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Guess That Yu-Gi-Oh card!!! 41st riddle


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[quote name='Simdoggy' timestamp='1328616129' post='5802307']
i'm guessing snipe hunter or blaze accelerator
[quote name='Flandre Scarlet' timestamp='1328577719' post='5801348']
Ancient Gear Golem? Wroughtweiler?

No and no.

HINT: One of the "rival schools" uses Psychic-style.

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[quote name='~Burning Soul~' timestamp='1328625389' post='5802434']
Psychic-Style? in GX? meh....i'm guessing one of the rival Schools is West Academy, and the other being East Academy

i'll hazard a guess and say:

Exodia the Forbidden One (that had an upgrade iirc)

You are wrong. There where 2 "schools" and one of them was using "Psycho style" (as I remember there where 2 episodes with it [in row]), also neither of them is any of the Academies.

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[quote name='Anonymous' timestamp='1328626212' post='5802439']
You are wrong. There where 2 "schools" and one of them was using "Psycho style" (as I remember there where 2 episodes with it [in row]), also neither of them is any of the Academies.
the only "schools" i remember were the elementary school Syrus went to, and the high school that Chazz went to

anyways, i'll guess Cyber Dragon

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[quote name='~Burning Soul~' timestamp='1328629821' post='5802488']
the only "schools" i remember were the elementary school Syrus went to, and the high school that Chazz went to

anyways, i'll guess Cyber Dragon

Nope, tho Cyber Dragon is one of the cards mentioned in riddle.

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[quote name='~Burning Soul~' timestamp='1328635195' post='5802549']
Jinzo - Lord?
[quote name='Wraith' timestamp='1328634983' post='5802546']
Jinzo - Returner

Nope, those are mentioned in riddle as "downgrade" and "upgrade"

[quote name='Wraith' timestamp='1328634983' post='5802546']
or Spell Canceler.

You are going good but also wrong way (self-contradictory huh?)

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[quote name='~Burning Soul~' timestamp='1328635506' post='5802556']
Crush Card Virus? or Magic Reflector?

No. How is CCV "inspiration" for one of the cards.

[quote name='Wraith' timestamp='1328635657' post='5802559']
Sky Scourge Invicil

Since it must be "inspiration" it must be released before the card.

Still, both going wrong way.

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So everyone's still struggling with that one?

Your wording for that riddle was terrible. I easily figured out the schools/styles was "Psycho-style" (Jinzo) vs "Cyber-style".

But the star card of Cyber-style is Cyber Dragon, which has a lot of upgrades and a downgrade. So the answer is a card that probably inspired Cyber Dragon...wait a second...*lightbulb*

The riddle branches off here. It at first implied that Psycho-style mattered to the answer, but it's really just a distinction of isolating Cyber Dragon.

The card that I think is the most likely inspiration for Cyber Dragon was Blue-Eyes White Dragon, as Zane was a Kaiba expy, with Cyber End Dragon being a parallel to Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the two big monsters requiring 3 copies of the star monster to be fused, and has 3 heads with 4000+ ATK.

But if it is Blue-Eyes, it's used in the same Deck as its rival's star card. Blue-Eyes' alleged rival is Red-Eyes Black Dragon. But those Decks almost never mix, except for Hopeless Dragon builds at best. Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Chick are the upgrade/downgrade of Red-Eyes, but it may be referring to Red-Eyes Wyvern and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon instead. The questionable label of rival is that they really dont have much of anything in competition.

Kaibaman and Kaiba himself used Blue-Eyes, so they could be the two duelists that used Blue-Eyes.

However, I think I totally missed the mark. But my answer is Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

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[quote name='~Burning Soul~' timestamp='1328639536' post='5802663']
The Fiend Megacyber? it came before Cyber Dragon and had a Cyber Dragon like effect

I took you all "a while" to solve this...

[b][i]Two rival schools.
With two different styles.[/i][/b]
Psycho- and Cyber-style

[b][i]I'm probably the inspiration of one style's star card,
which has a downgrade and several upgrades.[/i][/b]
Cyber Dragon (downgrade Proto Cyber Dragon, upgrades you know them)

[b][i]I'm used in the same deck that uses my rival's star card
(with a downgrade too and one upgrade) (but is he really my rival?),[/i][/b]
Star card: Jinzo (downgrade Jinzo-Returner upgrade Jinzo Lord)
about using "in the same deck" - remember this guy?
He used Jinzo and The Fiend Megacyber in the same deck! ([url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Card_Appearances:The_Fiend_Megacyber"]check Wiki for it[/url])

[i][b]By not one but two duelists.[/b][/i]
Joey also used this combination (look wiki again).

Next riddle

[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1328640565' post='5802680']
Your wording for that riddle was terrible. [/quote]
What you mean?

P.S. This riddle could be solved by first 4 verses...

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