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Yugioh:The Abriged Series

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yugi: hey, what happened to Bakura?

tea: maybe they finally ruled him out of the show.

Bakura: Help! this super model is one of my fan-girls!

yugi and tea: not a fan-girl!

Bakura: come back here and help me you wankers!

tristan:eeee!(stamps on the super model skeleton) who's smexy now, jabroni?!

Yugi: we should be safe as long as you guys don't trigger any more obvious traps!

Bakura: (steps on s button) Oh, smack!

yugi: is everyone from england a total spaz, Bakura?

Bakura: pretty much!(boulder comes and everyone runs)Gang way! women and shemales first! (bakura trips) oh, bullocks! (gets crushed by the boulder)

yugi:it got Bakura!

tea: good!

Tristan: i shall avenge his death! my voice gives me super strength! (he turns and puches the boulder which bursts) holy s*** it really does!

yugi: oh it was just a baloon with a speaker inside it. i guess i wet my pants for nothing!

Bakura:(on the floor thinking he's dying) somebody tell my fan-girls, i love them!

Tea: looks like Bakura's scarred for life!


see episode 12: duel of the dead

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You do know half the lines you recited here are inaccurate, screwing up the meaning and the joke, right? -_-


-Behold, Kaiba, the three Egyptian God cards. Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Executive Producer, and MEGA ULTRA CHICKEN.


^ Nearly died from that. But they are full of good jokes... like the ending of the last one.


-Tim! They got your wife!

-But I'm not married!

-You are now... to AMERICA!!

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Yagshamash! My Name is Shadi wanna do battle with ancient egyptian laser beams? Or lets watch people explode and shoot invisible guns! I'm gonna hire thugs to kidnap you and steal your cards and no one will even think about pressing charges cause i have money! LOL I LAUGHED LIKE HELL IN AMERICA!


Yeah' date=' it's great! ^_^

My favorite bit:

Kaiba: Well get the f*** out of my mansion!



That was great! It's like:


Kaiba: Do you want something?


Hair Dude: Oh Yeh ATTENTION DUELISTS! Tonight you will be visited by 3 spirits!


Kaiba: Are you one?


Hair Dude: Huh?


Kaiba: Are you one of the spirits?


Hair Dude: No.


Kaiba: Then Kindly get the F*** out of my mansion.


and remember this:


"Dude! My Dragons Stoned!" ~ Rex Raptor




Pegasus: I can't believe I failed. All I wanted to do was steal an ancient artifact, seize control of a billion dollar company and resurrect my dead wife. And I would have gotten away with it to if it weren't for those meddling-


Bakura: Don't you even think about making a scooby-doo reference.


Pegasus: Bakura! What are you doing here? Can't you see I'm feeling distinctly unfabulous?

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Yugioh the abridged series offical website : www.yugiohtheabridgedseries.com


Time for my quote:

Tea: This board game kinda reminds me of duel monsters.

Yugi: Duel monsters? What's that?

Tea: You know, The card game.

Yugi: I'm not following you.

Tea: Duel monsters, the card game, You play it all the time

Yugi: Sorry tea, I don't know what your talking about. But this capsule monsters game is Super Special Awesome! Kid's should definately ask their parents to buy it for them.

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Here is on THE BEST parts!


Bandit Keith: I've won ten star chips. In America!

Kemo: My hair is inviting you to enter the castle.

Bandit Keith: Don't mind if I do!


Bandit Keith: Man, that guy sure likes talking about his hair.


Kemo: Man, that guy sure likes talking about America.


By the way, which GX Abridged do you watch? I watch the ones by Donpachiggle.

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Marik: so fluffy, whats your idea?

bakura: i told you not to call me fluffy in public!

Marik: but look at you. you look like a human firby!

weevil: i had a firby once! he-he! i made it say stuff like: i like to touch myself! and: boobs are cool! yeah! he-he! and: firbies are cool.


but in episode 8 did tristan's voice really die?

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i liked his voice...(sigh) in his memory...


Yugi: here at yugioh, we like to have a laugh as much as the next guy. but there comes a time when that the laughter has to stop! and it's usually when somebody dies. recently a member of our cast past away. his name..was tristan taylor's voice.


(small quote from yugioh in loving memory of tristan taylor's origonal voice):(

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