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Popular Anime/Manga's that you don't like


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[quote name='Jord200' timestamp='1324747728' post='5727171']
Naruto and Bleach. After a while, its just repetitive.

Define "repetitive". Bleach can be rather repetitive because of how it reuses the basic plot of Ichigo's evolution, and the current villains are similar in demeanor to Aizen, but I can't see how Naruto is all that repetitive. That's just a stock excuse.

I for one can't get into One Piece. I read it for a while, but haven't cared to pick it back up.

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Back and the PVC fumes aren't hurting me any more.


NGE (I personally hated it but I will admit that it has a large appeal to those..... Who like plug suits/sluts. That and the fan base is annoying as f***. Even more then TTGLtards.)

TTGL (I like the show but the TTGLTards are annoying as 10 year olds when they start spouting s*** that they don't get. TTGL isn't the strongest mech, stfu and enjoy this tribute to old school mecha.)

Getter Robo Darkness (GET THIS f***ing MOE BLOB s*** OUT OF HERE.)

Gundam series that doesn't continue the original timeline (There is a huge difference in Quality. You can easily tell. The original timeline was more realistic and the older series actually tried to portray war without resorting to a s*** ton of gore and stuff.)

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Yugioh 5D's for it's weak, boring characters and it's stupid, apocalyptic storyline later on. I watched Bleach to see the Ichigo-Rukia's brother fight and quit, and I could never get into Naruto just because the "energetic and spiky-haired" hero doesn't appeal to me. Watched an early story arc of One Piece before I dropped it. Stopped watching Dragon Ball Z a little into the Buu arc.

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From the ones I've actually attempted to watch (I say watch because I tend to pick up the anime instead of the manga) and remember enough about.

Bleach: I used to be a fan but dropped it (school was getting hectic and needed the extra time) somewhere around the Hueco Mundo
parts in the Arrancar arc.
I have tried time after time to get back into it recently but I can't stand how the same thing is pretty much repeated over and over and over again.

One Piece: I don't remember ever liking it

Any and every Slice of Life type of anime (a broad point but it's to shorten the post): I cannot for the love of my life stand any one of them.
In short, I find them boring, dull, and incredibly tedious to sit through.

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@ Jaster regarding his sig:

What, no reset the universe level effect for Ideon?

Also, I'm now getting sick and tired of Demonbane fans not knowing their f***ing place in the list of SRW.

Elder God Demonbane steps on and destroys universes.

So f***ing what, Getter f***ing absorbs them and add them to his collective multi dimension, time, space, and reality spanning powers.

So f***ing what if it can wield Azathoth as a weapon. Your watered down insult to Lovecraft is s***. Getter is more closer to being a Lovecraftian horror then the whole damn Demonbane series can ever hope to be. You want proof?


Those things were created by a guy who had the complete opposite view as Lovecraft because he injected things like good vs evil.

Want another?


f*** no, f*** no. That's a step down from a Swedish blond, blue eyed mad scientist who created zombies and busted OUT OF JAIL by using his wits alone. The VN and anime version felt bad about s***. The original didn't gave a damn and was all in it for the science.

Want another one so soon?


He's a sleeping for a f***ing reason. We're all in his f***ing dream, all of f***ing reality including Elder God Demonbane requires his ass to be asleep or we're all f***ed.

You know why Getter is more of a Lovecraftian monster?

1) HE'S SO f***ing ABSTRACT AND DIFFERENT THAT THE HUMAN MIND CAN'T PROCESS HIS REAL FORM. He has to take on a form to make sure Go doesn't f***ing lose his mind and soul. Hell, when Kei tried it, she f***ing became brain dead.

2) NOTHING CAN STOP HIM. Elder God Demonbane was stopped once. Getter wasn't.

3) HE DOESN'T FIGHT FOR JUSTICE WHICH IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT LOVECRAFTIAN HORROR IS ABOUT! Lovecraftian horror ain't hassled by human concepts like good, bad, evil, or justice. Infact, it's the complete opposite. It shows that we created stuff like that to comfort us. Getter doesn't f***ing care about honor, love, or anything. The f***ing thing killed trillions and was like

"What? Did I just kicked over that ant hill? Oh well."


In other words, Demonbane fans need to f***ing learn about their own goddamn series before talking s*** about Getter. Hell, even Nitro+ didn't know s*** about Lovecraft and created a horrible story. You know what would have worked instead?

A f***ing series where humanity is in a losing battle against Cthulhu. Yeah, humanity using mechs against Cthluhu, unmanned ones mind you, and trying to stop him only to fail and have humanity wiped out.

Also, the same f***ing applies to Turn A Gundam fans, TTGL fans, and NGE fans. Know your f***ing mech before coming to me and expecting me to be converted. There are only a FEW mechs to compete against Getter.

Namely Mazinkaiser.

AKA this f***er


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Wierdly enough I almost forgot this one and it's the number one of animes I can't stand

Yu-Gi-Oh ZEAL: God does this one annoy me so damn much it's not even funny.

Yuma has by FAR the most severe case of ADD I've ever seen, and that is including Jaden, and his catchphrase, trust me, if the makers of that show tried to shove it down our throats more than they already did in the first f***ing episodes I would've strangled someone, not mentioning that is the most stupid thing I've ever heard in both dubbed and subbed versions.

The Yu-Gi-Oh series in general is known for ridiculus designs, especialy haircuts, but Yuma beats them all by miles.
I swear to f***ing good I've looked at that mess time after time trying to even slightly understand what the f**k they were going for but it looks like they just threw that mess of a character design togeather from 5 different ideas they had and decided to roll with it.

D-gazers, Oh my god if that didn't start out as a DBZ scanner rippoff then the over 9000 meme is not over used.

Yuma is to stupid to by the time we meet him even know what the word strategy means and when partnered with a spirit that for some reason knows how to duel through a random hallucination that appears out of f***ing nowhere, he is to stupid to listen and does the direct oposite of what a person with even half a brain would.

And yet the brat thinks that he can become a Duel Champion one day.

Kotori, oh my god Kotori, as if it didn't piss me of enough when Aki from 5D's devolved into a cheerleader we now have a character that I swear to god is a walking lolicon with chearleader additions.

Tetsuo, beyond screwing up some sort of side thing I'm certain Konami was building, when we finaly get a character that from what we are told suck horribly at dueling and accepts the fact that he sucks, Yuma comes riding in and eventhough Tetsuo directly asks him to just give up on returning Tetsuo's deck from Shark, the meatsack of condensed doucheyness, he is ignored because, oh no, Shark broke Yuma's pendant that magicly fixes itself after Yuma tripped out and somehow partnered with Astral, a spirit with complete amnesia yet somehow it knows how to duel.

Numbers, oh my god could they be more blatant that they baze that element from the TCG perspective of "Give us your money".
When the Pharaoh had no memories of his past life in the original, it made sense with his story and the over all story was his
redemption from the demons in his past, in Zeal, we get a spirit that randomly looses his memories after getting stuck with Yuma, and for some god forsaken reason, Astral's memories are apparently able to on their own materialize as cards, why?, f**k if I know.

I could probably go on for hours but I'ma save you the reading.
In short, I can't find a single thing I like about this series and as a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, believe me, I've tried, and I've tried hard.

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[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1325290139' post='5739609']
Haven't tried Shark-San
Haven't tried Kaito-Sama

I tried Shark, I tried hard but the man is from what I can gather from the first episodes just a consentrated sack of doucheyness.
Though I'll admit that I hate his character is probably because regarding how much else I hate about ZEAL, but if the writers had known were to stop with his assholeness, I would openly say he could've been Seto Kaiba badass in my eyes

Kaito, Him I don't know anything about since I never suffered far enough for him to even almost be introduced so granted, yeah I haven't tried Kaito

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[quote name='Lazaruz' timestamp='1325290639' post='5739632'] I tried Shark, I tried hard but the man is from what I can gather from the first episodes just a consentrated sack of doucheyness.[/quote]

...WTF is wrong with you Shark only makes his appearance in Episodes 1 and 2. His character really starts developing at episode 10 (best ep of ZeXal ever).

There's proof you haven't looked through even the first 10 episodes. You're bashing something without even taking a good look at it.

Thus, you suck at life.

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[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1325335474' post='5740699']
...WTF is wrong with you Shark only makes his appearance in Episodes 1 and 2. His character really starts developing at episode 10 (best ep of ZeXal ever).

There's proof you haven't looked through even the first 10 episodes. You're bashing something without even taking a good look at it.

Yes I never got to episode 10, you've got me there.
I got as far as episode 7 before dropping it entirerly so granted I never took a thourough look at ZEAL because I annoyed me so
god d*mn much from the start and I refused to suffer through that on mere hope it'll get better much later.

Regardless, continuing to argue about this is unnecessary and I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

You may like it.
The majority of the Yu-Gi-Oh! fanbase may like it.
But I don't, end of story

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