter is a common theme in some stories or movies, most prominently "It's a Wonderful Life".

The fact it's true, yet no one seems to acknowledge this until a severe example surfaces is what's frightening.

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Okay, yea, the internet changed apart of my life, as when I see non-trolls and actually talk, it seems like life has no bullies yet there to be is....Anyhow, I currently struggle with stuff, but I would never go as far as you did....I see life as gemini pessmist, and yet I still see and hope for a reason to live, plus b/c my will won't let me, so its a good thing...

I'm glad your okay....

But I used to be a shy person, and then Higschool changed that, then I got online, thinking "OMG, the government is out to get me" so i never did facebook, myspace, or forums....But a friend in IRL convinced my to join myspace and it wasn't all bad, I just find out that I was being used, thats all...Got rid of it, and joined this forum to get better at making cards and decks and to find people around the world....As I truly enjoy company, I juste dislike talking to people in IRL when I have headaches, and thats usually all the time....But my note is when i joined this forum, it let me know other people have problems then just you, your not the only person in the world, and others have it worse then you, or may have the same problems....The internet has opened alot of things to me, and so I thank everyone here to help me realise the internet was not a bad place, its actually a smart life-changing place....The only annoying bugs on the internet which YCMaker forum don't have a tendency to do is, I visited another forum, and they are so critical you could not say the word fart without a 1 day ban, so, sometimes forums and things are ran by wierd people, but in the end....

The internet has taught me not to always fear the unexpected, not to underestimate the people, and that 10 year old kids still have the same knowledge and power as that of an 21 to 41 yr old person, but the younger one just can relate better...

YCMaker, Facebook, Dragcave, and alll other places I tend help changed my shy life into a talkative, knowledgeable, person who also knows people can change, for the better, and not everyone on the internet is a bully in real life...


[b]Please note, i used to hate the internet, now I love it....[/b]

[b]Also Note, not just this site, but people in RL can help make decisions which lead to other decisions which help you find this wonderfuly genius people who are usually at your side most of the time....[/b]Unless you are being trolled or spambotted....

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