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Gadget Immitation!!!

The Ruby

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-This is my first contest in celebration of my 3rd star!^_^




1.I am the only Judge.


2.Create 3 Monster Cards That work well together, create them to work like the Gadgets.

(EX: When this card is summoned...add one...???...to your hand)




3.Create a Continuous Spell Card, which when activated makes it act like a monster, whose effect activates when all the above cards are on the field.


4.Create a Continuous Trap Card, which when activated also acts like a monster, whose effect activates when all 3 of the above monsters are on the field.


5.The monster from the spell card and the monster summoned by the trap card must be different in every way, in which the attribute, type, level, atk, def, and effect are different.

(EX: Spell=Warrior=Light=3=1500ATK=2000DEF,



6.In all my contests i will award a "Special card" to 1st place winners which will come in handy in my future contests.





REQUIREMENTS=3 Monster Cards, 1 Continuous Spell Card, 1 Continuous Trap Card.












Since this is my first contest, a Special one-of-a-kind card will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners which will come in handy in my future contests^_^


1st Place- 3 REPs & 30 Points


2nd Place- 2 REP or 20 Points


3rd Place- 1 REP or 10 Points




Reserve your entry fast!!!^_^

Only 3 Spots...



2.Yugioh Maker








I will stop receiving Entrys on February 29, 2008 or until all spots are filled. All cards are to be turned in viaPM by March 1, 2008. Prizes and a "Placement List"(declaring the winners) will be sent out to all competitors on March 2, 2008.

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i'll accept your cards yugioh maker but what i was aiming for was the trap card to be a monster, also it should be a monster not tokens, that way when its summoned you dont need a condition in which to summon it, the effect of the monster, or its ATK changes when the 3 cards are on the field.

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The contest is officially closed

sorry but need to get ready for an exclusive contest ^_^




1ST Place - 3 REPs & 30 points - Flamez

2ND Place - 2 REPs - YugiohMaster1993

3RD Place - 1 REP - yugioh maker

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