Grunt Issun Posted January 6, 2012 Report Share Posted January 6, 2012 IC: [url=""][/url] A tall, thin man was sitting, waiting, outside a large, circular, metallic building, when he looked up and saw a large passenger plane flying towards him. He smiled, "Ah, Très Bien, it seems that the newcomers have arrived" he said to himself, "Or at least, some of them" he added. He straightened his silk suit, the color of wine, and threw his rather long blonde hair behind his shoulders, then picked himself up and walked down a path to the east, where the plane was just starting to land. He looked directly over at where the passengers would be getting off, [i]'Time to welcome our new members' [/i]he said to himself,[i]'On behalf of me, Raphael!' [/i]he continued, thinking it with dramatic flair. [i]'Though...' [/i]he began as another thought occurred to him, [i]' Tis a bit of a shame that the others will have to wait to see them' [/i]he frowned, then perked up again [i]'Oh well, guess they were just too slow' [/i]he reassured himself. Meanwhile, inside aforementioned large, circular, metallic building, several other people were gathered, on a red sofa sat a bald Asian man of average height and stature, reading a book of some description. Across the room, sitting at a table, was a red-headed woman, slightly taller than the Asian man, but thinner and less muscular, sipping from a mug, probably containing beer. Standing near the entrance was a very muscular man with short blonde hair, wearing a black muscle shirt, his head tilted back, and his eyes nearly closed. Suddenly, the red-headed woman looked up from here mug, "Hey Tetsuo" she called out in a vaguely Brooklyn accent. The Asian man looked up from his book, "Those new guys are coming soon aren't they?" she asked, he nodded, "Yes, if they followed the directions, then they should get here within a few days," he answered, "Why do you ask?" She thought for a moment, "Dunno, just wanted to be sure" she said, then looked at her mug, and slid it away, "Might not be best right about now" she thought aloud, then sat back and waited for something interesting to happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted January 6, 2012 Report Share Posted January 6, 2012 Max hatted planes, they were so unpredictable, and he had no control over it. He felt confined, as if that if he were to be an attack on him, he wouldn't be able to react. Yet, when he borded the plane the people hosting it were fairly nice. His revolver still rested securly to his chest, just in case. He finally feels the plane stop, and they were secruly on ground. He studied the outside of the window, looking at the beautiful private island. He envied this man, whoever he was, for having the funds to have such a place. Well he couldn't say that anymore, he had a million british pounds at his disposal, he liked having the breathing room of being a american millionare. Yet, he was less concerned with the money and honestly, he would've come even without it. He has to find out why the letter carrier was killed, and he had to find a cure for this disease so that others moms wouldn't be aflicted by it. He ate his tears and stood up, being courtiouse to the others on the plane, he grabed his luggage and walked down the stairs of the plane carefully studing each and every aspect of where he has been, to make sure that he knew where everything he has seen is for a later date. After he was done scanning the area he focused on the man with a wine colored suit, could this be the man with the answers? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunar Origins Posted January 6, 2012 Report Share Posted January 6, 2012 The flight from New York was uncomfortable enough- Louis had thought that the plane to have shabby interior, as if the actual owners of it cared only about its speed. [i]It's not as if I have anything to complain about, [/i]he thought, his hand touching the empty briefcase that sat on his lap. [i]Another million is waiting for me, and-[/i] His train of thought was interrupted as a nice female voice crackled from the intercom. "We will be arriving at our destination shortly. Please gather your belongings and ready yourselves for touchdown." The sound from the speaker died, and it was no more. "Heh, looks like we'll finally find out what the hell we're actually dealing with here!" Louis thought aloud. He eyed some of the other passengers until a particularly attractive flight attendant happened to cross into his line of sight. He winked at her and she happened to see it. Nevertheless, she blushed and winked back. [i]Score one for Louis, [/i]he thought, relaxing back in his chair a little. He began to play around with the rose that the letter had contained- it had an odd feeling to it, he thought, like it must somehow be important. He had kept it in his suit from the time he recieved it. It didn't feel as if it were a fake- definitely not. It hadn't lost its color, though! The oddities surrounding his current situation were unending. As the plane touched down with a slight bump he gathered up his things and made his way to the exit, the first to be off. At once he saw a tall and thin man suited in a very, very nice suit. Expensive, noted Louis. Louis stepped off of the plane and made his way to the million-dollar man. "From how you're dressed, sir, could I assume that you're the one and only Raphael. Might I say that suit you're wearing is deviously handsome on you, sir." Louis extended his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you. There was a matter of... money, now, was there?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raine Posted January 7, 2012 Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 He awoke, Jacque's mind still hazzy from the mid-flight nap bobbled around. Quickly undoing the seat belt, he glided over to the radiating source near the front. Placing his palm on the inside of the doorway, he bent down just enough to peer through the opening. Jacque's gaze was squinted due to the bright light that he had been purposefullu deprived himself of during the flight. His vision cleared and before him stood a handsome but slightly scrawny figure who seemed to be waiting, perhaps for him. A relaxed grin graced his face as he quickly shuffled his feet under the door and down the industrial steps, stopping briefly at the bottom to brush off his coat. Jacque did a quick check to ensure all items were as they were and took a superficial glance back to the jetline and all it's metallic glory. However, back on pace with rested eyes his used car saleman expression of upbeat aura and trustful smile which had cajole so many before stood ready to face the day, or victim, or person of interest, or... it all really depended on the scenario. Quickly he strolled twoards Raphael shooting a fast wave of hand for amity he spoke, "[color=#800080]Greetings, Mr.-[/color]," he paused, perhaps his mind was not as readied as first thought, "[color=#800080]What say you? You see I'm not sure how this all looks on your side of the fence but here[/color]," placing a finger to the side of his temple, "[color=#800080]I am. I am here, only comforted by the two facts, quite a large sum of money and a rather endearing handwritten letter, and one damn veracious sense of curiousity which, if I may add, I have a bet with a man in Brussels to say that my death will be in large part because of that, which the sum's veracity in itself matches only the curiousity... in itself. So again I ask in clearer translation, why am I on an island?[/color]" His eyes inquisitizly staring in Raphael's. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted January 7, 2012 Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 Max stared at the two men talking to the suave man awaiting for all of us to come over. He just wanted to pull them away, seeing right away they don't care about helping others or saving loved ones, all they cared about were money. Not to say that money wasn't important. He really needed those million pounds, but he knew that Raphel knew that the people he needed would not come without money. Max stands paitently for Raphels responce to the questions, while thinking about the crime scene in his head. Unusual claw markings, not done by anything human, but carefully planed out. He suddenly thought of something, what if whatever killed the messenger ment to kill him instead? He preyed this not to be the case, but is now trying to put together the parts of this puzzle. Why bribe them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted January 7, 2012 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 Raphael smiled at the first man who approached him, and shook his extended hand "Why yes, I am. And thank you, I do think this suit is nice" he replied, then when he mentioned the money, he turned his head a little, then back, "Ah, yes, the other million pounds" he remembered, "You can get the money back at base in a few minutes" he answered him, then turned to the other man who had approached him, and listened to... whatever it was that he had said, "Well you pose an interesting question" he answered, "It depends on what you mean. If you are asking 'Why am I here, and on an island' the answer is that I've gathered you here to help me in curing the disease that's been spreading around, more on that later, but if you're asking 'Why is this place on an island' than the answer is that it's the safest place for an organization like mine to operate," he explained, "Questions?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raine Posted January 7, 2012 Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 Jacque stood for a moment still, then slow bit his lower lip. "Jeeses and Crackers," he exclaimed backing away running both hands through his hair, "[color=#800080]I may have failed 4th grade math, but I can put two and two together, l'homme. You apparently got the largest coinpurse this side of the Emirates and I know you on some god-forsaken-,[/color] "his hand fiddled with the air as he thought, "[color=#800080]space station with a resurrected Alexander Fleming looking up cures for you. Yet, my two,[/color] " Jacue looked down then up, "[color=#800080]yes, two feet are here in front of you. Things don't add up. By things, I mean you. By don't, I mean not. By add, I mean the aforementioned failed course. And by up, I mean you have me, Edward Scrooge's son[/color]," glancing at Louis, [color=#800080]"and schoolboy here, fresh out of the academy for the Predictable and Mediocore[/color]," he said giving a patronizing grin to Max. "[color=#800080]Listen it's obvious, you want thinks done off the books. You didn't invite doctors to your island after all, we have some blue-collar to get to. RIght? I'm all you need, I mean I'm illiterate so the books aren't a problem anyways. Plus, I'l pay for the danish while we talk business... but you can volunteer to pay for it. I mean, I stop you- or anything.[/color]" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunar Origins Posted January 7, 2012 Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 Louis took note of the man's word and stood by as he had his conversation with the rather odd sort of man that stood before him- the man who had so rudely begun to speak to Raphael before he could get a word in edgewise. [i]This guy is something else,[/i] he thought to himself. Though he continued to listen to him, trying to stay in favor with his host. After he called him 'Edward Scrooge's Son', though, something got set off. Louis grabbed the man by the shoulder. "Excuse me," He began, anger flaring. "But just who the hell do you think you are in calling me 'Scrooge's Son'?" His face grew red with anger, and his nose flared. "I'll have you know, you belligerent fool, that I do[i] not[/i] take to insults kindly. And," Louis drew the sleeves of his suit upwards, as if to threaten. "If you insult my father like that again, I'll have your teeth as well as your blood on my hands. My father is a saint!" Louis was hysterical, and he could not quit now. "A bloody saint! And if I don't get this money, then I'm afraid I'll lose the man!" He moved a step closer to the fool, imposing himself upon the man. Louis knew how to throw a fist or two; he wasn't the strongest of men, but he could definitely hold his own in a fight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted January 7, 2012 Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 Max put his hand on the illiterate mans other shoulder, puting his full force into it and talked for the first time since the plane took off. "You know, if you're not going to take this seriously, and insult my education that must be higher than yours in all standards you are making a huge mistake." He spoke in a British accent but used words like a American. "I've got my prioritys, close friends, and to avenge my dead mother by killing the thing that killed her." He ment this to be metathorical as in the disease killed her, yet for some reason he had thought of her mom being murdered. She was to strong to be killed my a measly disease. He looked up at louis, reasuring him that he had his and Raphel's side in this matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raine Posted January 7, 2012 Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 Jacque pushed their hands away sharply, stumbling forward a few feet before swiftly turning around to face them. His gaze then looked to the ground as his hands made a fist, "[color=#800080]Now then...[/color]" Sad emerald eyes looked to the pair, "[color=#800080]Look us guys. ...we just met each other but here we are, at each other's throats. WHAT THE HELL![/color]" Jacque pointed his finger at Louis, "[color=#800080]You may be a pathetic, rapacious, cruel, incessent, asinine, single-minded, monsterous individul with a gold fetish... but that's okay. We're all human-beings and I love you for you.[/color]" Jacque gazed into Max's eyes now, "[color=#800080]And you[/color]," he said softly grabbing one of his hands with both of his, "[color=#800080]I don't care if your an over-educated, arrogent, midguided, philantropist, wanta-be toddler with an Oedipus complex because it makes you who you are.[/color]" Jacque let go of his grip and tears became visible down his cheek, "[color=#800080]I believe if we can get along, everyone can finally understand and be joyful together. NOT THIS WORLD! But we can make it... if we start in our hearts... in our hearts, guys.,[/color]" pointing his chest, "[color=#800080]in here.[/color]" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted January 7, 2012 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 Raphael raised an eyebrow at what seemed to be a fight breaking out in the group,[i]'This should be interesting. Their fighting prowess could very well be shown here' [/i]he thought, and held back to let it play out, when Jacque shoved the others hands away, and then gave a rousing speech, "Ah, what a moving speech!" Raphael cried out suddenly, at the end, tears forming in his eyes. After wiping the tears away, he clasped his hands together, "I think we can all agree that our friend here is right" he said, "So, let us all stop the feuding" he told the group, "Unless you're actually going to break out into a brawl" he added softly and under his breath, "After all, you still haven't met the rest of the team" he told them, jerking a thumb back where the building was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted January 7, 2012 Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 How drunk was this guy?! Max was amused at the very least, but what he said made sense, the had to work together if this was going to work. "You are right about one thing, there is no point in fighting." Max didn't really think was that intelegent, just observent and instead of staying in a blind rage like Raphael's secound suggestion he agreed that they needed to get a move on and so he gestured to the building, "People arrived before us?" Max was very greatfull at the very least, he was hoping that this group wasn't going to be limited to this three-some. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hass Mac Posted January 7, 2012 Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 Hass was walking down a hallway, trying to find this man named Raphael who sent him to this Island. He heard some voices coming from down a pathway of people arguing, so he followed that because they were people he has heard or seen since the pilot of the plane. He came to a small area with other people. He heard someone say in the end [i]'People arrived before us?'[/i] To which he replied[color=#0000ff] [i]"Some later, too."[/i][/color] He looked at the four people standing right in front of him, they all seemed to be different ages. Hass added[color=#0000ff][i] "We are facing a worldwide epidemic, and a man named Raphael sent us all here to this island, am I correct? So, there isn't exactly a point in fighting as I heard you blokes were doing as I was walking towards this place back there"[/i][/color]. He looked at the elderly man of the group.[color=#0000ff][i] "You are the man that sent us all here right? Very nice Island by the way. So you told us you knew what might have caused this disease. Just a question, why did you send us a Rose along with the Million pounds?"[/i][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted January 7, 2012 Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 Max looked at Hass, annoyed as he didn't hear what Jacque was saying. "Well when someone judges your character before asking for a name, wouldn't you be a bit angry? Also, I'm glad someone else actually cares about the epidemic at hand. Everyone here is fortunate that you didn't catch the disease and are now on a island pure of it." Max didn't realise yet his immunation to the disease, so he was very cautious of the sick back home. Looking out towards the ocean he noticed a storm was comming there way and they should go inside. So he made some jestures towards the building, picked up his bags, and started walking towards it. "Lets go inside before we get caught by that storm." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted January 7, 2012 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 "Arrived before you?" Raphael repeated, "Well... you could say that. A LONG time before you, more accurately" Raphael answered, then turned to the next guy who appeared, waited for him to finish speaking, then sighed, "Ah, yes, the rose. You see... I like roses" he said simply, then after a bit of a pause, added quickly "And also roses are heavily related to what I'm about to tell you all about" he then turned around and towards the building, "Anyway, we really should get moving" he said bluntly, then started moving, not looking to see if the others would follow quickly. When he arrived at the entrance to the building, a large man was standing outside, Raphael motioned for him to open the door, and the man pressed a button behind a wall, causing a pair of metallic doors to slide open. Raphael walked in, and waited for the group to follow. The three members already there looked over at the doorway when they did so, "Ah, the newcomers are already here" commented the red-headed woman, the muscular blonde man gave a grunt, then said "So then, what's first for them? Combat Training, or the roses?" in response, the Asian man, Tetsuo, began "Ryan, you really must think. Raphael has probably not even told them about anything" he stood up and walked over to Raphael and the group, "So I assume that they don't know about the wilted either?" he asked, Raphael shook his head, "I decided to wait until they got here to tell them everything, it'd be easier that way, of course," he answered, then turned to the group, "But Ryan brings up a good point, do any of you have any form of combat experience? It'd certainly help" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted January 7, 2012 Report Share Posted January 7, 2012 Max was surprised by the question, he did have combat experiance, TONS of it but he wasn't a profesional. It was odd, ever since he was little and someone would pick a fight with him, he would take them down like a black belt. When he was given his revolver, he shot dead center every time. When fate handed him a blade in combat, he used it like his entire life was devoted to the way of the sword. Max thought out his answer, but then answered. "I do not have any kind of training per say, but give me something to work with, and I'll surprise you." Max studied the new people, after already looking over Raphael and not seeing anything suspicious on him he studied the three new people. He could tell right away that the big blond man was strong in combat. It could've been the way he walked, or his multiple wounds, or bruises but he was a strong man. Max took a note to himself, Do not arm wrestle him. Max then looked over the shorter of the three, the bald asian. He look intelectual, his eyes were just as well studing him as he was studing them. Finally Max looked over to the red head, well he couldnt really tell. She tried to be suductive, by her outfit and air to her. She almost had Max in a trance, but he took to this to seriously to fall for it. Yet she hid her true talkents too well. He listened to his will be comrades for there answers to Raphaels question. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hass Mac Posted January 8, 2012 Report Share Posted January 8, 2012 Hass heard the question from Raphael, and got a little nnervous. He wasn't much of a melee fighter,except he knew how to use a dagger fairly well and he has used a scoped crossbow a couple of times, but he was much more of a talker, actor, debater. He now realized that those skills may not exactly be neccesary, but he still answered Raphal's question. [color=#0000ff][i]"I'm not much of a melee fighter, but I do know how to use a dagger pretty darn well. And I have a ring with a poison point on it. I also know how to use a scoped crossbow, snipers are too heavy and have too much recoil, not for me. But I do know how to talk, convince, debate."[/i][/color] And then something popped into his mind that he completely forgot about.[color=#0000ff][i] "Oh yeah, I'm also a very good driver, if I can say so myself."[/i][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reinforce Posted January 8, 2012 Report Share Posted January 8, 2012 Xander strolled into the room, having been later because he had stopped on the plane to strap all his knives into place under the business suit he was currently wearing. His sniper was still dissasembled in his backpack, and his ceramic pistol and the acupuncture needles were all over his body already. Strapping the small pouch that held his various herbs and poisons, as well as a few medicines, he finally walked off the plane and into the compound towards the rest of the group. Surveying the room as he entered, he automatically decided the best escape route - back out the way he had came towards the plane - and how he would kill everyone if he needed too. Those were just things he had had drummed into him by his uncle, and perfected over hundreds of assasinations. Managing to pay attention to the conversation as all that happened, even from inside the plane earlier, he had heard Raphael ask about combat experience and Max and Hass tell what they could do, so he entered the conversation before anyone else say anything about his arrival. "You may not use a sniper rifle, but i do, and quite well in fact. I can also fight without any weapons, or with a small pistol I have with me. Other than that i am a trained doctor and medic, so for your infomation, Jacqui I think it was, Raphael did in fact invite at least one doctor along to this island. And before you ask how I know you said that, you people were speaking loudly enough to hear from inside the plane. Also my name is Alexander, but call me Xander." Xander had decided not to mention the knives or the acupuncture needles, thinking that he would need at least a few suprises up his sleeves for later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomiix Posted January 8, 2012 Report Share Posted January 8, 2012 Max looked at the new-commer with great supicion. He eyed him over, and could tell he was a man of secrets and lies. Using his skills of obsrvation, he noticed many off things. For one he smelt the clear smell of all kinds of poisons. Most were common home made poisons, while others smelt like poisons, but where somewhat new. Seeing as he clamed to be a doctor, he may have experiance with the dangerouse herbs to make a poison that strong. Yet looking around the room, no one else noticed the smell. He wasn't going to say anything aloud to tip off the doctor, but this man his hear for more than finding a cure. It was subtle, put if you looked closy, you can notice the fine inpritnt of multiple knifes decorating him.He must have more of a means to kill in his back pack. Yet this man was also very observe, Max didn't see him first enter the room, yet he saw him eyeball them up his eyes alight with ideas and for some reason Max didn't like those ideas. Was there no security? Or was Max the only one to notice. Max put his hand on his chest, in near reaching distance of his revolver as he said, "If you can hear so well, then you should know that most of us here are seriouse, I hope you'll take to this the same way. Raphael, who are these three?" He pointed to the three now sitting on the couch again. Yet he still kept an eye on the Doctor, a profesional assasin he always wanted to meet one in person, alive. The only assasin he has met was dead, revolver shot to the head as he attempted to leave the scene, killed a poor innocent woman. He felt cocky, but noticed he had the scene mapped out before him, so Max took note of the entire room himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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