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Super smash bros univers!!!!! character rumor revield!!

Lord Metallium

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Today i found a secret list of the characters that actually might appear in the next game of smash bros here they are:




King K Rool (Donkey Kong)

Zoroark (Pokemon)

Ghirahim (Zelda)

Little Mac (Punch Out)

Saki Amamiya (Sin and Punishment)

King Hippo (Punch Out)

Ridley (Metroid)

Prince Sable (Frogs the Bell Tolls)

Palutena (Kid Icarus)

Professor Layton (Professor Layton)

Megaman (Megaman)

Crystal (Star Fox)

Slime (Dragon Quest)

Shulk (Xenoblade)

Sonic (Sonic)


What do you think?


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!


see this if you don't believe me:


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King K Rool (Donkey Kong) Being DKs main enemy, and a fan fav odds are very high. Hell, I had him down as being in Brawl

Zoroark (Pokemon) Each Smash game has had a new gen pokemon, and he seems to be one of the better ones for the spot.

Ghirahim (Zelda) With the new Zelda game adding the new villain would be smart. Plus, it might let them finally cut Little Link

Little Mac (Punch Out) IMO, having been an AT he has higher odds of being playable. Plus he works

Saki Amamiya (Sin and Punishment) Same as above, just want to add when I saw him I REALLY wanted him to be playable

King Hippo (Punch Out) Unlikely since Punch Out will more then likely only get 1 rep.

Ridley (Metroid) HE'S TO BIG!!!! Joke aside, many people want him, and Metroid needs more then Samus since it is one of Nintendos big franchises.

Prince Sable (Frogs the Bell Tolls) Unlikely seeing as how out there he is as a character choice. Still, he can make it.

Palutena (Kid Icarus) If Kid Icarus got another character she would be the one, just that doesn't seem that likely in the first place.

Professor Layton (Professor Layton) Would be cool, but don't really know what he would do.

Megaman (Megaman) Would love it, but with how Capcom has treated him, who knows.

Crystal (Star Fox) Star Fox doesn't really need another rep. They just need to make them different.

Slime (Dragon Quest) I know little about Dragon Quest, but Slime seems like an odd choice to rep the series.

Shulk (Xenoblade) Based on how popular Xenoblade seems to be, odds aren't bad of him getting in.

Sonic (Sonic) He's in Brawl and since Mario/Sonic have had a couple sports outings if he wasn't in I'd be shocked.

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King K Rool (Donkey Kong) Doesn't seem likely but I'm always glad for the older characters to join in

Zoroark (Pokemon) Maybe he/she could be one of Green's pokemon and she could have a team rivaling Red's

Ghirahim (Zelda) Anything to cut Toon Link but would have liked Minda more but if he truly is a great foe it would be some fun to use him i hope

Little Mac (Punch Out) I can see this though he would look out of place next to the other stars

Saki Amamiya (Sin and Punishment) I loved S&P and think he would fit right in

King Hippo (Punch Out) lol Hippo don't think two people from punch out are in one is enough

Ridley (Metroid) I don't want him playable hes a boss character and way to big

Prince Sable (Frogs the Bell Tolls) Never played this game so I don't know who he is

Palutena (Kid Icarus) Same as Prince Sable although i welcome the girls with welcome arms Smash needs some more femm fatals

Professor Layton (Professor Layton) I'm not into this whole Investigator turned fighter thing I don't want him in

Megaman (Megaman) Him and Roll lol but with the way Capcom is treating him crappy Zero might take his spot or some other Capcom character or none at all.

Crystal (Star Fox) like Paultena I welcome Femal combatants and she would have a different moveset than Fox and others making her origional compared to the other three

Slime (Dragon Quest) Why has slime become so popular? I don't like him why not choose a Final Fantasy rep for Square Like the Black mage or White Mage or something.

Shulk (Xenoblade) Never played his game so I don't know much about him.

Sonic (Sonic) Him and Knuckles and Amy though if he is put back in I don't want him like he was in brawl they should tone him down a bit.

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Yea and Sonic is shorter than Mario. they may make him the size of Peach or Falcon. lol TBH I would like to see another PKM trainer in the game and have him/her use like legendary Pokemon instead of the starter or use the starter Pokemon from another generation. It could be like Green or Dawn or even Hilda or Hilbert.

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