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Zelda card contest 2.

Mew 101

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This is my 2nd contest by the way.


Ok, here are the rule's.


1. The Card MUST be Zelda related

2. Only 1 card will win

3. If you entered in the Zelda card contest befor, do not use YOUR card pic's from before.

4. Have fun


I will decide the winner on 3/1/08. The prize is that I'll give you 10 point's & I'll give you some rep.



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soo the card that won last time can't be put again right?

but how about the other cards i put thre can i use those or do i have to make more?


What I mean by that rule is that YOU can't use any of YOUR PICTURE'S fron befor but other people can use your picture. But you can use the same text as long as It's not the EXACT same.

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Ok got it thanks

entry reserved

EDIT: Here is my entry

sheik.jpg--->his effect If this card is the only card on the field when it's Normal Summoned , you may Draw one card from your Deck ,you can chose 1 of the folowing Effects depending on witch type of card you Draw.

*If its a Spell card increase you Life Points by 500

*If its a Trap card decrese your Life Points by 500.

*If its a Monster card increse this cards ATK and DEF by 300.


hope you like it

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Skull kid:



Fierce Deity link:






The Bombers:



Majoras mask:















And kid link :)



For see all zelda cards i made visit: http://www.freewebs.com/linkpkm/zeldalinkcards1.htm

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Effect: This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned exept by tributing ''Adult Link'' and ''The Ocarina of Time'' on your side of the filed, while ''The Temple of Time'' and ''The Divine Relic-The Triforce'' are face-up on your side of the field. When your opponent activates a spell or trap card you can chose 1 of the following effects: 1: Change the target of the spell or trap or 2: Negate the activation of the spell or trap cards and destroy them.


not overpowered cause of effect (almost imposible)! and becuase he is ''THE'' legendary hero of time.

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