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[Finished]Blue-Eyes493's Contest #4


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1. All YCM rules apply.
2. The contest will start as soon as I have 6 or more contestants by the end of the week (no less). I will change this rule if needed.
3. Written cards are accepted, but please post a non-written card.
4. You can only create 1 card.
5. If you have any questions feel free to post them and I will be happy to answer them ASAP.

1. The fee is 10 points.

1. 1st place gets 50 points and 4 reps
2. 2nd place gets 15 points and 3 reps
3. 3rd place gets 1 rep

1. There will be at least two rounds for this contest.
2. After each round, a certain number of people will be eliminated.
3. I will post the 1st round's requirements once the contest starts.

1. I will need three judges including myself for the contest to start.
2. There is no entrance fee for judges.
3. Judges will rate based on all aspects of a card and on a 1-10 rating skill.
4. No judges can be contestants, too.
5. All judges, except for me, will get a rep if they make it as a judge.

Judge's form:
1. You need to fill out this form to be in the running for a judge:
Will you try to get your judging done as soon as you can-
Are you a fair judge-

Contestant's form:
1. You need to fill out this form to be in the running for a contestant:
Will you try to get your card in as soon as you can-
Do you know how to send points-
Do you have at least 10 points-

1. ♠Toot♠-points sent
2. TCG warrior-eliminated-points sent
3. 101100111000-points sent
4. Guru^amazon-points sent
5.Ace487-eliminated-points sent
6. guuu1234-points sent
7. Dingo-eliminated-points sent
8. Xenogears-points sent
9. Stereo-points sent
10. Angeloid Beta-points sent
11. Merciless Overlord Knic--eliminated-points sent

1. Blue-Eyes493
2. WereLord
3. Sorin Markov

Tie Breaker:
1. If there is a tie, the people that tied will post another card to be judged and the places for them will be based off of those scores. (This is optional)

Round 2:

[spoiler=People who are still in]
1. ♠Toot♠-points sent-card in
2. 101100111000-points sent-card in
3. Guru^amazon-eliminated-points sent
4. guuu1234-points sent-card in
5. Xenogears-points sent-card in
6. Stereo-eliminated-points sent
7. Angeloid Beta-eliminated-points sent

[spoiler=Round 2 Requirements]
1. Make a Machine-Type monster or a card that supports Machine-Type monsters.

[spoiler=Round 2 Deadline]
1. This round's deadline will be 1/27/12 at about 9:00 PM.
2. Everyone who does not get their card in on time will be eliminated.
3. However, if everyone gets their card in before time is up, then me and the other judges will start the judging process then.

[spoiler=# of people who are getting eliminated this round]
1. 4 no matter what.

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Eh... Why not

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Username- ♠Toot♠[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Will you try to get your card in as soon as you can- Yep[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Do you know how to send points- Yep[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Do you have at least 10 points- Yep[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]What are the requirements for round 1?... or do we wait until everyone joins?[/size][/font][/color]

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I'd like to join. Of course I'd send my card as soon as possible and I know how to send my points (will be sent within 10 minutes)

Also, 10 contestants is a bit much. This will also hold back some users because they'll think it is going to take too long before the contest starts.

I also have a question; what is the time limit for posting the card after the round started.

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1. You need to fill out this form to be in the running for a contestant:
Will you try to get your card in as soon as you can-
Do you know how to send points-
Do you have at least 10 points-

2. Okay, I dropped it to 6.

3. Probably about a week or when all the contestants get their cards in.

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[color=#800000]I'll be a judge for this contest[/color]

[color=#800000]Username-The Great Wolf Sif [if you wish you may call me WereLord][/color]

[color=#800000]Will you try to get your judging done as soon as you can-I'm on pratically everyday so it shouldn't be a problem. I give warnings to when I'm not going to be online. [/color]

[color=#800000]Are you a fair judge-Always have been because I rate usually by all aspects of a card the only exceptions are whan contest rules aren't followed and or misjudgements.[/color]

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[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Username- Sorin Markov[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Will you try to get your judging done as soon as you can- Yes. I'm on almost every day.[/size][/font][/color]

[font="tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#5a5a5a"][size=3]Are you a fair judge- Yes i only rate the card on the: Effect or the Flavor text; Originality; Picture; Name fits picture and OCG (Original card grammar)[/size][/color][/font]

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[quote name='Blue-Eyes493' timestamp='1325869259' post='5750949']
1. You need to fill out this form to be in the running for a contestant:
Username- [color=#000000]TCG Warrior [/color][b][i](you could see it yourself)[/i][/b]
Will you try to get your card in as soon as you can- [color=#000000]I already answered this; Yes, I will[/color]
Do you know how to send points- [color=#000000]I already sent them[/color]
Do you have at least 10 points-[color=#000000] I already sent them[/color]

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[s]Username - 101100111000
Will you try to get your judging done as soon as you can - Yup
Are you a fair judge - I like to think I am a fair judge, so yeah[/s]

[quote name='Ace487' timestamp='1325901035' post='5751930']
Do you know how to send points-No
Just go to his profile page and click the "Donate Points" button, enter the Amount and Reason, and you're good to go. :)

Edit: Didn't see the judging spots were filled, and I now somehow have 20+ points, soooo

Username - 101100111000

Will you try to get your card in as soon as you can - Yups
Do you know how to send points - Oui (Yes)
Do you have at least 10 points - Somehow, yes

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