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Rainbow City

EHERO Andrew

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Just another silly attempt to make a mix decks. This is a combination of Big City and Rainbow Neos deck.



Rainbow Neos x3

Evil Hero Wild Cyclone x2



Neos x2

Neos Alius x2

Rainbow Dragon x3


Ocean x3

Wildheart x3

King of the Swamp x3 (plays as my Fusion Sage and used to summon Wild Cyclone)



Polymerization x3

Dark Calling x2 (to summon Wild Cyclone)

Skyscraper 2-Hero City x3

Future Fusion

Emergency Call x2

Oversoul x2

Righteous Justice x2

Heavy Storm

Premature Burial



Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Mirror Force

Call of the Haunted

Torrential Tribute

Solemn Judgment x2

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