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Would anyone ever be willing to do a Steam Christmas Secret Santa thing?


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Err... basically, a quick little gift exchange to get in the holiday mood?

I know YCM's full of scumbags and children, so I don't expect like... expensive games to be traded or w/e, just thought it might be a neat holiday idea to exchange gifts via Steam.

Or at least, the humble indie bundies, if anything else.

Just like... post your Steam thing here, and you may or may not be gifted something. At the least a spare TF2 item or something? *shrug*

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It seems like a nice idea, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. It takes some serious conviction to get somebody over the internet a video game with real money. I can see people doing it for their close friends, but not if it was chosen randomly.

But just so this post doesn't seem pointless, my Steam is


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