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Is this the right place to post this (Custom Playmat)

Solemn Silver

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[quote name='Ctrl+Alt+Win' timestamp='1325277942' post='5739249']
Whats a fractal? :s
I'm new to this whole Graphic Design thing

Assuming you have Photoshop or GIMP, just stick some fractals on Screen/Dodge or whatever.

Just get tons of them from here:


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[quote name='Ctrl+Alt+Win' timestamp='1325279207' post='5739301']
Whats screen mode, and where do I find it x_x

Where you see all the layers, there's a drop-down menu that, by default, should say "Normal" in it.

When you drop it down, it'll have options like Screen, Darken, Lighten, Overlay, Dodge, Hue or whatever.

Choose Screen.

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[quote name='Ctrl+Alt+Win' timestamp='1325285722' post='5739453']
How do I make the extended cape more.. "crisp"?

Oh, I see your problem [size=1]and your pencil lines.[/size]

Just use Sharpen. I'm not sure where it is in GIMP, but it's probably in the Filters menu.

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[quote name='Ctrl+Alt+Win' timestamp='1325296661' post='5739891']
Yeah I`m not so good with the new tablet I got for christmas :s

Got a tablet too. But, to be honest, tablets should be only used for digital painting actually. Pretty much why I'm taking some extra art work. It might be good for the mat since you're doing a bit of smudging.

But, in all, for this, I don't think you'll actually need the tablet that much. Just a simple mouse, and a lot of copy-paste.

If you do want tablet help, you might be able to get some great help later in 2012 (since this section is going through a massive community revamp to encourage artwork stuff). Mainly from 'ken1, I guess.

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[quote name='Ctrl+Alt+Win' timestamp='1325533439' post='5744753']
But thats the only thing that GIMPsaves in D;


Every single program can save as most formats. File > Save As > Format Extension drop-down menu, and scroll down to .png

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