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[Thar] Crimson Thar


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We really can't offer advice on something like this or really comment on quality either, without knowing just what you were going for. This isn't a technical piece, this is a personal one. And artists have their own form of the Hippocratic Oath and that is; One must never judge a piece in practice, one must never judge a personal work, and one must always preserve the idea behind a piece. So [u][b]in order for us to help you, we must know your thought processes, ideas, program and we need direct permission from you to actually give advice or critique. Giving us permission to "CnC" really doesn't cut it lol.[/b][/u]

Also, if you'd like I will edit your name for you; however you must be aware that it will reset your name change counter and I will set your points to zero (so you don't suddenly get one of those point based name changes/this offer is currently only applicable to the topic poster any PM's not from him will be refused). So it's your choice.

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