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[Finished]Merry Delibird-mas!.....I mean Christmas. [CONTEST CLOSED - RESULTS POSTED]


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Come one! Come all! To a contest of skill. A skill to express your love of the holidays, if you will. For the holidays are coming quickly upon us, what a wonderful thing. The time is near to hear those sleigh bells ring. I, ~OW~ the Delibird, have a task for you all. It's an easy task, but one that's impossible in the fall. I request a Christmas-themed Yugioh card, one I won't resent. It had better be good, or you won't get my Christmas Present. 'Till Christmas Eve, you have, to fulfill my request. I know you all want to be the very best.

(Contest Info)
Objective: Create a Christmas-themed Yugioh card. It mustn't be generic like "Santa" or "Elf", put some creativity in it! It can be either a "Realistic Card" or even a "Pop Culture Card". Think you can make a good Christmas Card featuring one of your favorite anime characters? Go for it! All YCMembers are allowed to enter. There is no limit to number of entrants.

Start/End Dates: Starts Immediately - Ends December 24th, 2011. Contest Results will be posted on December 25th aka Christmas Day.

Additional Rules: If at any time between now and December 24th you feel that your card wasn't good enough, you may withdraw your entry and give another one. You may only do this once, though. Avoid making your card offensive to anyone. I appreciate a good religious joke like anyone else, but YCM tends to be a bit......what's the word?......over-reacting.

Prizes: 1st Place - 500 Points & 3 Likes/Reps.
2nd Place - 250 Points & 2 Likes/Reps.
3rd Place - 100 Points & 1 Like/Rep.

If any of the Top 3 winners have active accounts on "Pokemon Vortex Battle Arena", you will also recieve the following prize:
1st Place - Shiny Delibird w/a Special Move.
2nd Place - Mystic Delibird w/a Special Move.
3rd Place - Dark Delibird w/a Special Move


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Well, enjoy.
[quote]You can banish 2 WATER Monsters in your Graveyard; Special Summon this card (from your hand). If you Special Summon this card by it's own effect: You can pay 500 Life Points; Special Summon 1 Monster banished by this card's effect during your next Standby Phase. Once per turn: You can tribute 1 WATER Monster you control; Destroy 1 card on the field. When this card destroys an opponent's Monster by battle: Gain Life Points equal to the ATK of the monster.[/quote]

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Here's my card. ^^ Hopefully it's good enough.

[spoiler='Lore:']Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned by banishing 1 of each "Christmas Fairy #1" and "Christmas Fairy #2" from your Graveyard and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When this card or another face-up monster you control battles or is targeted for an attack: You can discard 1 monster from your hand to the Graveyard; that monster gains half of the sent monster's ATK until the End Phase of the turn this card's effect was activated.[/spoiler]
If you scrummage through my content, you'll see my "Spreading some Christmas Cheer!~ ^^" thread that I made last year containing my two Fairies.

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So I came to this Forum since a long time and thought this might be interesting.

Trick idea was making a card in the idea behind Christmas which is all about sharing right, so why not give your opponent 3 Token Monsters? I will probably lose anyway after watching these other entries, but yeah... I was bored ;).

*withdrawn* view future post for me to see my added card... if you wanted to see my initial try, you can do so by [url="http://i42.tinypic.com/2a460k.png"]clicking here[/url]

So let's see what this brings me ;).

Edit: I also noticed my mistake, so far as I write it, it makes it seems as if you summon those Tokens on your side of the field, when it should be on your opponent side. I will use my single allowed withdrawal for that and fix this tomorrow. If that isn't the mistake you were mentioning DarkPlant, then I'm sorry, I missed it.

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Meh, joining.

BTW, Kraken, something is terribly wrong with that effect. Figure out where. (EDIT-Yeah, that's the one.)

EDIT: Card.
This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Tribute Summoned, place 3 "Winter Counters" on this card. Increase the ATK of this card by 300 points for each Winter Counter on this card. This card cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects. Each time this card destroys a monster by battle: Draw 1 card. During each of your End Phases, remove 1 Winter Counter from this card. If you cannot, Banish this card.

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[quote name='KrakenNLD' timestamp='1322916604' post='5682618']
So I came to this Forum since a long time and thought this might be interesting.

Trick idea was making a card in the idea behind Christmas which is all about sharing right, so why not give your opponent 3 Token Monsters? I will probably lose anyway after watching these other entries, but yeah... I was bored ;).


So let's see what this brings me ;).

Edit: I also noticed my mistake, so far as I write it, it makes it seems as if you summon those Tokens on your side of the field, when it should be on your opponent side. I will use my single allowed withdrawal for that and fix this tomorrow. If that isn't the mistake you were mentioning DarkPlant, then I'm sorry, I missed it.

No, that's fine. If it's an effect fix or something, you don't need to use a withdraw. By Withdraw I mean changing the card entirely.

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This is my first time to enter a contest. The image isn't the best but it's the best I could find. The card isn't that great or original but it's all I can think of (for now). Anyways here it is -_-:


[spoiler=Card Lore]When a card effect is activated that would destroy a monster you control, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand), negate the effect and destroy the card. If you Special Summon this card in this way, Special Summon one "Cheer Token" (Fairy-Type/DARK/Level 3/ATK 800/DEF 800) to your opponent's side of the field. The token cannot be used as an Xyz material monster.[/spoiler]

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I think I will join, but I'm not sure whether to post a xyz monster or an effect monster. Either way its going to be an "Agent" monster.

Also, a semi-recent posting of an archetype of mine was locked,(vaccine archetype) not to be rude, or hold a grudge, but I would like to know why if that's ok.

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[quote name='qdrack' timestamp='1323321743' post='5694863']
I think I will join, but I'm not sure whether to post a xyz monster or an effect monster. Either way its going to be an "Agent" monster.

Also, a semi-recent posting of an archetype of mine was locked,(vaccine archetype) not to be rude, or hold a grudge, but I would like to know why if that's ok.

1st sentence: Okay, as long as it's christmas-themed.

2nd sentence: Erm........why would you ask that here in a topic that doesn't have to do with moderators at all?

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Here is my card.


Plant Type / EARTH / Effect / Level 4
Atk 1200 / Def 1200

When this monster is summoned, put 1 "Partridge counter" on it. During your opponent's end phase, you can remove 1 "Partridge counter" from this card to put 2 "Dove Token"s (Winged-Beast / EARTH / Level 2 / ATK 200 / DEF 200) on your opponents side of the field in face-up attack position. The "Dove Token"s cannot be tribtued.

Hope you like it! ^_^


Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url]

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[quote name='qdrack' timestamp='1323321743' post='5694863']
I think I will join, but I'm not sure whether to post a xyz monster or an effect monster. Either way its going to be an "Agent" monster.

Also, a semi-recent posting of an archetype of mine was locked,(vaccine archetype) not to be rude, or hold a grudge, but I would like to know why if that's ok.
FYI, your cards didn't have any images, which is a requirement for posting in RC.

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gotcha, Here is my post (if it loads) [url="http://yugico.com/customcard/6863.jpg"]http://yugico.com/customcard/6863.jpg[/url] [img]http://yugico.com/customcard/6863.jpg[/img]

when this card is tribute/special summoned, your opponent gains 700 life points for every card in their hand; Send every card in your opponents hand to YOUR graveyard.

If "The sanctuary in the sky" is on the field, special summon as many cards your opponent owns that are in your graveyard as possible to your opponents side of the field in face up defense mode;Their effects are negated and they are destroyed when they change battle position. These monsters cannot be tributed.

Kills slots and hand while still leaving a mostly decent monster up and giving your foe time to recover; All the while still "giving". (sorta)

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I'll join the contest, you didn't say how you would grade the cards however, I'm curious to how you'll be judging :0

Card will be posted soon.

EDIT: card added


[i]Lore: This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, Special Summon 1 "Base Token" (Rock-Type/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 800/DEF 0) and 1 "Guitar Token" (Rock-Type/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 800). They cannot be destroyed by Battle and this card gains 500 ATK for each Token Special Summoned by this effect. You can tribute 1 Token you control to increase your Life Points by 800.[/i]

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Okay, fine... I'm using my withdrawal then in the last second, I'm so sorry, I was busy with rewriting and decided I didn't like the idea of an Evil Holiday Archetype (somebody else can continue if they want xD), so instead I go back to my Fairy-Type I had originally before posting. Found a good picture with Google and voila, I made v2. It's still the same effect as I was going for. Just hopefully better worded and stuff. I been away from the YGO Cardmaker for a while and I didn't even got used to the original OCG let alone the new one, also that English is not my main language.

I know this is last second but I actually had a great deal of fun making this card. I tried my best making a card that gives something to the opponent (christmas spirit :P) but also receives something in return. Sure the opponent gets 5 monsters in defense mode but you get a monster with a great ATK straight from the go. Which is hopefully able to abuse it a lot ;).

[quote="LORE"]This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Summoned successfully, Special Summon up to 5 "Present Gift" (Rock-Type/LIGHT/Level 3/ATK 900/DEF 950) in Defense Position on your opponent's side of the field. This card gains 400 ATK for each "Present Gift" on the Field.[/quote]

So the absolute maximum of this card ATK is 1100+(5*400)=3100, but this gives your opponent about 5 monsters to defend against this card. A pretty sweet trade-off wouldn't you say?

As a support, also the Token Monster, don't sign this one up for the contest, just as a small additional extra. I did however made this card with the Magic Set Editor.
PS: Captcha when uploading it: fairy godmother xD.

Yeah, I did enjoy this contest, I don't even care if I lose, which I probably will, after seeing some other contestants *sees "Night Queen of Wishes" from "Clear Vice Dragon"* yep... I'm not gonna win this one at all ;).

Edit: @qdrack, it might be me, but it doesn't load for me at all.

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