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Yugioh 2012 video games/ideas Discussion


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Seeing as next year we will eventually have more yugioh games for our game consoles. what do you Want to see Next year? Also put any latest info, details if any as pictures/links etc.

I would like to see Yugioh 3DS and maybe when the wii U comes out, a Yugioh game for that as well. Maybe we cound have the field on The WiiU pad either both or shows ur side and by pressing one of the L/R button can show u what on ur Opponent's Field.

On TV the duel plays like the anime duels with the camera controllable with the right circle pad and the monsters are in 3D (not sterotypical 3D) and attack like they do in the anime etc. you could personalise ur avatar and maybe cross with the 3ds game to upload ur decks to the game.

It could update the banlist/cards that comes in TCG/OCG. The wii U tablet has a video camera so maybe you could video chat/chat. this are my ideas that could work.

I know that the Wii U ain't out yet (2012 can't come fast Enough!) but discuss, hell include Tag force 7!

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