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Phoenix's Penultimate Palace of Purchase (Closed til Photoshop starts working again)


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Welcome to Phoenix's Penultimate Palace of Purchase! Here, you can get top-quality graphics, FOR FREE!!! However, only 1 order at a time. You need to wait until the current order has been filled until you post your order. Oh yeah, and always follow the form. Example:

Can I have a banner plz?!?!?!


Price: Free

Size: 600 x 100

Render(s): Jaden

Color: Red

Text: E-Hero Pack of Packiness

Other Info8 N/A

Sure! ^_^

*adds I_WANNA_BUY_STUFF as the current order*

give avi.


Price: Free

Size: 100x100

Render: Any dark monster

Color: Dark blue

Text: Shoppah

Other Info: N/A

Your order has been ignored. Reason: Current Order isn't finished.

Now' date=' onto the items and stuff.



Price: [Free]

Size: [350 x 100 is default, though anything rectangular will do]

Render(s): [MAX 1. If it's not a Yugioh character/monster, or certain other things, then you need to provide it.]

Color: [Tell me 1 color]

Text: [Your Text Here]

Other Info: [Anything else][/align]








Price: [Free]

Size: [100x100, or anything smaller]

Render: [MAX 1. If it's not a Yugioh character/monster, or certain other things, then you need to provide it.]

Color: [Tell me 1 color, though I could alway use the colors of the render]

Text: [Your username, or other text]

Other Info: [Anything Else][/align]







[align=center]CS3 Brush Pack

Price: [Free]

Size: [Approximate size of brushes]

Type: [Fractal, Swirly, Etc]

Amount of Brushes: [How many brushes (keep reasonable)]

Other Info: [Anything Else][/align]


Fractal Set One

Swirl Brushed

Splatter Set One



[align=center]Background Pack

Price: Free

Size of Backgrounds: [Any reasonable size]

Number of Backgrounds: [in multiples of 20, no more than 80]

Color: [Varied, or 1/2/3 colors]

Type: [Varied, or any 1/2/3 special types (see my archive for examples of types)]

Other Info: [Anything Else][/align]


Penultimate Backgrounds 001



Current Order(s):

CD - brushes

Darkthorne - brushes


New Rule: No pre-ordering. This means ordering, while there is a current order. Wait until it's finished, then order. Or you will be ignored. Kthxbi.

New Idea: Whenever this shop reaches a certain number of posts/views/order meter, I might add something new! ^_^

Note: If you order a banner, I can crop it into an avi and add text, as part of the same order. ^_^

New Rule: You can ONLY make 1 order per post. :D

Note: Background packs have been removed, but JK, I'll still try and do yours.



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Price: Free

Size: [400 x 150 is default, though anything rectangular will do]

Render(s): Dark Armed dragon and Armed Dragon lv 10

Color: black

Text: Kid

Other Info: n/a

Sure! But, it will be more of a dark gray! xD

Price: Free

Size: 475x200

Render(s): Ojama Trio

Color: Blue or Green :D

Text: Please Welcome Ojama Trio!

Other Info: N/A

Your order has been ignored. Reason: Current Order isn't finished.

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Price: Free

Size: [400 x 150 is default' date= though anything rectangular will do]

Render(s): Dark Armed dragon and Armed Dragon lv 10

Color: black

Text: Kid

Other Info: n/a

Sure! But, it will be more of a dark gray! xD

Price: Free

Size: 475x200

Render(s): Ojama Trio

Color: Blue or Green :D

Text: Please Welcome Ojama Trio!

Other Info: N/A

Your order has been ignored. Reason: Current Order isn't finished.

oh ok gray is fine :)

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Size: 400 x 150

Render(s): Tyranno Hassleberry (Could you put the picture in the middle?)

Color: Yellow or Brown (suprise me)

Text: Tyranno Hassleberry - The Dinosaur Duelist

Other Info: n/a

Your order has been ignored. Reason: Current Order(s) aren't finished. Read the new rule please. ;)

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