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Verz Bahamut Single - Earth Shift

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Oh look, I gave an archtype an OTK...

VBC-054 [b]Earth Shift [/b][color=#8b4513]Rare[/color]
Shuffle up to 3 EARTH monsters you control or from your hand into your Deck; add a number of Level 4 or lower EARTH monsters to your hand equal to the number of monsters returned to the Deck. Monsters added to your hand by this effect must have the same name.

Saw the setup this aims for somewhere on the forums, thought it was a good move although it needed a very unlikely opening hand. I hate OTK's but given Photon Veil gets so much stick I thought I'd make just this one.

Points for guessing the OTK :)

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[quote name='Hatcher' timestamp='1325446485' post='5743051']
Second'd Six Sam.

You'd probably have to run the crappy Six Samurai like Elder and Yariza in order to make it consistent though.

So...normal Sams are actually more consistent than that?


Six Sams are happy with 3 Asceticism, 1 RoTa and 1 Smoke Signal.

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[quote name='Koloktos' timestamp='1325446827' post='5743070']
I have to say that it would have to work for some weird Gene-Warped Warwolf shenanigans?

That's called Minoan Centaur and Rescue Rabbit, sweetheart.

I honestly have no clue now, apart from my Morphtronics suggestion.

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I was just about to tell you the OTK, but now I've just realised it doesn't work. <_<

It was actually, as Pacman suggested in incredible +1 post style, supposed to be a Karakuri OTK using Komachi. Which I saw done in Aggro's 'The Wanderer' fanfic. Except I've just discovered you can only use the effect of Komachi once per turn, no matter how many you summon...

This is rather embarrassing. <_<

The move [i]was[/i]: Use this to add 3 Komachi to hand; summon them all one after other, using the third to summon Watchdog Saizan. Sync into Burei, use its effect to summon another Watchdog, repeat twice, 3rd Burei summons Haipa. Giving you 9700 worth of ATK and three position changes.

Great now I feel really stupid, last time I design anything based on what I've seen other people do.

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