Haze Posted January 3, 2012 Report Share Posted January 3, 2012 [center][size=6][b][u][font=courier new,courier,monospace][color=#800000]Dragonball Z: The Trinity[/color][/font][/u][/b][/size][/center] [spoiler=Story][i]It has been five hundred years since Shenron left Earth with Son Goku. Earth has been at peace just like Shenron had planned. Humans and aliens alike were able to solve their problems without conflict for these five hundred years, but all of this were to change immediately. Stars were falling from the sky, crashing into the Earth like meteors. Cities and civilizations were being destroyed, people were being slaughtered. The Race of Hera, along with other alien races, were attacking Earth and destroying everyone in their path. No one knew why, what could the attackers possibly want with no Dragonballs on Earth?[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=Plot]Three Saiyans are left on Earth. Their Heritage is unknown, the three men do not know they are Saiyans either. They themselves along with others think they are normal human boys with extraordinary strength and energy control. They live on seperate places on the Earth but are soon to meet. They are destined to get rid of Earth's new threat and save the world![/spoiler] [spoiler=Rules] 1. All YCM rules apply 2. No godmodding 3. What I say goes, you don't like it you can leave the rp. 4. Only three Saiyans (Two after my app) Don't like it? Don't apply. 5. You may not overuse your powers or transformations, be reasonable. 6. No short posting, at least three descriptive lines. 7. you may not use characters existing in the DBZ shows or universe. 8. Obey all above rules. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Race's and their standing] Good: Saiyan's, humans Evil: Race of Hera, Frieza's race, any other evil alien from the DBZ world Neutral/ Can be good or evil: Androids, Namekians. [/spoiler] [spoiler=App] Name: (Not Joe or Bob, be creative) Age: (Minimum- age 10 Maximum age 100) Race: Alliance: (good, evil, neutral) Appearance:( a good picture or at least a three line description) Personality:(be creative!) Bio: ( at least three lines) Transformations:(only two for now, use them only when your character is angry/frustrated, show standards) Moves: (no more than four right now. More can be learned/discovered later.) Weapons: [/spoiler] [spoiler=Accepted apps] [spoiler= Mine] Name: Takeo Daikatsuo Age: 19 Race: Saiyan Alliance: Good Appearance: Takeo is and averaged sized boy, he's about 5'11" and has medium straight black hair. (Much like android 17's) He has deep dark blue eyes that stand out against his hair. Takeo wears a black tank top with a blue long sleeved vest over it. He wares baggy black pants with yellow boots the just pass his ankles. Personality: Takeo is a fun loving good spirited boy. He holds the people he loves very close, he finds that it is hard to trust people, but once he does trust you there is almost no letting go. In a hostile situation Takeo can get very serious and fight his way out until there is nothing left. Bio: Takeo never knew his parents, he lives in a small home by himself out in a forest near a busy city. He has a couple friends, but his very best friend is his pet dragon Duece. He and Deuce go everywhere and do everything together. Gathering food an supplies for him and Duece only is the only thing he knows. People look at Takeo the wrong way, he may live on his own but he is open to friendships. Transformations: Super Saiyan 1 Moves: Concentrated finger beam (A yellow beam concentrated with most of Takeo's powers is fired from his index finger) Double energy blast (He shoots energy beams from each hand.) Rush blast: Takeo hits the enemy with punches and kicks at blinding speed and finishes off with a weak Ki bomb Ki wave blast volley (Takeo fires about six large sized Ki balls) Weapons; Deuce his pet dragon Deuces description: Duece is a small fully grown dragon, he is purple with green spots on his back, he has a long neck like most dragons and very sharp teeth. He can fly for long distances but only to a height of ten feet. [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [Spoiler=Reserved spots] The Swift Assaulter- Saiyan and Namekian. Heart Of The Swarm-Android [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kōsuke Ueki Posted January 4, 2012 Report Share Posted January 4, 2012 Question: Do you use the "First-Come-First-Served" method? If not, reserving a Saiyan and Namekian. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Haze Posted January 4, 2012 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2012 No you can reserve. Spot reserved. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devack Posted January 5, 2012 Report Share Posted January 5, 2012 Reserve Adroid Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Haze Posted January 5, 2012 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2012 Reserved. Hopefully we get more people soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Haze Posted January 8, 2012 Author Report Share Posted January 8, 2012 Shameless self bump. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kōsuke Ueki Posted January 10, 2012 Report Share Posted January 10, 2012 I just realized something: Why not have Humans be a Neutral race as well? There can be very powerful Humans on Earth if RPers can think them up. [b]EDIT: [/b]First app done. Name: Maxwell Age: 500(Looks 25 by Saiyan standards. Read bio for reason on age.)) Race: Saiyan Alliance: Good Appearance:[spoiler=Appearance][img]http://images.wikia.com/dragonball/images/1/1d/WMA2ndMartialArtist.png[/img][/spoiler]Personality: Compare Maxwell to Goku, but see him being more serious. He's just about as happy and go-lucky, enjoying to fight and all that, as Goku, but understands when something needs to be taken seriously at an earlier point so that he can handle it. He cares for all of the innocents on Earth will put everything he has into keeping the Earth safe. He has the the overwhelming emotion and intention to change the world and only wishes to find a way to save the Earth, no matter the cost. He also cares for his friends, more than anyone would, having a strong bond that would never break no matter what he goes through with them. He will even make sacrifices for them to save them, especially if that will allow others to live on and continue on the same journey he went on for so long. Bio: Maxwell was a Saiyan who was born on a planet in which age is much slower, making him stay extremely young and making him seem immortal. That's what it was believed before for this unnamed planet, since it was said that the atmoshere is composed of a special gas in which slows down the aging process so far that a human could be 15 years old and would have lived for 300 years. Maxwell was born on that planet, around the same time Goku left with Shenron, but both of his parents were murdered mysteriously after his birth. Because so, he had to live with many families of different races for the last 499 years. Eventually, he was sent to Earth after that time. His 499th birthday present was a chance to go to another planet for a week. But what he didn't know the moment he left his planet that he would know be on Earth for the rest of his days, in which he would live at the normal pace of aging. The moment Maxwell left his home planet, he noticed an odd spaceship in which had one figure on top of it. And then, he saw it. The figure unleashed a devastating attack on the planet, and nobody knew it was gonna happen until they saw the Death Ball technique enter the atmosphere, in which was already too late to save the planet from it. In mere minutes, the planet was destroyed, his birth planet now gone forever. Although saddened, Maxwell now has this feeling of protectiveness and compassion. He doesn't want anymore loved ones to be lost. He always had a need to help others, and now maybe it was time to test his abilities to do so. On Earth. For the last year, he went through vigorous training, and even met a new friend, Rai, who would help him in his mission to keep Earth safe. And it was a good time for him to help Maxwell, as everything went to Hell after Earth had begun to be invaded. He was glad to have trained long and hard every day to prepare for this. Now all that was left was to prepare for the ultimate battle. Transformations:[spoiler=Transformations...]Kaioken x4 at MAX and...[spoiler=Super Saiyan (Not learned yet)][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100523011404/dragonball/images/thumb/2/2a/DBO_Opening_Cinematic_Male_Character%28BlackHairSuperSaiyan%29.JPG/632px-DBO_Opening_Cinematic_Male_Character%28BlackHairSuperSaiyan%29.JPG[/img][/spoiler][/spoiler]Moves:[spoiler=Moves][list] [*]Kamehameha [*][b]Quake Ball[/b]: A situation method of using a Ki Blast. Maxwell uses this by appearing behind the enemy, knocking them to the ground and then unleashing a brown Ki sphere that pushes the enemy into the ground and creates an explosion that he can either evade or take minor to no damage from. [*]Kaioken Kamehameha(All in different multiplications available.) [*][b]Double Team Rush - Light and Dark[/b]: Maxwell charges at the opponent, laying out fast punches and kicks. He then sends the enemy flying for a short distance until Rai comes up from behind with a powerful punch to the back that sends the enemy flying again, only upwards. Maxwell then appears behind the enemy and knocks them to the ground. Maxwell and Rai then do their signature attacks. Maxwell with his Kamehameha, and Rai with his Destructive Wave. They unleash their attacks side by side, creating a massive explosion where the enemy lays (Can be done with any of his Kaioken multiplications to do a Kaioken Kamehameha instead, making the attack stronger.). [/list] [/spoiler]Weapons: N/A Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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