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Times when you want to punch someone over the internet in the face


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So a guy on Youtube got into an argument with someone else over religion when the atheist side of the argument claimed that since animals can't get married should they not have sex? The christian then responded by saying that they have no souls so it does not matter, he said there was no heaven or hell for them. I eat meat, a lot, but I do protest animal abuse and am against certain aspects of animal cruelty so his comment really pissed me off.

Most likely this topic will result in almost everyone saying howthey want to punch me in the face then oh well it is relevant to the topic.

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Apart from the fact that before marriage was invented, and humans simply used sex as a means of reproducing like any other animal, and having mates like many other animals, not sure what to say.

Because both sides of the argument are bloody wrong. lol.

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Both sides of that argument are so absurdly stupid I wouldn't even know when to begin.

Human standards and morality exist because humans are sentient whereas most animals are not. Also, the whole marriage vs sex is purely a matter of morality and society, instilled by religion and/or upbringing, none of which actively apply to the animal kingdom.

The animals = no souls is totally off-topic, proves nothing related to the argument, is pretty supremist even by most standards, and pretty much mocks the entire idea of having pets as loving companions with personality.

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[quote name='Anti-Theist' timestamp='1327960411' post='5789985']
The christian then responded by saying that they have no souls so it does not matter, he said there was no heaven or hell for them.[/quote]

What makes humans so special than only we have souls, feelings, et all? Arrogant f***er.

When it comes to religion, people are so one-eyed its unreal. Some would argue the sky was purple if the bible told them so. It's why I don't bother with it.

Returning to thread title; I get this feeling every 10 minutes. I probably inspire people to have same feelings every 5.

People act like jerks and overreact over the Internet because there is little fear of reprucussion: Breaking news.

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Heaven/Hell are not proven to exist, so that's a stupid argument.
Souls don't exist.
Consciousness does exist.
Marriage and sex are only loosely connected, and marriage is simply a human concept that we made up.
Many animals, humans included, have the concept of being 'mates' though.

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[color=#000066][b]When 2 guise asked on Yahoo Answers[/b][/color]
[color=#000066][b]1| Is the Earth a planet? I'm a very smart 9th grader, and I know Pluto and the Moon are one, but I don't know about Earth. Please help![/b][/color]
[color=#000066][b]2| How do I find out what planet I was born on?[/b]
[b]Also, like above, any dumb YCMer.[/b][/color]

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Just this topic (I'm going off topic again but it's worth it. I'll come back in a minute) has reminded me of a very old Andy Parsons joke from Mock The Week. I don't usually like Parsons but this made me chuckle.

[quote]"So the pope has come out this week and said that condoms are immoral and using them is a sin. How come we're at the stage where the people who don't have sex, are telling the people who do have sex, how to have sex?

The pope says that being homosexual is unnatural. Surely the most unnatural thing in the world is having no sex whatsoever."[/quote]

Anyway, back on topic. People on here who make me rage are the arrogant people. I can tolerate people who don't understand or make mistakes crating cards or in the TCG or whatever because its through making mistakes that you learn. It's people who won't take constructive critisism and flip out or who just flame people for nothing that get on my nerves, as well as a couple of regular people who seem to have their heads permanently rammed up their...

And yes, inb4YouDoAllThatToo. Yes I am aware I sometimes fall into the same hufflelump traps.

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[quote name='Comrade Trollestia' timestamp='1327978558' post='5790773']
Hey look, another, "I'm so mad because this person fails to recognize my intellectual superiority" thread.
And this topic was doing so well too. Just pointing out that this topic is about as much overused as your pointing out how overused this topic is which is kinda funny considering you contributed very little to this obviously overused topic as you so graciously pointed out. And even your quotation was out of validation because he never said he was involved with the argument in fact he said it was an argument between two other people. How can one who did not participate in the conversation whine about how the opposer did not recognize his intellectual superiority when he hasn't even talked to the guy? Your argument is crap try again.

As for the topic Iremember arguing with an anti-semetic person over the web. The guy had almost no evidence whatsoever to prove they were "Money grubbing" and his refusal to face facts was annoying. I eventually ignored him finding the argument pointless.

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