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We need a 3rd Admin. [Currently 75 supporters]

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1332039535' post='5876063']
I would be a terrible admin, and don't want the job either.

There is also the high chance that YCMaker would bring in some outside person (relation/friend) to run the forum, for trust purposes.

Awe... well i guess if you dont want it.........

your probably right.

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Crab was the choice last time we did a poll to see who we wanted as the Third Admin, and she accepted. Unless something drastic happens from now till then, she's probably going to be the one selected (assuming anyone ever is).

And sarcastic or not, the fact she's here on a semi-regular basis already qualifies her more for the job than YCMaker.

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[quote name='REvan342' timestamp='1332039344' post='5876055']lol true true, i just think that Legend Zero would make a better Admin.

Hes more helpful, and more approachable. Both very redeeming qualities in my eyes.

[b]Flaming[/b] Roxas wouldent be bad either.[/quote]

Sorry, but I like women.

I'm fine as a Super. Crab, or really any Super who's been around longer than me would be better suited for the job. I'm taking a Web Design class, which might be useful in helping me learn what I would need to know in order to run a site, but right now I don't want to be an admin here.

[quote name='WhirlwindKnight' timestamp='1332097998' post='5876845']I should run for Admin....

Jokes like that make you disqualified before you even had a chance.

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[quote name='WhirlwindKnight' timestamp='1332114183' post='5877369']
Who's Joking.
I was dead serious.

I would say I have some experience running other forum sites. As a mod as an admin as well.

You guys would not vote for me, but I would still run.

The Rebel as an admin of YCM...

Seems legit.

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[quote name='WhirlwindKnight' timestamp='1332114764' post='5877393']
Lol joke. EBI's and my old THe ReBeL sadness.

Seriously though that name will not leave YCM will it?

OT: The third admin just has to be someone trustworthy and able to run a forum in general.

Shard and his idiocy will never leave YCM either, but crab should be the admin.

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[quote name='Moe Fantastico J-Max' timestamp='1332115122' post='5877402']
I don't think we need a second Admin as such. Just give a few SUpers Admin Powers, all except the most important ones of course (Such as Nuking the Forum lol)

I thought you knew Supers and Mods have access to the Admin CP.

We need a true Admin, that can change the coding and layout of everything.

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[quote name='Mu-12' timestamp='1332115383' post='5877410']
I thought you knew Supers and Mods have access to the Admin CP.

We need a true Admin, that can change the coding and layout of everything.

They can access MOD cp, but I don't know about Admin. Maybe Supers, but even that's a stretch

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[quote name='Mu-12' timestamp='1332115383' post='5877410']
I thought you knew Supers and Mods have access to the Admin CP.

We need a true Admin, that can change the coding and layout of everything.
When I was Mod I only had access to a Mod Control Panel, not the Admin one. I think Supers did though.

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[quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1332115759' post='5877426']
We can access the Admin CP, but there are tools inaccessible even to us, such as being able to add the Xyz card option.
Is that Sarcasm or are you completely serious? lol, my Sarcasm reader is pointing more towards yes

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