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Pokémon Paramount Ventures—The Legendary Cygrus Region! [Reboot/Started/Currently Not Accepting/Co-Hosted by Zextra and Wingal Brave]

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Treecko evolved so quickly because, y'know, she had never received much training, AT ALL. Notice that her "big thing" was finding Caden in a crevice. So, it's like when you give a Pokémon an EXP share when you fight the Pokémon League—They level up like nobody's business.

Just saying.

And yay, I can read my (first) name in the RP now!

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[quote name='The First Mohican' timestamp='1327319995' post='5776969']
So do gym battles happen via PM, or is the leader not controlled, or what?
the gym leaders are NPCs (Non-Playable Characters). the battles happen in the IC thread, but you don't have to do it all

also Dharc, i'm working on my 2nd trainer app, and will post IC soon

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Yeah, I decided that it would still be a little weird with a whole bunch of newcomers now, so I'm just gonna accept you, Burning Soul, and then that'll be it for new characters.

I think, however, anyone currently in the RP can make new characters as they see fit in order to properly advance the plot or have some sort of supporting role.

I just realized—Out of all of the host characters' Normal Trainers, Rose is the only one to not have a shade of blue in his last name. Weird.

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i would've throught it had at least made a noise, and iirc Judas was in view and then went out of view, i could discreetly change it, as it was a mistake

EDIT: second trainer app

Here my second Trainer app

[b]Username[/b]: ~Burning Soul~
[b]RP Name[/b]: Alex Fubushi ([color=#00FFFF][b]Male[/b][/color])
[b]Age[/b]: 15
[b]Hometown[/b]: New Bark Town
[b]Appearance[/b]: [spoiler=Appearance][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs26/i/2008/076/6/a/Pokemon_Trainer__Figs_by_Selvix.png[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Biography[/b]: Alex was born in New Bark Town, his mother was top coordinator and his father was a pokemon trainer. During his nursery years, he met Silver and they became best friends. At the age of 8, his parents decided that he was repsonsible enough to look after their pokemon without supervision. When he was old enough to start his journey, he decided to be a breeder as well as a trainer, and he received a Cyndaquil from Professor Elm. During his travels in Johto with Silver, he had fallen through the floor of the Burned Tower and briefly saw what he thought was Entei, to which he believed was just a dream. Now 5 years on, he had travelled to Cygrus to further train his pokemon and get ahead of his friend Silver. During his travels in the Cygrus Region, he felt something near the Lavralyn Volcano, he was unsure what it was and done some reseach. He found out that Entei like to make volcanoes erupt, and when he remembered of his encounter in the past, he found himself to be in posession of the Devastation Hedron, and since then he has been pursued by a group of thugs who want to make money out of his valuables.
[b]Personality[/b]: Although he appears kind, when he's not around other pokemon however, he can be a bit of a hothead and become extremely competitive especially around Silver. This competitiveness was present during their Johto Journey, and there are no lengths that he will go to protect his own pokemon.
[b]Trainer Type[/b]: Normal Trainer
[b]Starter Pokemon[/b]: Typhlosion
(at this point, he has Typhlosion, Shiny Gyarados, Sneasel, Deino, Skarmory and Breloom)

best i do this now as i will intro him in my next post

i will do updated trainer cards to put in my sig
[img]http://www.pokecharms.com/trainercards/default/cards/23-1-2012/c706da951418183ada2ee7bcbb5068ec6292f33b6128ff540.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokecharms.com/trainercards/default/cards/23-1-2012/c57ff9c51dce5d89dd64cb7bd6d4d1ed1cfdfc0c127ffb6fb.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokecharms.com/trainercards/default/cards/23-1-2012/0340e23e5e0bc2f7de7cc5c2c04ff58ab18eef004d6946e8a.png[/img]

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Problem with the App—Hedrons are only awakened by a trainer once they are in the Cygrus Region, as that is where they originate. Nobody can be in possession of a Hedron from the very start, excluding *mumble mumble mumble*. However, I do like how you're having him start from the middle, so as to avoid a lot of jumping around.

Also, it was meant to be more of a faint *slsh* kinda noise, as Skarmory just nicked them. Plus, he kind of went down to the water to kind of avoid suspicion. Basically, what I'm trying to get at is that it was meant to be stealthy. While it is fine to be suspicious, don't just outright go and confront him about what you think he might have done.

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sorry Dharc, i must've worded it in my bio wrong, what i meant to say was: "During his travels in the Cygrus Region, he felt a strange power when he reached the Lavaryn Volcano, he was unsure what it was and done some reseach. He found out that Entei like to make volcanoes erupt, and when he remembered of his encounter in the past, he found himself to be in posession of the Devastation Hedron, and since then he has been pursued by evil."

how does that sound (EDIT'd app) also he wasn't in posession of it until after volcanpo thing

also with introing him now, i felt that it is the right time as it'd make more sense regarding my character

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Dammit, Zex, y u so good at remembering? Hrm...I'm thinking along the lines of how they did the Silver Conference and Lily of the Valley Conference in the anime, with three 3-on-3 rounds, followed by three 6-on-6 rounds. Then, there are some 4-on-4 or 2-on-2 [i]or [/i]1-on-1 Consolation Rounds. The order in which people place in the tourney determines the order they face the E4.

Hmmm...And, Burning Soul, I'd say that we'll just say he "felt something" near the volcano. Aside from that...What evil? Nebulus is after the Weather-related Legendary Pokémon, and Draconius is after the Dragons. Unless you're referring to another crime syndicate with a Cygrus branch...OH. Brain blast.

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[quote name='-Dharc-' timestamp='1327360015' post='5777691']

Dammit, Zex, y u so good at remembering? Hrm...I'm thinking along the lines of how they did the Silver Conference and Lily of the Valley Conference in the anime, with three 3-on-3 rounds, followed by three 6-on-6 rounds. Then, there are some 4-on-4 or 2-on-2 [i]or [/i]1-on-1 Consolation Rounds. The order in which people place in the tourney determines the order they face the E4.
That I know - what I was referring to was the communication between contestants; the last RP died because of that :P

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[quote name='-Dharc-' timestamp='1327360015' post='5777691']
Hmmm...And, Burning Soul, I'd say that we'll just say he "felt something" near the volcano. Aside from that...What evil? Nebulus is after the Weather-related Legendary Pokémon, and Draconius is after the Dragons. Unless you're referring to another crime syndicate with a Cygrus branch...OH. Brain blast.
"felt something near the volcano" yea that sounds good, as for being pursued, well i could say that he's being pursued by a group of thugs, rather than the 2 main villain teams, as some of the legends don't fall into the Draconius/Nebulus wants categories

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[quote name='Zextra' timestamp='1327360148' post='5777697']
That I know - what I was referring to was the communication between contestants; the last RP died because of that :P

I'll just grab this here and say that was my fault, since I blatantly refused to verse Caden and instead versed Alex, who was being "on-off" at the time.
Because he couldn't respond, and our battle was the last one, we killed it.
Lol, all my fault

ISince everyone is making new chars, I need to revitalise the old.
The fuq am I going to do with big bad Thorn, hmmn?
I can't exactly plonk her in Evraflow, because Nathan would probably start vashing her up himself.
Or something.
I see it happening.
So I won't do it.
Yet :P

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[quote name='The First Mohican' timestamp='1327366384' post='5777896']
I nedd someone at the beggining. Please? Anyone?
Unless somebody makes a new character, nobody will be in the beginning, unfortunately. Also, the Gym Leader Shibi does not use Bellsprout or Oddish - his team consists of Leafeon, Sewaddle, and Grovyle.

And Burning Soul, I don't think I made myself clear before, but Sorano's rules are different ^^
It is a 4 on 4 battle, but it shouldn't end in one's victory or defeat - he stops the battle when he thinks you "deserve" the badge.

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if all else fails, we can find a chatbox and type out our battle in a chat rp.
If all else fails, I said.
[s]I like the idea of chat RP more, especially if my timezone doesn't match the other persons [/s]

Then again, the conference is ages way.
In that time, I'm sure we'll have a definite plan. Except, of course, on who wins.
Lol, if I beat Caden before he got to verse Judas at any point in the Conference, Judas would so pissed and Ashmin would be like "U MAD BRO? *trollface*

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