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Gotham City: Imposters Beta


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So, imagine 4 things.

Team Fortress 2

Brink (The good parts)

Call of Duty


Now, take those things, and throw them all in a blender. Add some duct tape and swear-bleeps for good measure.

That is what this game is.




I downloaded the Beta today (It's out of PSN. Don't know where else), and have been playing it ever since. It's just awesome. I rarely get mad, even when I'm getting destroyed, the items and abilities are fun to use (also plentiful), the customization is great (esp. for it just being a beta), and it's an all around good time.

Anybody else got around to playing it? I recommend you do.

EDIT: If you're on the 360, you're out of luck. You'll have to try and get a Code from the website if you want the Beta. PS3 users, however, can just pop onto the PSN Store and download it.

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