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Here's a pair of cards for use against certain popular monsters. Can you guess what they are?

Maxx Mix
[color=#00FF00]Spell (Normal)[/color]
Activate only during the start of your Main Phase 1 when your opponent controls at least 2 cards: Banish all cards in your opponent's hand, face-down, until the End Phase.

Premature Recycle
[color=#CC3399]Trap (Normal)[/color]
Target 1 face-up Level 4 or lower monster or 1 Xyz Material: Return that card and 1 card of the same name from either player's Graveyard to the Deck, and draw 1 card. If this card is in your Graveyard when a monster your opponent controls is destroyed by battle: you can pay 500 Life Points; return this card to your hand.

Maxx Mix's purpose is simple: Block effects from your opponent's hand during your turn. If your opponent didn't have anything to play, you wasted a card. If they did, they still have it, but maybe the game ends because they were counting on something in their hand to save them. Debunk has a similar purpose, but has to be Set first and only blocks 1 thing.

Premature Recycle punishes your opponent for being inefficient while also helping in mirror matches. Tokens on the field? Easy +1. Opponent spamming recruiters? Not anymore!

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