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starwars or lord of the rings


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you have a point lord of the rings is more better to watch than starwars cause the shots are rely from location. in starwars the shots are from a studio with alot of movie making technology like the greem element in movie backgrounds ppl can edit the shots to make it look like space

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Although' date=' everyone knows, in a discussion with Star Wars, you gotta bring up Star Trek, which is 100000000000000000000000's of times better than Star Wars






Although, everyone knows, in a discussion with Star Trek, you gotta bring up Star Wars, which is 100000000000000000000000's of times better than Star Trek.


Star Trek is, like, über-corny. And they use all this fake technical terminology. It SUCKS.


Anyway, between LotR and Star Wars, one look at Frodo reveals the answer:




Compare Sauron and Darth Vader. Sauron never even shows up, whereas Lord Vader elicited screens across the nation. And all the characters are mega-screwed in the LotR movie, whereas Star Wars isn't butchering a book. And they don't use pseudo-technobabble in Star Wars, which saves it from a Star Trek-ish fate. Star Wars was revolutionary for its times. LotR sucks utterly.

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