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[Finished]Merry Delibird-mas!.....I mean Christmas. [CONTEST CLOSED - RESULTS POSTED]


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Lets try this one more time. http://www.yugiohcardmaker.net/ycmaker/createcard.php?name=the%20agent%20of%20giving%20-%20christmas%20star&cardtype=Monster&subtype=effect&attribute=Light&level=6&magictraptype=None&rarity=Ultra%20Rare&picture=tempimages/553762312.jpg&set1=&set2=&inset=false&type=fairy&description=when%20this%20card%20is%20tribute%2Fspecial%20summoned%2C%20your%20opponent%20gains%20700%20life%20points%20for%20every%20card%20in%20their%20hand%3B%20Send%20every%20card%20in%20your%20opponents%20hand%20to%20YOUR%20graveyard.%20%0A%0AIf%20%22The%20sanctuary%20in%20the%20sky%22%20is%20on%20the%20field%2C%20special%20summon%20all%20cards%20your%20opponent%20owns%20that%20are%20in%20your%20graveyard%20as%20possible%20to%20your%20opponents%20side%20of%20the%20field%20in%20face%20up%20defense%20mode%3BTheir%20effects%20are%20negated%20and%20they%20are%20destroyed%20when%20they%20change%20battle%20position.%20These%20monsters%20cannot%20be%20tributed.&circulation=&atk=2000&def=2000&creator=minionizer&year=2011&serial=37065128

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I think you might add in the effect as it is very small, correct me if I'm wrong about the effect, but I read this after zooming in a great deal:[quote]
"When this card is tribute summoned, your opponent gains 700 life points for every card in their hand. Send every card in your opponents hand to YOUR graveyard.

If "The sanctuary in the sky" is on the field, special summon all cards your opponent owns [?] that are in your graveyard as possible to opponents side of the field in face-up defense [?] mode. Their effects are negated and they are destroyed when they change battle position. These monsters cannot be tributed"

Both [?] are words I doubt are the actual words, but I can't seem to make them out for it so I gambled these in what I thought was the correct word.

To all my competitors, hope you had fun :), I sure did.

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Meant to join sooner but lost track of time, well better late than never
[quote]You can banish 1 card from your hand to Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. Once per turn you can return 1 card your opponent controls to the owner's hand; your opponent draws 1 card. When this face-up card is sent to the graveyard while your opponent has 4 or more cards in their hand; randomly discard 2 cards from your opponents hand.[/quote]

yes, even nijas celebrate christmas...

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Heres my entry, i don't know if it's late or not.
Username: Elteddomaximus
Card: Batlle Mage of the North Pole
Effect:You can Tribute Summon this card By Tributing 1 Face-Up Non-tuner Water monster on your side of the field. In Addition to This card being Tribute Summoned Successfully by this cards effect you can Additionally Normal Summon or Set 1 other Water Monster with 2000 or Less Attack.

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[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1325137911' post='5736320']
I never knew a day consisted of over 80 hours

Yeah, it does. New government law.

Anyway, i'm sorry for taking so long. It's 2:30AM right now, so i'll look everything over and post results later on....when everyone is awake....lol

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