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Mecha Love

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[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1327909338' post='5789246']
On DN I especially love:
-Field Spell.dek
-Zeta Reticulant
[/quote][quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1327909338' post='5789246']Yeah


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My three favorite decks in real life are Lightsworns (with the plant engine and BLS :3), Ninjas, and my Water deck designed around Codarus. My Water deck was the first deck I made when my friend got me back into the game (I quit LONG before Synchros were thought of and got dragged back in when they were big. And yes, I did top with only running two synchros that I forgot I had half the time. xD). Also, my Ninjas can KINDA side into HEROS...so I may develop a like for them...unsure since my friend is the one obsessed with them. But Lightsworns are still my upmost favorite. I REFUSE to get rid of my two Ultimate Lylas. THEY ARE MINE!!!! D:<

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My fav decks are
Lightsworn with some dark support and plant engine and BLS - because that deck has won me duels so often.
Infernity - cause if you can clear your hand, they are very OP'd
Dragons - I've always liked dragons
Faries - Same reason as the dragons
Absolute Barrier - The combo of absolute zero and the ice barriers is just so strong
Gusto - The deck is just so resilient and the defense is quite hard to break
Omni Heroes - Just cause they are quite strong and the perfect deck to use against shooting quasar dragon

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Dark World: I thought they were cool when I made my own deck in WC07, until I returned and found out they were better than I thought.
Magical Merchant Turbo: Pretty much a gamble deck with sort of my own originality.
Machina Gadget: Fun to swarm with Xyzs and show their power. Sometimes hard to execute, but I use it often.
Fableds: Because Fabled Krus and Grimro, as well as their Synchro Capabilities and discard combos.
Wind-Up: Everyone loves Rat/Zenamighty/Hunter mechanic.
T.G Anti-Meta: Because Skill Drain and Loopholes. :3

There are a few others, but these are the ones I am best with or play a lot with.

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