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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona, The Seven Princes [IC/Started/Accepting] Co-Host .:Corbenik:.


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Amaya sighed. [i]Look's like there's not much of a choice, is there? [/i]She didn't like being forced into such a situation, but it didn't seem as if it could be avoided. Walking over to where the contract was, she took the pen and scribbled down her name. Stepping back, she waited, but nothing seemed to have changed. But then...

A gasp escaped her as a writhing cloud of blue fog surrounded her. The cloud grew in size until it was almost twice her height before slowly fading away until a lone figure floated in the space where it had been. A tall humanoid being with a crystalline helm upon its head and a long white cloak covering its body; it had four large orbs surrounding itself, all of them with mysterious inscriptions floating about their interior.

[i]From one soul emerges another. And through the other, the former lives on. You and I are one and the same. You need only call to me, and Moros, foreteller of disaster, shall grant you [/i][i]power.[/i]

Before Amaya could react to this declaration by what was apparently her Persona, the figure vanished, leaving her staring into space.

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Mayu looked as other people around had signed the contract that the man who refered to as Igor had pulled out. She watched as the others had Maagical figures form around them. she thought to herself, " This is impossible I could leave and have nothing to do with this or i can stay and see how far this goes." She started to approch he contract when she asked herself "what am I going to tell my mom when I get home then." She shock those thoughts from her head as she signed the contract Nd grabed an evoker. SHe was a little scared when she pointed it at her head. She tenenst upand closed her her eyes as she pulled the triger. She sated to open her eyes when she saw a girl with balck wings and hair was in front of her. This lady said," Hello my name is Sugi and I'm your persona so if you need me, you know." She then vanished. Mayu was shockat the fact she was still alive after shooting herself in the head and that Sugi HAd just showed up and vanished in the blink of an eye.

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[color=#a52a2a]Natsuya looked around and smiled at everyone signing the contract, "Very good, now I'm sure many of you are wondering, what will you tell your parents? After all you will be out late many days. That's why I'm giving each of you these." Natsuya left a pile of papers on her desk, "These are permission slips to live in the dorm building above this underground lair. It is a co-ed dorm, of course anyone outside of highschool can either stay where they are at their homes or live with me in the lair. It's entirely up to you. But before we get into that..." Natsuya stated before finally sitting back down in her chair, "We must tell you all what you will be fighting... Benthra-" Natsuya gestured Benthra to finish the explanation.[/color]

[color=#daa520]"You will all be fighting these beings known as Shadows." Benthra said as a couple of screens came down from the ceiling, many lights went off and projectors turned on, showing images of various dark looking creatures. "These are shadows, like your Persona, they are made from human emotions, however they are comprised of mostly negative emotions.They are vile creatures that will take humans to a point of no return. Only those with Persona can effectivly fight these off. There is one leader Shadow, he calls himelf Murmur." She said as all the screens suddenly projected one gaint, demonic-looking black creature. He had wings like a vulture and a pentagram engraved on its head. He was covered in armor and was riding a gryphon. "Once this creature is killed, all the shadows will vanish and you will all return to your normal lives. He only appears during full moons. And one has recently passed us. So the next full moon, be prepared. If not we shall wait for the next one." Benthra explained before vanishing back into Natsuya's mind.[/color]

[color=#a52a2a]"Now then. That pretty much explains the most of it. You will all be fighting at night in selective areas of the city, defeating shadows, you will not have to worry about anyone seeing you. The presence of these shadows causes much memory distotion and sometimes even paralyzation of normal humans near by. However none of you should be affected. You, of course, do not have to fight every night! That'd be insane. But on certain nights, when our Arcana detectors are off the charts, then you must go out. But that should only happen if you all have neglected your duties or what not." Natsuya continued sighing, "Lastly... For your items. I assure you they were not picked at random I-" She was then interupted by Igor.[/color]

[color=#0000cd]"They were specifically chosen by ME. They will be a sort of guide for the each of you to discover something about yourself. So please do not loose them. Now I must be going. You can talk to me, Nathaniel, or Rebecca whenenver you wish... Just simply think it and the velvet room shall come to you." Igor said before going back through the blue train door with Rebecca and Nathaniel following in suit. The door then closed and vanished.[/color]

Kyosuke gulped, he knew that his parents weren't against the idea of Midori and him living on their own in a dorm, it'd be good for them. Kyosuke turned to Midori, they both shook their heads and quickly grabbed a permision slip from the desk of Natsuya Toyotomi.

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"So..." Lewis started, "Every so often, we go out at night, and kill these shadow things with our Personas, and our main goal is to kill that Murmur guy. When we kill him, everything goes back to normal, is that about right?" Lewis asked, being sure he heard everything correctly, "And to make sure everything runs smoothly, we'll be living in the dorm house above this place" he repeated, then chuckled a bit, "Well, mum and dad shouldn't have a problem with that, barely see them anyway" he added quietly, "Anyway, when we DO kill this... thing" he began, not knowing what to call Murmur, "What should happen about our Personas, anyway?" he asked, curious. It was a long way away, surely, but he had to know.

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The time for the meeting came, then it passed. Ichiro got up from his seat, then paused before he left the classroom. After a moment's hesitation, he took the strange business document from his pocket and watched it for a second. Then, careful to fold it exactly in the center, he tossed it into the garbage.

He let his imagination get away with him, of course. That was always his problem.

Most likely extortion artists of a sort, he rationalized, pressing his glasses higher up on his face. He felt sick to his stomach, though he couldn't tell exactly why. Natsuya was probably a pseudonym... though he thought he might have heard it somewhere before. In that case, people were probably stealing the identity of someone else in the school. Nothing he should get wrapped up in, after all. He had responsibilities. He had to earn money for his family... somehow. That was all that mattered.

It took a few minutes for Ichiro to realize how melancholy he was feeling. Beyond his control, he guessed. His emotions didn't matter terribly at the moment. So many of the other students were laughing, smiling- he doubted any of them particularly cared about their futures. Sure, they studied, but did they [i]really [/i]understand how to get ahead? He doubted it. It took all his effort simply to toe the line after all, let alone advance.

He noticed one girl out of the corner of his eye. Younger than him by a few years- either a Freshman or Sophomore, new to the school at any rate. He wouldn't have cared, if he hadn't noticed the quiet, contemplative... [i]bored. L[/i]ook on her face. It was strangely similar to his own.

He found himself briefly wondering what her story was, but he shook his head. That sort of thing didn't matter.

He walked home alone.


Later that night...


[color=#2f4f4f]"This world sucks..."[/color] a young girl sighed, waving with a stick at the filth at the bottom of an alley. She was still wearing her school uniform, but it didn't particularly seem to bother her.

She leaned back a bit.[color=#2f4f4f] "It's stupid. All this stuff, and nothing interesting comes out of it. It's like having a puzzle with pretty pieces, but they don't fit together properly. It's just pointless."[/color]

"Hm? What're you doing out this late, girl?" a man said. He wore an orange coat an a hat of some sort; she didn't give him even the corner of her eye to check. A gang member, undoubtedly. Maybe a yakuza. Or just a jogger out for a night stroll, it was difficult to tell. Didn't make much difference anyway.

[color=#2f4f4f]"Please leave me alone. You bore me."[/color] she said, putting as much icy venom into her words as possible.

He moved, either farther away or closer. At this point, she was staring at the wall in front of her. He wasn't leaving, either way. That was starting to annoy her. Why did boring people never recognize when they weren't wanted? It wasn't like they had any purpose anyway. Why didn't they disappear when she wanted them to?

"Hey, it's dangerous out on the streets at night... and aren't you cold?" he said, walking forward, definately forward. The girl gritted her teeth and gripped her palms a bit, but didn't say anything. Who gave him the idea he could try and understand? As if someone like him could!

[color=#2f4f4f]"I said to go away!"[/color] she snapped, turning on him with her bright blue eyes gleaming in the moonlight. Shadows across the floor of the alley writhed and twisted, as if clawed at by hundreds of hands. Silhouettes and shapes appeared, gripping masks with a single pair of hands- twisting shapes of darkness and grasping hands that pulled themselves into reality with an outer-worldly wither and twitch. The living shadows pulled themselves from the ground, strange arms pointing and grasping towards the anonymous individual.

And then, above the horrors of the ground, appeared an equally dark angel; wings gleaming of every color and a clay mask of anonymity. It glared at him with silent judgment behind sightless eyes.

For a second, there wasn't any sound at all.

And then it was over as soon as it began, a torrent of darkness leaking from the alley and overtaking any in its path. The girl smiled- though it faded. And then she sighed again, her face slipping back into familiar depression.

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Hatashi went back home after he was dismissed, his thoughts stuck on what occured earlier that night. [i]'So, we would have to defeat this, Murmur, right? Then we can get out of this arrangement?' [/i]The brunette frowned, [i]'...Sounds simple enough...' [/i]Hatashi didn't know why he had doubts in his mind, perhaps it was the fact that this all seemed way too simple. Hatashi dismissed these thoughts, deciding that he was simply complicating things and that he had no reason to be suspicious. As he entered his home for what seemed to be the last time until he joined the others at the dorm, Hatashi wondered what would happen now that he had this great power.

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