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neg reps


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Neg Reps weren't taken out by YCMaker personally. Was replaced by Likes in a System Update. Neg Reps should be brought back but in Moderation.


I was thinking more along the lines of a post rating from 1-5 stars, and YCM saves your total number of rating stars. So you can't get a negative number and feel like everyone hates you(Like I did when I had like -100 rep)

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No. Negs where horrible and shouldn't come back.


Am I the only one who lold when they saw this?


Anyway the fact that they were removed was brought up by Draco in the first place.


Okay so when I originally suggested removing them the main argument I fought against was that they were needed to use against a post you disagree with. But why is that needed? Can you not simply respond to said post with your own opinion? It isn't that hard to just do that. The other main argument for negs was that they were to deal with spam. This is a terrible idea. We have a report button folks, use it (and on a side not, don't post that you used it).


The only way I could see neg reps being implemented again is how they originally were. You neg rep a user and give a reason. The user can then see the reason and take it up with a mod, but even then that is adding a lot of responsibilities to mods meaning the section might fall into more chaos.


So ya...

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Now, it seems that I've always been like this with all forms of "negative feedback" that some sites have provided, but are easily abused (neg reps, DN's ASS feature).


1) Having them does not dissuade people from acting out. These are people who either are doing it deliberately for amusement, and may in fact get positive reps from people who found it amusing, or simply dont care about the number.


2) Having them (might) make intelligent, good members uncomfortable that someone will use them against them when they didn't deserve them. That doesn't dissuade the good members from acting appropriately and sharing their opinions and stuff, but with DN, at least, this was a major abuse problem. It also puts way too much emphasis on popularity. If you disagree with a popular member's opinion, you may find yourself getting a lot of backlack in the form of negs from people who don't like your opinion because it's not the same as "Popular Intelli-member".


3) I never liked USING them. There were plenty of posts I saw that I didn't like, whether they be trolly, spammy, or stupid. But giving a neg rep to those people is pointless. It doesn't change the fact they made such a post, and it has no power in correcting their behavior, plus trolls WANT this to happen to their posts.


In fact, now that I'm a mod looking back, the concept of neg reps is mini-modding. You're expressing disapproval in the form of a penalty, but the penalty only means so much to certain people, and may be ineffective. It's like a parent grounding a child with a punishment that holds no sway on the child (like...no video games for a week, when they're an athletic person that loves playing outside with their friends. I am aware this isn't realistic). The child walks away, smirking that the parent did effectively nothing to them.


Then again, I'm also fairly tight with positive reps, too. I have never reached my daily quota for posi-reps, and a lot of "popular" posts are those with a "humorous" meme attached, rather than anything meaningful. While it can be effective, meme spamming is overdone and often badly, making it annoying.


4) So with neg reps and ASS before it was removed, I gave them out EXTREMELY RARELY, and only when the person truly, truly deserved it, and not just for one little thing that rubbed me the wrong way, but something very blatantly wrong. But even then, it's a bad concept for any internet community. Other people aren't so lenient and for those that rep means a lot to, this can turn hateful very quickly. This type of tension is not needed.


Even as a mod, I don't give out warns just because someone made a dumb post. They have to be a repeat offender to warrant cracking down, because like with neg reps, sometimes it's an actual mistake to make a dumb post, and I've seen at least one member get chewed out practically to death for misreading a card during discussion, making a mistake, and then everyone else mocking and harping on him, even as he tried to explain he made a mistake. Which interestingly got the entire thread off-topic for about 2 pages...


Anyway, neg reps still aren't practical as a punishment. Just because you dislike something someone said does not mean you should be able to punish the person at your own discretion. Counterarguments are better and improve the community and ideas of discusssion, and if someone gets trolly or spammy about it, either forget about them and ignore it, or report it and let mods see if there's a bigger issue that should be addressed.

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Try using a new argument. No you can't, but it doesn't deserve a neg just because you disagree with them.


Eh.. I don`t read most topics past page one


And I mean not necessarily disagreeing with someone, but when the sheer stupidity level goes to levels of over nine-thousand, I think it can deserve a neg rep.


Take shard for example.


Stupidity is the lack of knowledge. Instead of making them feel bad about it, inform them.


Yeah. I guess so. But when it goes as far as someone still not agreeing with you, (because it is a mix of opinions and knowledge) then I think you can issue a neg rep.


Still, that isn`t even a good reason to have them.

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Take shard for example.

You mean the guy who, at one point, started collecting negs?

Yeah. I guess so. But when it goes as far as someone still not agreeing with you, (because it is a mix of opinions and knowledge) then I think you can issue a neg rep.

So disagreement = stupid. Either you worded that badly or you need a new argument.

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