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What the hell is it with Higurashi and random, idiotic assumption

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Somehow, everyone seems to think Higurashi is an all-gore, blood-splattering anime that revolves around nothing but violence.


And I can estimate that over 80% of those who say they watched all of Higurashi are in fact [b]LYING[/b], because at least, their actions/words are NOT those that can come out of the mouth of anyone who watched the entire series from the Original to Kai (Rei and Kira don't matter much, tho').

A prime example is Astro Boy's post in a topic about "The most disturbing anime scene".

[quote name='Astro Dude' timestamp='1326168859' post='5757383']
Every episode of Higurashi[/quote]

For instance, in this case I can see this guy obviously hasn't watched the entire series, because not even half of Higurashi episodes are even slightly violent. In fact anyone who watched the show will recognize this fact, as every chapter of it consists of "Everyday life" and its change to the only part of "Higurashi" most people know.


What the hell is up with this nonsense!?

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I don't even know what that Anime is...

I'm not one to usually watch gory, bloody, action-filled anime. The only most recent anime that I have seen that would decently fit into that category is Devil May Cry, and it's not even that bad half of the time. And why are we making a big deal about seeing livers and guts? Unless the plot revolves around a psychotic madman who dissects people for a living to get a kick of adrenaline and actually show the blood, guts, and livers uncensored in every episode, I don't see a problem with that.

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[quote name='DSS' timestamp='1326220080' post='5757771']
1st season > Kai,Rei, Kira -_-
It was cool and stuff but then it took fanservice to the knee. going from Mystery , Horror, Psychological and Thriller to ecchi, parody and stupid comedy. Japan i am dissapoint -_-

Kai wasn't that bad in that respect :?
Kai just focused on the friendship aspect more. Unless I'm not remembering something in particular.

Yeah it does get bloody but there are worse anime out there, honestly

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[quote name='Astro Dude' timestamp='1326215481' post='5757727']
Yeah, and keep your characters alive and leave the gore out.

I disagree with this part, Astro. A certain amount of gore can be good. Characters dying can be good. However, your previous statements imply that you dislike any characters dying in general, going so far as ignoring a work's premise and cheapening the entire thing in your head because you don't like that the premise contains that a character died.

If it's not for you, the correct thing to do is to avoid it and don't complain about how people can like that sort of thing, most definitely not taking shots at them like you've been annoyingly doing. They're not my thing either, and your posts on that sort of subject [i]still[/i] piss me off.

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lol episode 20, best one in the 1st season imo , then 1st episode.
Also that soundtrack

Oh and Astro mah boy you don't know the half of it, like when Satoko is tortured.............

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[quote name='Astro Dude' timestamp='1326236627' post='5758117']
I saw a girl stab herself repeatedly in a video clip. One girl kicked another in the teeth. Honestly.


See for yourself.

There are more if you'd like.

I don't particularly want to go watching that vid. That said, honestly, there are people who dislike Harem, so they avoid harem. There are those who hate Shounen, so they go look at Shoujo/Josei/Seinen. There are people who dislike mystery, so they watch something with less exposition and thinking.

Likewise, there are people who hate [i]that[/i], such as, presumably, you. That said, some people like watching those scenes, or may say that there's enough good story or w/e for them to ignore that. I'm not about to criticize people for what they look for in their shows. If the quality is low, I complain about that, most definitely not the amount of anything.

For example, this season, an anime called Another aired. I didn't like it at all, but I'm not about to complain about the contents, because they appeared to be good for people who like that kind of thing.

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I don't remember.

But, honestly, if there was actual content in the series after the head being cut off, then it doesn't matter how accurately they animated the dead body. That said, I've never read/watched the series, but it still sounds odd to say it's a gorefest because of one gruesome death.

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Elfend lied is a gorefest (heads torn off, bodies imploding , intestines , blood etc. And to top it all off it was a bad one to boot.
in madoka "what's-her-name" got her head chomped off in ep 3 and that was it, no blood just "chomp" *body fell to the ground*.
Probably Astro's conception of horror is different from most of us. While event the slightest fatal wound caused can be treated as gore for him, for us is just a simple death scene. If anyone saw bokusatsu tenshi dokuro-chan , that's another example of gore in format of a black comedy.

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There was also this:


DSS brought it up. How could they do that to a sweet little girl like this?

Here Astro Man comes to save the day! Astro Man, with his cosmic powers reverses time on Satoko's body and gets her out of there. The same said for Rika and Ritsuko.

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30 minute episodes. Actually 20 and some change but you'll be rewatching some parts. First season is like around 20 episodes, Kai is like 24. From what I hear those are the only seasons you should watch, I've only seen the first and half of Kai.

Me, who hates excessive blood, thinks the series is awesome, so you really should go watch it before you force your opinions on everyone.

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Okay no offense, but you can like Higurashi and all but it is extremely violent and disturbing.

While it may not be a splatterfest like Elfen Lied or whatever, it still contains plenty of violence and gratutious imagery. I don't see why everyone is so adamantly claiming that it doesn't, as if it defines whether or not it's a good show.

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