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Out of my system

Astro Dude

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[quote name='Astro Dude' timestamp='1324949891' post='5731024']
How could you say that?! Some of the 4kids va's were involved with that production.

I know this is just my opinion and I do not claim otherwise but the fact that 4kids were involved in it pretty much proved the point Crab Helmet made that it was horrible.
4Kids is rather widely known for horribly bothing the material they dubb and changing it around quite a bit because everything they touch is made to be
suitable for realy young kids when it leaves the hands of 4Kids, regardless if the source material even closely allows that.

(I have not seen real footage of this, only heard it multiple times) One Piece for example, they changed (according to what I heard) every gun into a f***ing squirt gun.
Alcohol became water and cigarettes became god d*mn lolipops.
The intro theme became a god awful rap song I to this day can't stand and eventhough I do not watch it anymore, I thank god FUNimation rescued it from 4Kids.

While I do admit the VA's 4Kids have are good, they alone cannot justify the butchering the sourcematerial go through in the hands of 4Kids and I am so thankful
Fairy Tail, my all time favourite anime to this day, has been saved from getting to them by being dubbed by FUNimation instead.

Also, god forbid companies actually try to make you follow the law.

(Probably went into a much longer 4Kids rant than needed, meh 1+ post count)

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For the two to three people who both don't know and do care, you can watch Utena subtitled on Nozomi Entertainment's Youtube channel. It's not complete, they're uploading new episodes on a weekly basis, I believe. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/NozomiEnt
[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1325204235' post='5737726']
Someone here doesn't know how the dubbing industry works.

Most 4Kids VAs are freelance. Anyone can hire them, and it would have nothing to do with 4Kids itself.

That said, I don't like 4Kids VAs.
What about...



DAN GREEN!!!!!!!

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[quote name='Astro Dude' timestamp='1325216310' post='5738164']
Show some sympathy man! His wife died while giving birth to twins!

I think we are all aware about that and even if not, what does that have to do with his acting?
Yes it's a damn shame something like that had to happen to a guy like Dan and I do wish him the best of luck in raising the twins and offer my condolences for the death of his wife but that his wife died while giving birth to twins does not liberate him from people giving honest views on what they think about his acting.

[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1325204235' post='5737726']
Someone here doesn't know how the dubbing industry works.

Most 4Kids VAs are freelance. Anyone can hire them, and it would have nothing to do with 4Kids itself.

I'll openly admit I wasn't aware of that and only assumed they were emplyed by 4Kids specificaly because I only rememebered them being in
series that 4Kids dubbs or has dubbed.

Either way, I was only using them as an example that atleast if you ask me, good voices will not justify a butchering of the source material.

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