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To Block Or Not To Block

Premier Alexander Romanov


I have a dilemma.
There's this guy who has been a total jerk on the RP forums, thinking that he's some hot-shot who can make it big here because he's from GaiaOnline. He is rude and arrogant, and whenever someone confronts him about it, he spouts out this pseudophilosophical crap at his attackers, trying to make them think.
A friend of mine has already blocked him, but I don't know.
I'm against blocking, as it removes the ability to communicate with someone.
But considering how this guy keeps bugging me, I have half a mind to do it.
What should I do?

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9 answers to this question

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If it's just someone annoying, ignore might be the best option, because there's technically nothing against the rules about being a pain in the butt. But if they're harassing you or others, or otherwise breaking rules, then you can either talk to a mod about them/report them.

Depends on specifics.

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It depends on how Ignore might impact your communication, and how much you want to have available.

If you ignore his posts, but need to know the content of them on a regular basis (RP section), it's a hassle to consistently "see content anyway". If you dont want to talk to him, but want it possible for him to talk to you, blocking PM communication is a bad idea. But if him PMing you is part of the problem, and you want it to stop entirely, blocking PMs is a good idea.

If you don't want to ignore him at all, but to stop interaction, then you have to specifically avoid the person, and if that doesn't work...hmm, that's a pickle.

I imagine simply telling him he's a pain will backfire in the most amazing ways possible and definitely make you out to be the "weak" one.

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