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Confused as to what to do.


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In life right now I'm confused as to what to do, I'm not depressed or anything but I have many different aspects of things I want to pursue as of right now I feel that I have a promising career in making videos on YouTube, earning partnerships and such but IRL I would still need a job or something that will keep the money rolling up to keep a roof over mine and my friends heads (Just so you know after we have all left school we are going to move in with each other, this seemed like a sensible idea as we could spread out the pay and enjoy each others company, we are all doing the YouTube thing by the way.)

Now back to the main point I have Taken Cooking, History and Art mainly because I enjoy all 3 however now that I think about it, these aren't very logical choices with History I can't get many jobs same goes for Art unless you are really good and get lucky and the only Logical option I took was cooking; seeing as every one has to eat and cooking opens up a wide variety of jobs which need filling, now the problem is I'm not cut out nor do I have the enough time to do both cooking in a restaurant and doing the YouTube, I have no Idea what to do and I'm stuck, any guidance would be very much appreciated.

Basically the moral of the story is does anyone know what I should do or Feel that what I'm thinking is right.

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[quote name='Clair' timestamp='1327615187' post='5782415']
Well, how old are you? o:

And if you could provide a link to your YouTube account, that'd be delicious. ;D


Also, if you're particularly decent at graphic design, you could always just become a graphic designer which links in well with the art course, and is a very fulfilling job providing you can cope with commission.

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I'm 18 my school year itself ends when we reach 19.

this is one of my many channels some of the others are just mainly back ups.

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YouTube profit wise is the dream job you earn about 10k a month which more than most people earn yearly and we are talking by the time im 20 however it does take a while to start earning these large profits from certain videos.

And I would love to experiment but my parents both tell me how difficult the world is and how hard it will be to get a job I just can't trust myself with the pressure, I know their is no way of guaranteeing myself a Job but the best I can do is to work my hardest and have a clear path I want to go for, which Is what I don't have.

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People who earn so much with their Youtube accounts are rare.:/ It's possible, but I wouldn't place my focus on it.

Like Clair said, try to build something up at university. If you're really rushed and need a job as soon as possible (families with low income etc.), then I'd look for something that directly prepares you for your job and focus more on the practical tools. Say, cooking or teaching for example.

If it's not that urgent, then go for something that interests you. Trust me, I'm doing a major in a subject that doesn't really sound like it's going anywhere, but I want to work in a field that is only mildly related. Plus many people who finished in my institute ended up in unexpected places where their studies can be useful, but they aren't all that. So what you learn is never lost, but of course, this only applies if you aren't really rushed.

I could think about a bunch fields on top of my mind where history could be useful for example (maybe with additional courses, but still). If you like cooking, then I'd go for that. It's more concrete, but even with the other options, I'm sure you can get somewhere.

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I don't think you should bank on Youtube covering you for your entire life. You need some kind of skill, something to bring in a steady course of income. If anything just make Youtube a secondary source of income. I'm sure you can devise a system to balance out your real life and Youtube life.

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